chapter 9 - bunnies

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After the sleepover at the ITZY dorm with Le Sserafim, Y/N has been taking it easy work wise since all he had to do was overlook the girls with their music show performances and their promotions for the next while.

Today, Y/N wakes up with a text from JYP

JYP - Good morning Y/N, today I have arranged for you a meeting with HYBE's new group that will debut their first song later this month.

Y/N - just me?

JYP - the girls too of course, so take this as another chance for you to know the industry and to better know new groups as they come out.

Y/N - thank you sir, when do we go?

JYP - this afternoon at 1 o'clock. Just be there around 1 and i'll send you the room number

Y/N - alright. Thank you sir

JYP - good luck, and have a good time

He closes his phone as he stares at the girl lying on his chest. He caresses her hair as she slowly feels Y/N's finger through her hair. She slowly groans and wakes up as she looks at Y/N with an annoyed face

Y/N - morning Ryujinnie~~~

Ryujin realises she's with Y/N so she automatically smiles at the realisation as she hugs Y/N, wrapping her arms around him as they both softly giggle at each other, she kisses him good morning as Y/N looks into her eyes lovingly

Y/N - hey there beautiful, how was last night?

Ryu - the very best as usual~

Y/N - you're the very best

Ryu - no you!

Y/N just smiles as he kisses Ryujin again. They lie in the same position where they talked for a while until Yuna suddenly opens the door and jumps on the two.


The three laugh as their energetic maknae wakes them up kissing the both of them cutely on their cheeks

Ryu - okay okay i surrender!

Yuna stops her attack on Ryujin and Y/N is next, Yuna pounces on Y/N to which he happily laughs as she attacks Y/N with her morning kisses as it was a great start to the ITZY household. After Yuna successfully does her assault of love on the two, the three head downstairs for breakfast where they are met with the rest of the girls to which they kiss him good morning, after that. Y/N makes breakfast for the girls while informing them of the text JYP sent him.

Lia - another HYBE group is debuting?

Y/N - yup!

Chaer - what's the name?

Y/N - not sure, your PD-nim didn't tell me so we'll find out later

Yuna - what time are we going?

Y/N - a few hours so we can chill and continue our project on the server

Yeji - oh by the way, I did some mining while you guys were asleep

Y/N - really?

Yeji - I got us a beacon so we wouldn't get lost

Ryujin hugs Yeji since Ryujin was lost in the mines so this would help her out

Yeji - oh Y/N! Did you get the diamond sword I left in your chest?

Y/N - I did actually thank you my love

Yeji smiles as Y/N continues to cook

After having breakfast, Y/N and the girls hop in on their minecraft server where they play for a bit until the time they have to get ready.

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