chapter 14 - little sis

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Yumi wakes up in the bed, as she yawns and stretches her arms as she looks at her brother and the girls around her as Yuna held onto her, she looks around the room as she hears a familiar yawn as well beside her

Y/N - you're awake? Good morning

Y/N yawns as he gets out of bed easily since the girls were pretty much used to him leaving in the morning, she looks at her brother as he opens the door to the room

Y/N - You coming?

Yumi nods as she slowly gets out of bed as she and Y/N go to the bathroom to brush their teeth together

They quickly wash their faces after they brush their teeth as Yumi held onto her brother as he smiles at the girl's clinginess as well, which reminds him of Yuna and Eunchae

They head downstairs as Yumi held onto her brother as they head inside of the kitchen as Y/N looks below him to see his sister staring at him

Y/N - French toast?

Yumi - yes please

Y/N smiled as he held his sister as she clinged onto him as he made the French toast mixture the way she liked it with a bit of cinnamon. After soaking the bread, he cooks the toast as he makes enough for himself and the girls and for Yumi

Yumi - do you guys have juice?

Y/N - of course, what type?

Yumi - OJ?

Y/N - bingo, you got lucky since we got the staff to stock up for us while we were gone, which explains why I got the bread and such, it happened last time when the girls were in LA and in Jeju but that time, I was alone but the staff explained it to me that they have keys as well to all the dorms just in case if they needed to stock up a certain groups fridge or pantry if they were on tour, especially somewhere in Asia  or international

Yumi nods as Y/N plates up the first few French toast for her

Y/N - and for you, my little sis, a piping hot French toast breakfast just the way you like it t for your first day in Korea

Yumi - yay!

Yumi grabs the plate as she waits for Y/N as she stares at him waiting for a response

Yumi - uh? Where do I sit?

Y/N - sit at the living room, we don't have a dining table so just use the coffee table

Yumi nods as she quickly grabs a fork and knife as Y/N quickly poured maple syrup all over her French toast as she leaves the room since she forgot and heads over to one of the couches

Y/N quickly puts the pan on low as he grabs a glass and puts some orange juice from the fridge, where he quickly heads over to her and sets it aside the plate

Yumi - thanks oppa

Y/N - no problem

Y/N heads back into the kitchen as Yumi figured out how to use the remote as she ate while watching anything she could but while trying to figure out the Korean letters since she still wasn't that great at reading korean but was still able to figure it out either way

For about, maybe an hour straight. Each of the girls got up and made their way downstairs after smelling what Y/N had cooked and kissed him good morning as he handed them a plate as each of them head down to the couch greeting Yumi as well. After all members has passed and got their last plate, Y/N finally got his plate and sat beside the girls

They eat while they talk about Yumi since they can't really leave her here while they're working, so they opt to bring her over to meet with the groups while Y/N shows her around since the girls do need to practise and do some stuff after all

just a manager? (ITZY X MALE Y/N) 18+Where stories live. Discover now