special chapter - a week off (yeji)

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(set in between chapter 3 and 4)

I woke up feeling the only girl on my chest as I caressed her hair which softly woke her up as she smiled at me with her bare face. I knew I had loved this girl even without makeup on and you know, I really really like it.

Yeji - good morning~~~

Y/N - morning Yeji-ah~ what do you want to do today?

Yeji - mmhmh, I want to go out~

Y/N - alright, let me check the weather okay?

Yeji - mmhh~

I grab my phone from beside me by my bedside table where the lamp was, and I pick it up, I open it up in front of her revealing my wallpaper

Yeji - is that us?

Y/N - mmhm, you know where's that from right?

Yeji - our first music stage~

Y/N - look how pretty you all looked, even you

Yeji - stop it~~~

I kissed her forehead as I opened my weather app where it revealed to be raining today

Y/N - aw shit, it's raining today

Yeji - it's fine, rain date?

Y/N - fuck it, let's go then

She smiles on my chest as she looks up at me after I throw my phone on the blanket, I look at her with a soft smile as we kiss, our lips still tender from last night as we were still naked underneath the sheets, she instead wraps her arms around me as I feel our bodies touch as my tongue slips inside of hers as we give ourselves a little breakfast.

Some time passes after we had done our deed as we went into the shower together, She turns it on as warm water comes out as we playfully caressed our hair together with shampoo as we laughed.

Her smile. Her cute, beautiful smile that has always seemed to entice me ever since we met that night, it just makes me want to hold her forever.

We hugged as the water rained down on us as we softly washed it out with one of our hands as we just looked at each other as we appreciated each other's presence with each other.

Finally, we finished up as we went downstairs together as she jumped on my back for a piggyback as I got to the kitchen opening some canned tuna to make some spicy tuna for breakfast which had us craving some, I get to cook while she laid her chin on my shoulder, her cheeks puffing up as she was just being the adorable cat that I saw her as and she just hugged and held tight onto my chest as I mixed the tuna together with the gochujang that we had.

After making breakfast, we just laid on the couch as we watched some tv together as we ate, we watched for a while until we finished and I had got up and started to wash our dishes, she instead didn't watch the tv but watched me as I washed them from the corner of my eye

Yeji - you're so handsome when you do them

Y/N - oh yeah?

I immediately turned off the tap with my wet hands as I immediately run over to her to make her wet and her squeals of laughter filled the air as I chased her around the house, it lasted a while, but we eventually had a truce as we changed into our outdoor clothes

Y/N - are you ready?

Yeji - yup, where should we go?

Y/N - hm, what's a normal fun thing we can do while the rain is out?

Yeji - I know a place

Y/N - what is it?

Yeji - mini golf.

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