chapter 5 - sleepover

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 Y/N wakes up just a few weeks after that whole confession thing just happened and here he was, in bed

Y/N looks to his right, seeing a familiar girl right next to him.

She slept right beside him, fully naked but covered by the sheets

"Ryujinnie, so pretty as ever"

He looks up to the ceiling thinking about last night.

"So, how did this happen again?"

(Flashback to yesterday)

Y/N - okay so miss rookie tell me WHY you brought your entire group to our place?

Yun - heh, they wanted to see you

Eun - Hi oppa!

Y/N ruffles the enthusiastic maknae hair as he smiles at her

Y/N - hello my other maknae, cute as ever

Yeji - so tell me again WHY we're all sleeping in the same room?

Y/N - yeah, actually why?

Chae - massive sleepover?

Y/N nods, accepting the girls eagerness as an excuse to sleep with Y/N in the same room which, never really did happen.

Y/N - and your manager just allowed it?

Le Sserafim - yup!

Y/N facepalms, taking out his phone.

Y/N - alright, just give me a second, I'm calling your manager to confirm. You girls go play on your switches and Yuna please, don't cause a mess like last time, it took me 3 hours to clean those stains from you accidentally dropping food

Yuna - I won't!

Y/N just waves at the girls as he takes a phone call outside of the dorm heading downstairs

Y/N - bro, did they really ask you?

Manager - yup

Y/N - why'd you say yes? *sighs*

Manager - hey don't ask me, they bribed me with a week's vacation while they take a break before they start their comebacks

Y/N - don't they have schedules or something?

Manager - nah, just only before the comeback really

Y/N - so I got to deal with 10 girls?

Manager - hm. Yeah basically.

Y/N - you owe me a drink after this

Manager - big time, oh if you could, pass by my place later and buy some cigarettes from the convenience store and just put them anywhere since I'll be gone to Jeju with my girlfriend

YN - how the hell do you have a girlfriend?

Manager - don't ask me, you're the one dating all 10 of them ahahah!

Y/N - haha very funny hyung, alright I'll drop by later, key under the mat?

Manager - yup and also help yourself to my personal collection of alcohol, you're gonna need it!

The manager just laughs as Y/N ends the call.

"Why did I agree to this again?"

Y/N walks back to the apartment to tell the girls he was going out, he opens the door but gets greeted by the two maknaes

Y/N - oof!

The two smush him in hugs which makes Y/N stumble back a little

Y/N - hey you two what's up?

just a manager? (ITZY X MALE Y/N) 18+Where stories live. Discover now