special chapter - my love (IU)

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Ji-eun lies on top of her future husband as she plays with his fingers as she interlocks with them

IU - wake up~~

She decided to mess with him as with her free hand she tickles his nose, which causes him to smile as he suddenly flips her over as they both laugh

IU - good morning~

Y/N - good morning to you~

Ji-eun giggles as he begins to kiss her neck to tickle her as her laughs echoed throughout the empty house as the girls left earlier for a sudden practice that Y/N didn't know about but they were fine with it since Ji-eun was in the house as well

He soon stops as their laughing ceased as she caressed his face as they both smiled

IU - you know. You look really handsome in the morning~

Y/N - do I not look handsome all the time?

She punches him softly in the arm as he jokingly does a 'ow'

IU - you do dummy, but right now, you're looking more- hm-. Exquisite?

Y/N - exquisite? Really?

IU - shut up hahaha, anyways, what's the plan today handsome?

They just laid there in the same position as Y/N had his face on her chest as she caressed his hair softly

Y/N - I don't know actually, do you have anything on today?

IU - hm, I got nothing up since I'm practically free right now

Y/N - hm, so what do you say? A date with moi?

IU - sure my handsome prince~

They kiss sweetly as he spins her around again for her to go on top of him as she giggles in his lips

They get up together as she hugs Y/N from behind as he carries her to the bathroom where they brush their teeth together as they embrace in each other's comfort as they share a quick kiss with toothpaste on their lips where they smile at each other

They go back into the room where they change but with a twist

IU - jagiya~

Y/N - yeah?

IU - let me dress you for the day

Y/N - oh yeah? Sure

Ji-eun smiles as she rummages through Y/N's closet as he does too since he wanted to make her like him to day

She manages to pick out something nice for him, some baggy pants, a nice white t-shirt and a bucket hat for him

IU - hey

Y/N - yeah?

IU - you don't happen to own a pair of boots do you?

Y/N - oh I do, they're right here

Y/N holds up a pair of black boots he owned which made her smile

IU - ooo thank you

Y/N - and here's your outfit

Y/N holds up a t-shirt of his which was a San Francisco giants t-shirt and some of his jeans

IU - aren't those gonna be a bit too big on me?

Y/N - that's the point

He smiles as he ruffled her hair as she holds her outfit in her hands

Y/N - welp, I'm gonna shower first

Y/N walks over to the bathroom with clothes in hand before IU follows along as well

IU - wait for me!

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