special chapter - attention (maknaes)

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I decided to take some time off after a while, I felt like crash and burn since I was taking care of multiple girls at once.

New Jeans, Itzy and Nari

But, Ji-Eun had brought over Nari to her parents place for them to take care of while she was busy with a showcase, she didn't want to the put the burden on me since I told her I was taking time off from the whole manager shtick while I worked on my own stuff at home.

The girls understood since they knew how different I've looked since taking up the job, not in a bad way but rather because I just looked more tired and that my body was taking its toll after countless years of taking care of them.

I stood in the chair of my studio in my home, all of the girls were gone doing their own schedules while I was left alone.

I was so used to the screams and shouts of every girl, that now. It felt weird to hear the whole house silent.

Given that I did live alone for years but, now it just felt weird once everyone was gone. Especially in the big house we all lived in.

I hummed a melody in my head while I played my keyboard beside me while I recorded the notes.

I was working on my own project since after gaining inspiration from Yoongi-hyung, by now most of the members were out of the military and were busy trying to get back on their feet as a group so we weren't hanging out as much. Though I do visit them from time to time, and they do visit the house as well which doesn't really surprise the girls anymore.

I recorded the piano and put on the drums over it, bopping my head to it.

Y/N - hm. I think this could use another layer?

I grabbed the cable from my cable, rolling my chair over to one of my synth's that sat on the wall and connected it.

Since I had my own studio, I let the girls use it for their own music too, especially Jen who was doing well in her own solo projects. I help her out but I tell her to not credit me since it was her own work and that I was doing it out of a friendly collaboration.

I hummed some chords trying to match the piano, recording it and then rolling over to the guitar that Ji-Eun gave me all those years ago and grabbing another cable, connecting it to my interface and playing some matching chords over the whole thing.

All those years of music education really worked out well in the end since I was really able to make my own music without any doubt but in my own twist.

I do some collaborations here and there around the industry though by far, my most favourite one was with Namjoon, he was a really diverse all around guy in terms of how his music evolved since he was a big Pharell fan so it worked out well, putting in some R&B and rap which always just sounded so good.

I'm not saying like other people I worked with don't compare but he's a really intricate guy, but in terms of band stuff like with live performances.

I do show up for Taehyung's solo stuff when he performs. Sometimes though, when he asks, he does some jazzy, slow live performances like he did once for Christmas so you can see me on the keys behind him in some videos.

But working with other boy groups is always a fun time too.

I finished the current section of the song I was working on and listened to it back

I bopped my head back and forth, trying to notice any other subtle dynamics or parts of the song I didn't like that I could change.

Eh, just a few but I can work on that later.

just a manager? (ITZY X MALE Y/N) 18+Where stories live. Discover now