special chapter - a short conversation (Yeji)

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(this is dedicated to my friend who I shall not name, but they gave me the idea, so thank you)

(takes place after chapter 16 and somewhere around chapter 17)

I wake up to feel a nudge on my shoulder as I open my eyes to reveal Yeji

Yeji - Y/N.

Y/N - hm?

Yeji - come on.

I get up as I rub my eyes as I slowly make my way out of the bed which was surrounded by the girls as Yeji carries me up as she holds my clothes in hand as she carries me to the bathroom as I was still struggling to walk after the accident.

We went in the bathroom together as she sat me down on the toilet seat as she took my pyjamas off of me

Y/N - what's this about?

Yeji - just, I want to bring you somewhere

Y/N - okay, I won't ask anymore

She nodded as she put on my jeans for me as I was half-asleep but she had a sort of sorry eyes for me as I put on my t-shirt and a jacket

She carries me up as I throw my pyjamas in the hamper as she carries me downstairs one step at a time where I grab my crutches

Yeji - come on

She grabs the car keys as I just follow her out the door as we made our way downstairs to the van

I get into it slowly as she went into the driver's seat as she started up the car and made our way out of the building

Y/N - so, are we getting breakfast or something?

Yeji - sure.

She doesn't say a word as I watch her drive with such a blank yet serious face as I put down the window to feel the cold air as I stuck my head out

It was cold, snowy and not much cars around since Christmas day had already passed, I just look out into the dark morning sky as lights were still slightly dim and lit as we drove past

Eventually, we made it to a restaurant that was open as we greeted the owners and ordered some hot food to make it up for the cold, while waiting, I decided to talk to Yeji who hasn't talked once since we left

Y/N - Yeji-ah

Yeji looks up at me with a soft smile as I grabbed her hand and cupped it with mine

Y/N - what's wrong?

Yeji - nothing. Nothings wrong.

Y/N - sweetheart. You're never like this. What's up?

Yeji - later honey. Let's just eat okay?

Y/N - okay.

I let go of her hand as we waited for our food as she didn't bother to check her phone, neither did I.

She just sat there fidgeting with her fingers until the food came as we ate.

It took a while since it was piping hot but eventually, I broke through and ate everything while feeling hearty and nice since it was perfect weather for hot food.

After paying, we headed back out to the van where she once again, drove us to somewhere

Y/N - where are we going?

Yeji - I don't know.

Y/N - hm.

She looked at me with reassuring eyes as she once again looked at the road as time passed by.

We eventually made it to a mountain parking lot, where we got out as she went over to me to carry me by my arm which I found odd

Y/N - sweetheart, I have my crutches

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