How to adopt Enderman/Nether kids - By philza

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Ember has black, purple, red, and white spots all over their skin (hence why they loved calico cats the most), and dark purple hair with live fire (it just gives off a bit of heat and some light). Like their little brother, they have heterochromia, one eye a dark purple of their hair with light purple particles floating in it, the other is the same fire of their hair.
Ranboo was half white and half black, hair split the same. One red eye, one green. But sometimes their eyes are purple, and they lead a curious Ember to their moms who are looking for the two at the time. It's clear that both kids will be tall, but Ranboo will easily outgrow Ember. Ranboo’s eyes never seemed to close, and they glowed their colors.

The end was supposed to be the safe spot to raise the princes. But 5-year-old Ember and 3-year-old Ranboo had a tendency to get in danger anyway. So their moms always had someone watching them. But this day was the day that Ember learned how to shape-shift. They had turned their horns into cat ears, their tail into a cattail, and had scratched their caregiver with the talons that came with being a dragon's kid. And so the princes were left alone in the nursery. Ember was trying to explain to Ranboo why being a cat was cooler than being a dragon-like mom, the flames in Ember's hair casting a warm glow as they talked about their favorite animal from the overworld. Ranboo watched their sibling in awe, captured by the idea of seeing in the dark without needing your eyes or hair to glow.

Neither kid ever knew that something was wrong until they were falling. Ranboo burst into tears as the place crumbled into the void, Ember's screams were easily the loudest thing the three-year-old had ever heard. They could feel more than hear the roar of their mother becoming her dragon self, trying to catch her kids. But the void was quick to swallow them up. The kids had never seen so much green in the years of their life as they did in the few feet they fell onto the gravel. Both kids were sobbing as a weird man ran up. Their tears were clearly burning their skin, but they still tried to back away when the man tried to wipe them away.

Ember was fast, but not fast enough in getting to their sibling. The man had picked up Ranboo, trying to soothe them. Ember started screaming. Mumza walked over, holding the baby Tommy. Wilbur and Techno were at her sides. When Ember saw the piglin-hybrid they calmed down a bit. Piglins came from their mama’s kingdom, this one might help! Ranboo looked over, confused by their sibling's new calmness, and saw Techno. Both started reaching for him.

It took a long time, neither Ranboo nor Ember knew any language but Ender, but eventually the two were calm enough to be taken back to the Minecraft home. Wilbur will forever tease Techno for how tightly the _Beloved’s clung to him as they walked.

As soon as the front door of their home shut, Techno was setting the sleepy toddlers onto the couch. Ember held onto Ranboo as tight as their little arms could. The house was warm and cozy, it smelled of cleaner and spices. Kristan went to put Tommy in his crib, as the infant had fallen asleep on the walk. Wilbur stood next to Techno, watching over the weird-looking kids.

"Do you think they're dying?" Wilbur asks, making both Techno let out a protective huff.

"Not yet. They're just tired. And a little hurt." Techno answered, he didn't know why he felt so protective of the little ones, but he was and he refused to let them die.

Philza walks into the living room from the mud room, "You guys can't just throw your shoes where ever you please."
Wilbur turns to his father, "But dad! They need help." He points to the couch, successfully adverting Philza's attention to the two toddlers instead of his lecture.

When Kirsten came back down from the bedrooms she whispered to Philza, and after talking for a bit they came to an agreement.

It had been announced that the castle in the end had collapsed, and the orphanage in it was one of the first rooms gone. So the Goddess of Death and her angel looked down at the two ender-children and agreed to keep them as their own. They were unaware that the nursery for the royals had also collapsed and that they weren't looking at orphans but at princes.

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