Behind the screen

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I made a discord cause I could

The gods all sat around. None of them wanted to start this meeting. How were they supposed to address the fact that they themselves might go to war against each other? Not even Death or Chaos looked happy about it.

Death wasn't happy at all with all the drama surrounding her family at the moment. And no one could blame her, since she wasn't allowed to be home with her kids while they were going through trying times.

Life kept smirking when he looked at her and XD (God of Creation) was starting to catch on to the fact that he was hiding something. And XD didn't like it

Ender was snarling at everyone but her wife, but that's how it's been since their kids went missing.

Nether was trying to be nice, but the fires over her body gave away her frustration. XD was getting tired of replacing all the stuff she was burning.

Drista (Goddess of Chaos) was sitting there, watching everyone. The only sign she was awake was the fork swinging from her fingers, as she'd been eating dinner before the meeting was called.

Inorny (Time) was trying to see how close they could get to Nether and Ender before the couple would snap at them.

Opal (memory) would pull Inorny back. Sighing at their partner.

XD stands "Who called this meeting?"

All the other gods turn to him, none answering. He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "If no one speaks up then we won't know why it was called and we can't talk about it."

The other gods trade looks and then all hell broke loose. Every God and Goddess was yelling at each other, trying to defend that they were not the one to call it but one of the others were.

Death and Life were leaning over the table to yell at each other. Drista was trying to tell everyone that they should all leave. Inorny was complaining that they had someone they wanted to go visit and this was cutting into that time. Opal was trying to get Deaths attention to tell her something about one of her son's.

Ender has biten three other gods, Nether was holding them back from biting Inorny for the second time.

XD stood there, watching them. His friend, HD (Nature God) leaned over to him "Do we even want to try and separate them?"

XD huffs and slams his hands, all four, onto the table "Shut. The. Fuck. UP!" He growls, growing to nine feet tall. The others slowly returned to their seats, Drista rolling her eyes at her brother.

"None of you want to say you called this meeting. Yet instead of trying to figure out why a meeting was called by an outside force, you all went for each other's throats."

Mumza shifts in her seat, half ashamed of herself and half proud of the younger god. She's been around since the form of life, the small microscopes, and she'll be around forever. Even if everything dies off she'll still have to watch over all the souls. But she's sure that she'll be learning something everyday.

HD was watching the whole thing from a corner, he was never really apart of most meeting and liked to just hang around. However, it comes with its own advantages. Like how the others don't really look to see if he can see what their hiding. For instance, Life. He'd been sided eyeing Ender and Nether before smiling at Death. He knew something. And if HD had a guess he'd say that Life knew Death had something both Nether and Ender want, but what it was HD didn't know. But with the looks Life was giving Death with the smile it wasn't good that he knew.


Everyone knew that Death and Life were always fighting, one wrong move and Life would try to make an army of living and Death would easily defeat it.

Ender and Nether were close to siding with Life on the next great war, all they need is a little push in that direction. And Life knew how to give it too them.

After all, he knew who was holding the two queens children in her home.

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