special chapter - fool (Y/N)

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The girls clapped, having another break for themselves.

They look to Y/N on the couch, who suddenly stood up

Y/N - wow, amazing as always girls

They all walk up to Y/N, who looked pale

Ryu - hey you okay?

Y/N - why wouldn't I be?

He wiped the sweat off his forehead, looking at them before seeing black

The girls screamed as Y/N suddenly dropped to the ground, all of them unable to process what to do.

Luckily their instructor was still in the room who was about to leave, but saw it happen.

Chaeryeong looks up to their instructor in a cry of help

Chaer - unnie call an ambulance!

She does what Chaer says while the girls sobbed their eyes out

They couldn't fight on who to hold him but rather they focused on trying to wake him up but to no avail.


Y/N wakes up to sounds of machine beeping, he looks around to see the girls

Ryu - oh my god you're awake

She nudges Yeji who nudges Chaer.

Yuna was asleep on top of his chest, using his remaining strength, he put up his hand to caress her hair.

He looks around the room, confused as the girls looked worried

Y/N - W- what is this?

Yeji - you passed out honey.

Ryu - christ you just suddenly-

She rolls back her eyes, imitating what happened to him. Making him softly laugh in response while Chaer kissed him

Y/N - are you guys okay?

They all nod, continuing to caress Yuna's hair with his fingers

Chaer - we thought you died

Y/N - me? No way. I'm indestructible baby

The girls laugh at his joke, the doctor knocking on the door and lets himself in

Doc - oh, what a surprise. You're awake Mr L/N, I presume?

Y/N - that's me.

He stood beside the girls, looking at his clipboard glancing up and down at me and his clipboard

Doc - these girls here are wives? Daughters?

Y/N - uhm- idols. I manage them

He sighs in relief, with him taking off his glasses after one last look at his clipboard.

Doc - ah, don't mind me. I don't really listen to that kind of music so forgive me

He bows at the girls, with the girls returning one back

Y/N - it's fine doc, what's up?

Doc - by their witness, and also the tests we took. You had passed out due to exhaustion. Your body has taken its toll lately from activities that may have been straining on your body, and also due to that look in your eyes. Those bags underneath them

I touch my eyebags which were clearly there

Doc - you haven't slept well have you?

Y/N - I- I haven't actually doc.

Doc - do you wish to tell me what sort of activities you have been up to?

Y/N - uhm- let's se- see-

Yeji speaks up for me, while I struggled to remember

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