special chapter - temporary (Y/N&IVE)

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Y/N - awh what?

I was in the van on the way home with the girls since we just came back from a recording

Yeij - mhm? What's going on honey?

Y/N - sorry sweetheart gimme a second

Manager - hey man, it's just one day

Y/N - yeah but my girls man, I just got back from a holiday.

Manager - yeah but it's just one favour man, you owe since last time.

I groaned as he was right, the last favour I did for him was to cover for his ass at the Melon awards

(in the Haerin special chapter)

Especially since he just went MIA and I had to take care of his girls after they had their little argument together in the green room between them and New Jeans.

Y/N - okay fine christ. Tomorrow, right?

Manager - just tomorrow, all you gotta do is just watch them, do their practice, all that. And if they ask for anything else good luck

Y/N - arasseo arasseo, you owe me for this as well.

Manager - I know, Thanks Y/N

Y/N - hey good luck, and congrats on the kid

Manager - thanks. And I'll give Starship the heads up

Y/N - I'll tell JYP as well.

I hung up the phone as I sighed which caught the attention of the girls

Ryu - what's up?

Yuna - yeah oppa? You seem pretty irritated

Y/N - it's just IVE's manager, he wants me to do him a favour by taking care of the girl's tomorrow.

Yeji - and you said yes?

Y/N - I have to, apparently his wife got in the hospital tonight and that maybe the chance of his kid being born was high. I don't know just something about it. Anyways, It's just one day and I'm not sure since last time

Chaer - because of the fight the New Jeans girls had with them?

Y/N - yeah, those IVE girls sort of grew to me apparently. To the point of fighting over me

Yeji - they're just kids honey. Let them be, they're practically like how Haerin is to you, fighting over who can claim you first

Y/N - *sighs* I know, and also Jisu. I can't leave her alone

Yuna - I think you can tell JYP to let one of us off to accompany her to her parent's house

Y/N - ah that's tomorrow?

Chaer - mhm oppa, she would be sad that you can't drop her off

Y/N - I know. I know, sorry Jisu-ah. I'll tell Jin-young alright? I need to give him the heads-up anyways.

Yeji - look at you. All so mature and organised now compared to when you first started

I smiled at Yeji and the girls behind me as I blushed

Y/N - all because of your leader-nim girls, I became a better man.

Ryu - we're proud of you oppa, don't forget that

Yuna - and you became a businessman too. You got stocks in 4 different companies.

Y/N - and I get to go to the meetings once in a while. JYP, HYBE, SM and YG stocks, jeez. I knew it was smart to keep another account on the side other than the one I use on you girls

just a manager? (ITZY X MALE Y/N) 18+Where stories live. Discover now