special chapter - Y/N's day in (Y/N)

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The entire morning was in panic with the girls running around the place.

Ryu - where's my fucking eyeliner?!?!

I hurried around while I looked around her room, finding it and then giving it to her downstairs while I also helped Ji-Eun change since she was still a bit weak from giving birth.

Yuna - oppaaaaa!

I turned to Yuna who was looking for something while I walked up to her

Y/N - what's wrong?

Yuna - I can't find my airpods!

I sigh, quickly thinking to where she would put it but then I ran upstairs running into Chaer

Chaer - how much time we have left?!?!?

Y/N - like 5 minutes

She kisses me on the cheek before running back downstairs, I run into Yuna's room. Checking her bed, before finding it under the plushie she usually hugs.

I grab it quickly before stopping at top of the stairs

"Fuck it"

I hold onto to the rails, jumping down the 10 flights of stairs before crashing down for the rest of it

Nari cries in Ji-Eun's arms while they all rush to me

Yeji - HONEY!

They surround me, while I quickly regain myself holding out Yuna's Airpods

Y/N - h- here-

She kisses me on the lips, Yeji and Ryujin help me up before getting some punches in from the two

Yeji - yah I told you to be careful!

Ryu - you idiot.

The girls quickly grab their bags while Ji-eun gave me Nari

IU - I love you, I'll be back home tonight with the girls

Yeji - I'll drive us over ever since Yuna scared off the last temp manager

I look over to Yuna who whistles

Y/N - you scared another one off again?

The girls look at her and then back at me

Ryu - you didn't know?

Yuna - you can't blame me! I get too moody if it's not oppa

Yeji grabs her by the ear before all of them kissing me while I walked with them to the front door

Lia - see you oppa, I love you

Y/N - I love you too Jisu-ah

We say our goodbyes while I waved with one hand to the girls while I held Nari in the other

Y/N - I love you girls, have a good day!

Everyone - bye!

I close the front door, walking over to the couch while I rocked Nari

She coos while I smiled at her

Y/N - your mama has you all the time, but looking at you now. You got my eyes

She cutely smiles, her small hands wanting to touch my face

Y/N - aigoo you're so pretty too, I hope you'll understand me and mama's relationship one day, and just not her, but the rest of your mama's too.

She suddenly cries while I panicked getting up

Y/N - oh shit, are you hungry Nari-ah?

I look around for her bottle but then I notice it's on the kitchen having been freshly washed

just a manager? (ITZY X MALE Y/N) 18+Where stories live. Discover now