chapter 15 - MAMA

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"Oh man, what a place!"

Y/N and the girls looked at the venue where the awards was held

Ryu - you'd get used to it

Ryujin nudges him while they smile at each other, they walk towards backstage since it was only rehearsals, they weren't supposed to be here till day 2 but they wanted to support the other groups so they would hang around backstage for this day while the show went on.

They head backstage to see the first group

Lily - oh my god hi!

The NMIXX girls see ITZY as they hug each other even though they just saw each other the other day, Yumi just stood aside as her shy self was still getting there as she looked at the others talking

Kyujin - hey oppa

Y/N - hey there, how's rehearsals?

Kyujin - good, we got this dance break for Dice and it's gonna be so cool!

Y/N - oh yeah? You girls look all pumped, can't wait to see you guys on stage today!

Bae - hey oppa

Y/N - yeah?

Bae - wanna dance to Dice with us while the rest are talking to them?

Y/N - sure, with who?

Bae - me, Lily, and sully

Kyujin - and me!

Y/N gets in formation while the girls sang the song behind the rest of the girls, as Y/N practically learnt the song when they first released it when him and the girls came to congratulate them

The rest of them look behind as they see the four dancing away as they clap

Chaer - yeah oppa! Go on!

They cheer as Y/N takes the spotlight, as they finish up the song together

Y/N - well, that was nice damn, we should go and greet the others, we'll see you later?

The girls wave goodbye at ITZY and Y/N as they head backstage to meet with other groups

Chae - ahhhhh!

Chaewon hugs Y/N as the Le Sserafim girls see them as they talk about their upcoming stage, the girls hug ITZY, Y/N and Yumi as they talk for a bit about what's going on with their performance

Eun - Yumi

Yumi - yeah?

Eun - do you have plans after MAMA?

Yumi - I don't think so, I have my daily practice with Chaeryeong-unnie afterwards so that's really it

Eun - wanna hang out?

Yumi - sure, where

Eun - I don't know, but let's go somewhere exciting!

Yumi - okay!

Yun - hey there handsome, how's the venue?

Y/N - fucking big jeez, I'm not used to this shit

Yun - well, me neither dumbass, I just debuted this year

Y/N - oh yeah haha

She punches Y/N softly in the shoulder as Sakura walks up to them

Kura - Y/N

Y/N - yeah?

Kura - sorry I couldn't come to our date, I had to do something for this when it suddenly came up

just a manager? (ITZY X MALE Y/N) 18+Where stories live. Discover now