special chapter - in another universe (pt 3) (Y/N)

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The new year has passed, it's been a few days as Y/N and the girls have been at home for a while since they were on break. They needed the rest as soon, Y/N would meet some familiar girls.

I wake up to a kiss as I opened my eyes as I looked at the culprit as she smiled at me

Yun - morning~~~

Y/N - come here

I grab her by the arms as she laughs as I put her on her back as I attack her a multitude of neck kisses as her laughs soon turned into moans as we looked at each other

Yun - you tryna fuck?

Y/N - do you want to?

Yun - haha not yet

She waves me off as I laid myself back on the bed as she puts her head on my chest as I caressed her hair

Yun - *yawn* so, what's on your mind today?

Y/N - not sure, you?

Yun - I gotta go to HYBE today, mind going with me?

Y/N - sure. What for?

Yun - I gotta go meet the New Jeans girls, I want to congratulate them on their new single album

Y/N - oh, Ditto and OMG?

Yun - yeah, they've been getting a lot of feedback on it and since I already know Hanni, I wanna congratulate them personally

Y/N - and the girls don't want to join you?

Yun - they do, but-

Y/N - they feel lazy

Yun - exactly. And besides, let them rest. Even Sakura has to rest

Y/N - right. Let's get up and I'll make us food?

Yun - please.

I kiss her again as she smiled as we got up and headed in to the bathroom outside my room as we took a shower together and got ourselves cleaned up as we soon meet up with Sakura after drying ourselves off and changing into some new clothes

Kura - good morning you two

I give her a kiss as Jen hugs her as I nodded to Jen

Y/N - hey, just wait for us on the couch. I'll just help her out with the cooking

Kura - it's fine, you just took a shower, you'll smel-

Y/N - it's okay

I gave her another kiss as she blushed as I smiled at her as she didn't know what to do

Kura - I- uhm-

Y/N - it's fine, don't worry. I love cooking with you anytime.

Kura - Y- Y/N- yah you're so bold!

She softly hits me as I laughed as I stood beside her and grabbed a knife

Y/N - is it my fault to kiss you whenever I want?

Kura - no but you can anytime.

We both smiled at each other as we went on and started to make breakfast for the us and the girls who were still asleep

Some time passes as me and Kura made our way to the living room with the plates as we all dug in as we talked

Kura - so, you got any plans today?

Yun - me and E/N are gonna go to HYBE today

Kura - what for?

Yun - just to meet the New Jeans girls

just a manager? (ITZY X MALE Y/N) 18+Where stories live. Discover now