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George was happy. His morning started out horrible but it turned out great when Dream invited him over for lunch and video games with his family. George was more than happy to leave his family drama behind to curl up with his boyfriend, a plate of nachos and watch Karl yell at Sapnap for cheating in Mario Kart.

Sam hadn't been too keen on letting him go but George sit climbed into Erets car when they pulled into the driveway. The two went to McDonald's and grabbed fries so George could vent before going over to the Captain house.

As soon as the front door opened George smiled as the smell of Puffy's famous nachos hit him in the face. And right behind the smell was the sounds. Karl was yelling at XD for cheating in Mario Kart, Sapnap was laughing so hard he wasn't breathing, Dream and Drista were yelling over who's turn it was to play, Puffy and Foolish were trying to set out the food while Niki set out drinks.

George claimed his spot on the couch, right between Dream and Karl. As soon as he sat down the two fights stopped and he got hugged on both sides, making him giggle. Eret sat next to a pouting Foolish and patted her husband's head. Puffy handed George his plate, served as usual and on the plate he always uses. George felt like crying.

It took twenty minutes for him to get from a fight with his dad about whether he was worth having his own room while his brother has a bad marriage to him being in the middle of a warm, loving hug and being handed a plate that he had custom made for himself and food set on it in a way that made his brain feel good. And he knew that the twenty minutes was from the McDonald's drive through that he was taken too because he didn't feel good and for no other reason.

The difference was so much. He turned his head to Dream's shoulder and the code-demon shifted just enough to keep him comfortable while rubbing his back and kissing his head. George felt the weight of Karl move away and before he could complain he felt the weighted blanket being wrapped around him. He hated his emotions being on display, and this family understood that so they made sure he was covered from most of the room.

Dreams' tail wraps around George's chest before sticking out and holding George's plate stable so the fey could eat without holding it. If George felt like crying before now he felt like sobbing. These people weren't even his family, not yet, and they still treated him how he desired to be treated. They learned of his boundaries and made sure to never cross them unless it was an emergency and that happened once and then they apologized so much that he'd started giggling.

He'd always hoped that his own family would be like this once his problematic older brother moved out, but the family is still focused on the bad things going on instead of celebrating the fact that they are a family.

George tilted his head up to face Dream, who's eyes were so soft and caring that George almost broke into tears. "Can I stay here? Never go back?" He whispered.

Dream sucks in a breath "I'll ask." He moves to leave the cocoon that'd been wrapped around the pair but George whines and pulls him back and he makes no attempts to try again.


Puffy stood in the doorway of her living room, hands on her hips and a grin on her lips. All of her babies were here. Foolish and Eret were cuddled up on one couch, sound asleep and legs so tangled that Drista was placing bets on whether or not they could get untangled in the morning. XD was trying to pull a blanket away from Dream and George, but the couple would swat any attempts away and claim that the blanket pile was their dragon hoard. Niki and HD were walking around and watering the house plants. Karl was asleep on Sap, and poor Sap was curled up in the corner of the second couch in the most uncomfortable looking position and refused to move in fear of waking the sleeping boy.

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