chapter 7 - lingering

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Y/N just wakes up as per usual to his normal day but feels another person on his chest

Y/N - yah wake up

??? - huh? Y/N?

Y/N - you know, Jen will get mad if she finds out you came here drunk

??? - it's not my fault I wanted to see you

Y/N - well Chae, I'd let you off the hook this time

Chaewon yawns as she hugs Y/N to which he accepts, he caresses her back while she sat up in the bed. She smiles with him smiling back

Y/N - well, how was your sleep?

Chae - good oppa, you're very comfy. Yuna was right, you are very comfy to sleep with even naked

YN - for the record, I'm shirtless not naked

Chae - naked, half naked eh it's the same to me. Atleast I get these, really... nice... pecs of yours

Chae slides her finger down on Y/N's chest making him sigh

Y/N - yah, I'm not having sex with you

Chae pouts as she stops

Chae - wae!

Y/N - not this time okay? Let the Itzy girls have their share first okay, only me and Ryujin and Yeji have done it so far. Once I go through the rest, you can be first okay?

Chae - yay!

Chae hugs Y/N as he accepts the cute girl's hug

Y/N - maybe unless Jen decides to get me first so you guys have to fight for that

Chae - awww. Okay fine i'll fight her

Y/N - I'm joking i'm joking, just go against her in smash or something

Chae - my Kirby will never lose!

Y/N - say that to her captain falcon, she's too damn good on him

Chae - we'll see

After some time, Y/N has breakfast with Chaewon as the two spent their morning with each other, After doing so, Y/N quickly drops off Chaewon back to her place before any of the girls notice before getting a kiss and a hug from her.

Now, on his way to the airport to get the girls, a thought runs through his head

"Will I ever see her again? She never texted back, could she be busy or?"

Y/N shakes it off and continues on.

He stopped at the terminal where the girls were and waited.

After some time, he sees his 5 girls come out.

They see him as they wave at him and look at each other excitedly.

Yuna runs up to him with a big hug

Yuna - OPPA!

Y/N caresses her hair as the other 4 greet him

Y/N - hey girls, how was Jeju?

Chaer - not the same without you

Lia - we missed you

RyuJi - me too

The girls smile at him since luckily there wasn't any paparazzi around

The girls take turns after Yuna to hug him as Y/N quickly puts their luggage in the back. They head inside the van and Y/N starts up the van

Y/N - so what'd you guys do there?

Yeji - we stayed at this house, and we took care of guests while we ran around doing like errand type of stuff

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