chapter 19 - yumi's audition

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Yeji - again.

Yumi sweats as she tries her best dancing to one of ITZY's songs, 'Not Shy' as she sings and dances. Yeji wasn't one to be strict but just a week from now was the audition that JYP mentioned that he said Yumi would have to apply for to see her potential as a trainee.

She pants as she sings Yeji's and Lia's part in the bridge as Yeji carefully eyes her every movement and voice. Chaeryeong walks in with some water as she looks at Yumi's movements

Chaer - looking good!

Yumi then slips up from Chaer's complement, distracting her a bit and causes a slight mistake to her footwork which causes Yeji to stop the music

Yumi then stops and lies on the floor as she regains her breath.

Yeji - why'd you mess up, I saw your feet slip up

Yumi - I'm sorry, I got distracted by Chaeryeong-unnie

Chaer - sorry.

Yeji - you know you can't be distracted easy Yumi, do it again from Lia's part

Yumi - okay.

Yumi immediately gets up as Yeji plays the song from the bridge again as Chaeryeong goes beside Yeji

Chaer - aren't you overworking her a bit too hard?

Yeji - I know.

Chaer - you're never like this. What's up?

Yeji just looks analytically as Chaeryeong just talks in her ear, she responds to Chaer without even looking at her

Yeji - she needs to succeed Chaer. We can't go easy on her just because she's oppa's little sister. She wants to be a trainee so we'll treat her like one.

Chaer - yeah but can't you just- you know- just have a little bit of ease on her? She's been training non stop since Valentines.

Yeji - we can't Chaer. You know we can't. This is her only chance. I can't afford for her to slack off and then get hit with the consequences of what it's like to fail because of her procrastination if she doesn't work hard enough for what she wants.

Chaeryeong just stays silent since she wants to. They all worked hard day and night to get where they were at ITZY, all that pressure always built up on them even when they debuted. They did contemplate once if they wanted to stay as ITZY when they did, but they pulled through. Chaer slowly backs away from Yeji as she watches Yumi sing her heart out the best she could without straining her voice.

Yeji stops the music where she smiles. Yumi looks at her unnie with worried eyes of perhaps scolding or something worse. Yumi flinches as Yeji walks up to her worried she would do something but Yeji instead hugs the sweating girl after hours of practice.

Yeji - good job.

Yumi instead smiles and accepts her unnies hug as Chaer looks on smiling.

The next day, Y/N comes in as he watches her girls practise with Yumi with Yumi taking over for Yeji's spot which Yeji herself thought would be a good position for her as the lead vocalist and main dancer. Yeji takes herself out of her current position as she tells her to fill in as she watches Yumi carefully.

Yeji - okay, Not Shy from start to finish Yumi, girls help Yumi when she can okay?


The music plays as Y/N just watches his sister, not caring about his work with hopeful eyes. Yuna starts it off with Ryujin's ad libs, but soon catches up to Yeji's part which Yumi successfully does. The song goes on really well with Yumi doing accurately everything right including hitting the right notes. It then goes to the bridge where she successfully pulls everything off, until they hit the last chorus dance where she messes up where she stumbles beside Yuna during the transition to her being centre with Yuna beside her accidentally hitting on top of her foot by being a bit too close by not looking where she was going, which causes her to trip and cause her to go off-balance causing her to fall

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