chapter 17 - new years

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Y/N - mannnnnnnnnnnnnn

Y/N had his feet up on some pillows while Ji-eun and Yeji fluffed his pillow for him while they frantically went around everywhere while they took care of the still injured Y/N

Y/N - you know you guys don't have to do this, I'm well able to d-

IU - shhhhhh

IU puts her finger to his lips shushing the guy who has fallen obedient to one of his partners

IU - we are here to take care of you and we're doing it because we love you

Everyone - yeah!

Y/N - but did you guys really have to stay in my room the whole time?

Yumi - mmhm

Dani - we want you to get well!

Haerin just nods while Yunjin came in the room with a bowl of soup alongside Zuha and Kkura

Yun - for my bestest friend, I have brought youuuuu! Your favourite cream of mushroom soup made by your most favourite person in the world. ME!

Y/N laughs as she gives the tray with the bowl of the soup on top of his lap while the girls looked at her with jealous stares

Yun - wh- what?

Hanni - I'm his best friend!

Haerin - I am

Dani - guys! You two don't argue! IU-sunbaenim and Yeji-unnie and Yunjin-unnie are his best friends okay???

Yeji - thank you Dani-ah, but we're all friends here okay? Don't forget about Sakura and Kazuha here okay?

Han & Hae - ne!

KKura - how are you feeling?

Kura gives Y/N a kiss on the cheek while Zuha does the same while IU and Yeji smiled at him while they sat beside him while the New Jeans girls continued playing with Yumi on their switches

Y/N - never better, also why are you girls still here? I thought you guys would only stay for Christmas?

Yun - and leaving your poor dumbass alone here? Yeah right E/N, you know damn well, you cannot take care of yourself without anyone

Y/N - we were kids Jen come on, and to be fair, it's been 7 years since the last time

Yun - and THAT last time E/N, was when those assholes pushed you down the stairs and broke your ankle, and guess who had to take care of your dumbass?

Y/N - *sigh* you.....

Yun - exactly, so let your mommies take care of you okay?

IU - she's right you know, I am older than you so technical-

Y/N - okay okay! I get it! Don't be weird around the young ones!

Hanni - what'd you guys say?

Y/N - nothing Hanni, go kill Yumi in Minecraft for me

Yumi - hey!

Y/N - joking!

Zuha and Kura laid on the edge of the bed watching Y/N eat his soup in silence while Yunjin went back out to do the rest of Y/N's chores while he was bedridden by his own girls since they didn't want him to do anything to further fuck himself up

IU and Yeji talked beside him on the bed while Lia and Ryujin joined Yunjin with the chores

Y/N - hey honey?

IU, Yeji, Kura, and Zuha all turned to face him

Mentioned - yeah?

Y/N - oh shit, I mean- nevermind-, all of you, what are we doing for new years eve tomorrow?

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