chapter 11 - welcome home (part 1)

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Y/N - huhuh?

Y/N gets up to find three girls in his bed underneath his blankets as he stretches and rubs his eyes as he appreciates them in his bed. In about 18 hours from now (8am currently in Y/N's time) was their flight for the US with the first stop being in California, the home state of Y/N. where their tour dates was extended to 4 days in Cali to give one day to Y/N and the girls to go to San Francisco to go meet his parents.

Y/N just slowly gets out of their grasp as he climbs out of the bed as he kisses each of the girl's one by one, as he smiles at them.

He heads out the room to the bathroom with a towel and clothes on his shoulder as he cleans himself up for the day, quickly taking a morning shower. After drying up and heading back to the bedroom to drop off his laundry. He heads downstairs to make breakfast for the girls.

Time passes as the mentioned 3 girls come down first.

Yeji - morning Y/N~~~

Yun - eh? E/N is that you?

IU - morning handsome~~

The three girls kiss Y/N as he sat on the couch waiting for the rest to come down.

He smiles at the 3 girls as they all find positions to be around him

Y/N - you know, why are you here again Jen? Don't you have a comeback to be worrying about like with music shows and variety shows and stuff?

IU - congrats on that again!

Yeji - congrats on that, I forgot we celebrated it last night!

Yun - thanks you two, you guys treat me better than this-

Yunjin squeezes the cheeks of Y/N who just gives in to the girl harsh squeezing as they laugh

Yun - little asshole over here

Y/N - okay ow! I'm sorry! I love you jeez

Yunjin lets go of his cheeks as she blushes

Yeji - you really know how to swoon a girl huh?

IU - oh he really knows how to~~~

They all laugh as they just watch whatever was on the TV, then suddenly, A thought comes to Y/N

Y/N - Yeji-ah, aren't you supposed to be waking them up? Miss leadernim

Yeji suddenly jolts up and forgot that she had to wake them up

Yeji - oh yeah! I'll be right back!

Yeji kisses Y/N as she heads on upstairs disappearing out of their sight

The two girls just stare at him as Y/N notices this

Y/N - uh? What's up?

IU - nothing, you're just a perfect guy you know?

Yun - what she said.

Y/N - you girls, I swear I'm not all that

Y/N acts flustered as he did really think he wasn't like that BIG of a deal to the girls

Yunjin softly slaps the back of his head as he caresses it, surprising the poor guy


Y/N - no seriously I don't see it at all!

IU grabs his face as she makes him face her

IU -you are. You were able to make me, IU. One of Korea's biggest idols, to be in love with you. Of course you are worth that much, not to them maybe. But to us? 100 billion times

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