special chapter - surprise (new jeans)

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Looking up at the ceiling, blinding lights go into my eyes making me go into a daze.

? - yah.

Is someone talking to me?

? - yah!

My head turns as I put my arms up, her arms lifting me up

Y/N - what?

? - you done yet?

Y/N - no.

? - you only have a few days left.

I groan, scratching the back of my head.

Y/N - yeah yeah, let's get this done.


*flashback to weeks prior*

My eyers were glued onto the road, my hands on the steering wheel

Ryujin beside me, messing with my sides as she poked them

Ryu - poke poke

I laugh, feeling ticklish from it

Y/N - Hajima, I'm gonna crash us if you keep doing it

Ryu - but I wanna

Y/N - you can but not my sides, you know I flinch

Glancing at her, she laughs, poking my cheek.

Ryu - I can't wait for us to go to the mall

Y/N - and do what again?

Ryu - I need to get some stuff and uh, well. Splurge on you

Y/N - shouldn't that be my job now?

I smirk, where she kisses me on the cheek as I stopped at a red light.

Ryu - you can try mister, but you know I'll end up paying.

We both softly laugh as a call goes through in the car

Y/N - oh shit, let me answer. It's the big boss.

I answer the call, going on the gas as I drove past the green light

Y/N - yeoboseyo?

JYP - Y/N, hello there

Y/N - hey hyung, what's going on?

JYP - got a call from ADOR, they're giving you a role for something with the New Jeans girls

Y/N - is it another overseas thing?

JYP - not exactly. Have you ever danced?

Y/N - uhm- a bit? Why?

JYP - well, it's an acting role for their music video. They want you to be a part of it.

Y/N - woah woah wait

Glancing at Ryujin, she smiles hearing about it

Ryu - hi pd-nim

JYP - oh, Ryujin, didn't expect you.

Ryu - I'm just with Y/N, we're on a date

JYP - you kids haha. Anyways, besides that. The shoot is in about 2 weeks? And they have a person ready for you to learn the choreography and to go through the whole concept, and your wardrobe for the shoot.

Ryu - you should take it

Y/N - should I?

JYP - it's great fun Y/N, plus besides. It's good on your resume

Y/N - are you implying something to me hyung?

JYP - I won't be around forever you know. So, will I get a yes or no?

just a manager? (ITZY X MALE Y/N) 18+Where stories live. Discover now