The world turns

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The routine was ruined without Wilbur. It seemed like everyone in the house was snails in the morning. Tommy would forgot to go get Tubbo. Techno ordered more take out than cooked even while lecturing about healthy food choices. Ember would forgot cheer practices to the point where the team is now taking turns driving to pick it up. Mumza and Dadza were back at the war but they were zoned out so much that the other angels were noticing.

The other kids would stare at the siblings, giving them extra space. They would whisper and glare. Tommy was left out of many group projects, witch sucked during the winter finales. He just wanted to make it all stop.

Purpled was trying to be nice but Tommy had no energy for the poor alien and would often snap. And even then the teen wouldn't stop bothering Tommy.


Karl stared at the letter in shock. Puffy stood next to him, chewing her nails. Neither had thought this day would come. They'd prayed that it wouldn't for years. But it was here.

Karl's biological parents were free from prison, and wanted to see him.

Karl felt numb. He still had nightmares about his time with them. He still flinches when a hand is raised at him and it's been years for crying out loud! But he can't remember a lot of it. Just flashes, feelings, and what the doctors told him when he woke up.

Niki was in the other room, calming down a pissed off Dream and trying to keep Foolish from becoming a murderer. Eret was out getting Sapnap. They wanted to keep this on the downlow.

Karl's parents didn't know where he lived, but his grandparents did and would most likely rat him out. That was Puffy's main concern. Then showing up unannounced and catching the family off guard. Her mind was running.

Karl was barely alive when the couple had been taken into prison, and no one had known about the boys existence up until the house search the police did.

She had been terrified when she first saw him, bloodied and bruised, barely feed, and with clothes that didn't fit the 10-year-old. But shed carried that little boy out of that house and into a better life.

Looking at him now it was hard to see his past, few cuts and burns had scared and he smiled everyday. He had a boyfriend and was on the cheer team. He was publicly out and starting to get hormone blockers. His brothers and him got along great.

But there was always the shadow of it. Karl would flinch at high-fives. Would duck and cover if anyone started yelling. Couldn't wear anything that showed off too much skin except for the cheer uniform.

As her thoughts got to loud Dream saved Puffy by barging in "We just say no and kill them if they get close ok?"

Karl whimpered and collapsed, Puffy and Dream diving to catch him as he sobs.

Eret walks in with Foolish "Saps making him a nest?"

Puffy tilts her head "Oh? Why?"

"Something about instinct. He said to take Karl to him is we can, if not he'll come get him." Foolish said.

Dream scooped Karl up and ran up to the boys room. And true to the story, Sap was making a nest of blankets. Sap turned and took Karl, not even asking.

Dream knew something was off about how the couple was acting. Karl was too loose in Saps hold, Sap was getting too protective of Karl. But now was not the time so he left.

Sap helped Karl into the nest and Karl gladly grabbed a body pillow and wrapped around it. Sap laid down and wrapped around Karl.

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