special chapter - kitty (haerin)

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Y/N - huh?

Y/N checks his phone as he gets a text from Chaeryeong


"Hi oppa, good morningggg, we didn't want to wake you up since you're probably still hungover from last night but the temp manager brought us there today, and PD-nim said you don't have to come in today since apparently New Jean's manager needs you to take care of a member in their dorms, that's allllll, I love you! I miss you!"

Y/N smiles as he stretches in his bed as he yawns and texts back to Chaer as he gets up and brushes his teeth

"Fuck me, how much did I drink last night?"

He goes downstairs to see the table, still littered with bottles from last night, he sighs as he rolls up his sleeves to start cleaning, he grabs a bin bag and chucks them inside when he has the chance to throw them out. For an a while he just puts in the trash from last night since he knew the girls probably overslept and only had a few minutes to change, he stretches after he puts the bag to the side as he makes himself some breakfast

Y/N - oh shit, it's way too early for whoever's in the dorm to be awake, should I make them breakfast?

Y/N talked to himself as he made himself some fried rice with some leftover chicken that they had last night, after making his food, he proceeds to watch some of New Jean's music videos for a while until he finished eating, where he cleans his dishes as he goes upstairs to change where then he heads out and goes into the van where he rides off to the New Jeans dorm

He parks the van as he heads inside

"Whoever it is, I hope you won't mind me today"

Y/N sighs as he finally walks up the final step as he walks towards their door, he notices that the door was locked so he just does the one thing, he checks underneath their mat and he smiles

"Heh, always works"

He grabs the key from underneath the mat as he opens their door, it reveals to be a pretty okay size dorm, not like ITZY sized or anything but big enough to hold the 5 girls, it was quite modern for a dorm since it was quite bright and had modern appliances especially in their kitchen, Y/N looks around for a bit to see any mess but to no avail, it was quite clean. So he does the next big thing

"Welp, time to look into the fridge"

Y/N looks into the fridge as he takes off his sweatshirt and sets it aside onto the couch as he looks through it

"Huh, I'll make some Pajeon and fried rice for her, oh wait. Okay strawberry milk as well"

He takes out all the ingredients carrying them all into his hand as he looks through them

"Well, let's get to it"

He claps his hands together and rubs them as he looks around in every cabinet for whatever he needs and eventually finds everything, so he starts cooking.

The noise from him cooking eventually wakes up the member

She rubs her eyes as she smells something

"Hmm unnie?"

She thinks to herself as she wraps a blanket around her as she walks out her bedroom door as she yawns, she walks in further as she sees Y/N which surprises her

Y/N notices her and he waves

Y/N - oh, hey Haerin-ah!

Haerin softly smiles as she greets him

Hae - good morning~

She goes up to hug him which was quite unusual since it was only for a while that they've known each other

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