special chapter - aggressive love (ryujin)

686 19 4

 It was just another day as usual.

I was watching the girls practice since their new album just came out, so I wasn't going to miss out on their dance practices since I'm a MIDZY.

I sat on the couch, same old same old. Just watching them, Yeji being the leader making sure they were getting the steps right.

I took a sip from coffee while I just watched. Honestly it was a normal thing between us.

Not really your ordinary manager and group thing to do. But we ain't any normal group.

Looking at Ryujin's eyes. She was clearly frustrated, it's been a while since Lia left to be with her parents so it was clear that the girls were having problems since they weren't whole.

Yeji - alright stop

She stops the music, she eyes specifically Ryujin, but I smell trouble ahead.

Yeji - what's with you? You're keeping missing the beat during the chorus

Ryu - I'm sorry okay, I'm just tired

She was lying, I could tell from how she was clenching her fist.

Yeji - you're not tired Ryujin-ah, you were just messing with Y/N 20 minutes ago, where was that energy now?

I sipped from my coffee, hoping this doesn't escalate.

Ryu - unnie, I'm sorry okay

Chaer and Yuna quietly watch, with Yuna walking over me for comfort since she doesn't like it when Yeij gets serious. I hug her in my arms while Chaer just practised the dance behind them while they argued

Yuna - are they fighting again oppa?

Y/N - I don't know sweetie, I'll step in if she starts shouting.

I ruffled her hair while she kissed me on the cheek.

Yeji - you know I don't like excuses, what's up with you?

Ryu - yah, I said I'm fine!

Ryujin suddenly shouts, making Yuna flinch while RyuJi holds their ground.

Chaer runs over to me, tapping Yuna on the back to get off.

Chaer hugs me, because she hates loud noises. So that gave me the indicator to step in

Y/N - it's okay, let me resolve this

I kiss her then breaking off from me while I stepped over to the two

Y/N - yo, come on.

I went in between of them while Ryujin started to point fingers at Yeji

Ryu - maybe if you weren't so goddamn pushy I wouldn't be like this!

Yeji's eyes were watering, I know she's a great leader when she has to be, but she hates it when people shout at her, she's a strong yet sensitive girl which I will always protect.

Yeji - Hajima!

I grab Ryujin, holding her by the arms while she shouts at me

Ryu - let go oppa!

Y/N - Ryujinnie, calm down

She tries to get out of my sudden bear hug. Carrying her out of the room

I looked at Yeji, she squatted down hearing her sniffles. She looks to me as I mouth to her

Y/N - I'll talk to her

She nods, while the two girls on the couch come over to her and comfort her while I put Ryujin out of the room and brought her to my office which was separate from the other ones. Thank you Jin-Young for the promotion.

just a manager? (ITZY X MALE Y/N) 18+Where stories live. Discover now