Why your parents shouldn't share a job.

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When war breaks out it's a guarantee that death will happen. Therefore the Goddess of Death and her angels will be called into the war zone to collect the soals. And while no one really thinks about it, the kids of said Goddess do.

So when Tommy stomped into the living room, ready to explain the fight, and saw a family meeting in place he stopped dead in his tracks. Ember let out a grunt as they shoved past him and into the room before pausing. Even Tubbo was still over, even though his curfew was soon and he liked to be home early so his dad couldn't even attempt to call him late. It was how the family worked, together. Philza handed Tommy and Ember bowls of ice cream, more than one scoop. The two sat on the couch with their siblings, taking slow bites. The rule was no serious talk until dessert was over, and the kids had a tendency to eat the treats slowly to try and make the bad news go away. It never worked. The moment Tommy put his bowl on the table with the rest Kirsten cleared her throat.

"There's a war, in the middle east." She started. No one moved, and no one seemed to breathe. Mumza went over the rules again, but the kids already knew what they had to do. It wasn't the first time the parents were called off to do their job. But no matter how many times they go through it none of the kids enjoyed it.
Ranboo brings their legs up to their knees, resting their head on their knees. Tubbo leans against Wilbur, who wraps an arm around the little ram. Tommy was playing with Techno's fingers after the piglin saw him picking at his scabs and offered it of course. Ember's leg was bouncing as they stared at a wall.

"Techno and Wilbur will be in charge of food while we're gone. We'll send money, but you all should already have plenty to last. We won't be gone long." Dadza said, resting a hand on Ember's leg. "We'll be back before you know it."

And with that, the parents packed up and disappeared in a burst of black feathers.

After a minute Techno stood up and turned to his siblings. They all knew that he was the unofficial leader while the parents were away.
"Tubbo, do you want to stay longer?" Techno turned to the small boy in Wilbur's arms and when he saw them nod he turned to Wilbur "Ok then, Wilbur, Jchlatt trusts you more. Call him and tell him that Tubbos staying the night. We have clothes for him and everything."
Wilbur nodded and stood up, going to the hall to make the call.

Then Techno turns to the others "Homework. Who has any?"
Ranboo raises a hand and Techno sends them to their room to work on it.
"I'm going to work on dinner, what do you guys want?" Techno asks the rest of the group.
Tommy looks at Ember and Tubbo, all silently agreeing, "Hamburgers."
"With extra fries" Ember adds.
Techno nods as he heads into the kitchen. After a bit Wilbur comes back in, he had convinced Jchlatt to let Tubbo stay the night as long as they help him with his homework. And so they turned on the T.V. and just turned something on to have something on while they all sit in their thoughts. It wasn't long before Ranboo was back on the couch with them, as they'd done most of their homework while Tommy was in detention.
When Techno handed them each a plate of food they all said their thanks and ate without talking, watching the show on the T.V.

No one knows how long they sat there, it was long enough for the plates to be emptied and put into the kitchen. Eventually, Wilbur stood up, turned off the T.V., and grabbed his car keys.

"Van," Was all he said to get his siblings up and moving.
Shoes were put on, jackets were thrown on and they all walked out to the van. Techno locked the house behind them while Wilbur warmed up the car and all the younger siblings got buckled in the back.
Ranboo and Ember got the middle row so they could easily exit when its time, leaving Tuboo and Tommy in the back seat unattended. Normally Wilbur and Techno would get back and separate the best friends in the two middle seats, but since Will's driving and Techno was shotgun the two had the freedom to plot whatever chaos they wanted. And if the whispers from them meant anything, it was that there definitely was some chaos they wanted.

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