special chapter - what would you do if you weren't afraid? (minji)

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I drove through the bright lights of Tokyo

The people walked amongst us, ignoring the roar of my engine driving past them.

Minji - hey you okay?

I nod at Minji, my eyes tired from the flight. Something I haven't told the girls since the incident.

Minji had a solo shoot in Tokyo and as her manager, I did what I was told and abided by it.

I have a daughter at home waiting for me and a wife with multiple girls inside of a house I had recently bought in Seoul.

Maybe in a few years we should move to a place by the beach or something.

Me and Ji-Eun decided to get married shortly after having Nari, our daughter since it's taboo to have a kid and not be married you know.

Though, the ITZY girls would be disbanding the next year since it was going to be the end of their contract soon enough.

The ITZY girls, Le Sserafim, and Ji-Eun were all living in the house I had bought, thankfully fitting all of them.

HYBE let them go out of their dorms since they were pretty much an established group of idols now even though we were swarming in with the new generation of idols. But the competition was fair enough to let everyone breathe in the industry.

Minji - are you sure you're okay oppa? You've a lot more silent since we got here

I softly smile at her, reassuring her that I was okay

Y/N - sorry, just tired again.

Minji - oppa really, you need to tell us that you're tired or what not, the last time it happened you worried all of us.

I glance at her, she crosses her arms, her face remaining a bit serious since she cared a lot about me

Y/N - I'm sorry

I sigh, looking at her straight once we reached a stoplight.

Minji - let me drive.

I look at her, unable of what to say before eventually nodding.

She was 21 now, she did do her driver's test and got her licence but I was a bit skeptical

Y/N - but you haven't drove in Tokyo yet

Minji - I've seen you drive me around too many times oppa and it's good practice for me

I look back at the stoplight going green, accelerating

Y/N - sure. We have a while till we reach the hotel, I'll just find somewhere to stop and we can switch.

Minji - okay

I continue my drive until we stopped in front of a convenience store

Y/N - I'm gonna go in, you hungry? Need anything to drink?

She softly smiles while I went out of the car, leaving the door open, peeking my head in

Minji - just a Yaki-Onigiri and water please

Y/N - as you wish princess

She smiles at my compliment, closing the door while I walk into the convenience store.

I grabbed what she wanted while I grabbed an energy drink since I didn't want to get coffee, and a small snack for myself.

I paid for it, walking back out to see her in the driver's seat which made me smile. I made my way around and went in the passenger seat, getting in and putting on my seatbelt

just a manager? (ITZY X MALE Y/N) 18+Where stories live. Discover now