chapter 12 - welcome home (pt 2)

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Y/N looked out onto the dark road that was ahead of him as he drove past the desert as they all made their way to San Francisco at 1 in the morning while the girls slept in the back, he smiles as he looks at the girl beside him who was busy sleeping away as he spoke to himself

Y/N - yeppeuda~

What happened was that, after the second day, they spent their 3rd day out and about with Y/N as they went around shopping as they dragged him around since they wanted to buy clothes for him and so they did, they went to every store they could that either sold clothes or shoes, trying to give him a very not too expensive but a very designer look though in the end, he ended looking more casual than he ever did, they just ended up getting designer tees for him and a pair of pants and 2 pairs of shoes that he chose but they weren't complaining, after taking him out for a shopping spree, they just spent the last of their day looking at local street food since they would be going to San Fran in the morning and that was mainly it.

Y/N just drove as the girls slept in the back, he just focused on the dark,eerie road that was in front of him, he had a cup of coffee in the cup holder that was part of the armrest, he was tired sure, but he had to drive. Every car just felt like passing lights to him as there was nothing but the road in front of him and sometimes it would just light up but to him, it was just another morning as usual.

Hours passed and they finally made it in front of Y/N's parent's house where it was already 7am, and he knew one thing for sure. When his dad was awake, he parked beside the store since his dad incorporated parking spaces beside the store for anyone wanting to buy for him or for just for parking for any of the other stores nearby. He gets out of the van since the girls were still asleep, so he finds a cap from one of the girl's bags and just puts it on as he closes the car door and walks towards the shop. He opens the shop door and hears his dad's voice

Dad - Hey, good morning!

Y/N just nods since he wanted to hide his face, his dad just smiles since he knew it was pretty early so people were very, moody.

Y/N just grabs his favourite drink from one of the fridges and walks over to the counter, putting down the drink

Dad - alright that'll be $1.50!

Y/N just looks up and smiles

Y/N - hey dad

His dad's face lights up as he smiles ear to ear as he immediately grabs his son for a hug over the counter

Dad - Y/N!!!!!

They share a heartwarming moment as the his dad hugged his son tight

Dad - how- how have you been!

Y/N just smiles as he walks around the counter to talk to his dad

Y/N - I'm good, It's been too long dad

Dad - I know I know, I heard you've been getting famous over there huh?

Y/N - huh?

Dad whips out his phone and shows him screenshots of articles he's seen. Articles of Y/N seen with the girls, walking with them, taking care of them, even one time when he saved Chaeryeong from a sasaeng during a fan meeting

Y/N was just astonished at the fact that his dad has been keeping an eye on him all these years

Y/N - I'm so sorry I didn't get to call as often

Dad - that's okay! My son is too busy taking care of these girls, aigoo, you're so popular

Y/N just smiles as his dad hugs him again, until they hear the front door open, Y/N immediately straightens up to face what could be a customer

just a manager? (ITZY X MALE Y/N) 18+Where stories live. Discover now