No one wants to be here.

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The gym is the worst place in the school. Tommy had hardly slept last night, no one at the house ever does the first night of war. But Techno said that they couldn't call themselves out because of it and so now the whole school was crowded into the gym for the first prep rally of the year. Tommy could see Ember down with the other cheerleaders, talking to Karl, but other than that his siblings were spilt into their grades. In other words: he was the only one alone. He knew only a few freshmen, none that were truly his friends yet. He grunted as the kids around him squeezed closer, trying to make more room for the incoming kids.

Down on the field, Karl covers Ember's ears, the noise was loud and the school didn't care how heightened your senses were you have to attend prep rallies. For probably the first time in his life, Tommy pitted three of his older sibling. If they ever found out that anyone pitted them he'd be toast, but that didn't stop him from wincing for their pain. Tommy scans the rest of the field and can't help but snicker. The football team was also down there and he could easily read their uniforms to get names, Dream was death-glaring a Sapnap, who was watching Karl with love-sick eyes. Tommy had remembered to ask Ember about why Dream had yelled 'Sapnap' when running out of detention and Ember had explained that Sapnap was Karls's boyfriend and Dream's best friend. Talk about family drama, having your best friend date your little brother? Though to be fair, Tommy's best friend is platonically married to his older sibling so he can understand.

And as Tommy watched, Dream forcefully turns Sapnap away while the rest of the team laughs, catching the attention of Karl and Ember. Sapnap burns bright red and the ends of his hair caught on fire. Ember was over there and pinching out the flames in a blink of an eye, Karl and the rest of the cheer team close behind. And just like that the two teams mixed together and started talking and laughing, helping each other with small things. A guy with a white hoodie under his uniform (how he wasn't melting, Tommy didn't know) handed Ember earplugs.  Sapnap and Dream played tug-of-war with Karl until the fairy dude, George according to his uniform, got Dream's attention and made Sap win. It slightly confused Tommy. Normally in movies, the cheer and Football teams hate each other and have some sort of feud going on. But here they all seem to be best friends or dating.

The principal grabbed the mic on the podium, getting everyone's attention "Hello students! Welcome to the first prep rally of the school year. We would like to welcome in the freshmen and teach them the school cheer." She was trying to get everyone motivated, but not even the cheerleaders looked like they wanted to do the little dance and chant that the school came up with.
However everyone still stood up, the cheer team spilt into two groups to face everyone and took their places. Lucky for Tommy, Ember was in the freshman group and spotted him. It gave him a little wave, which he happily returned. Then his phone buzzed as the principal talked about the cheerleaders teaching them the dance.

Sibling Chat:

Wilbur: This is gonna be fun :)

Tech: Why aren't you in your seat? You said you were going to the bathroom.

Tubbs: We kidnapped him ~w~

Tommy: Whats gonna happen?

And he found out. The moment the song started for the cheer team is the moment everyone found out. Cause it wasn't the school song. No, it was Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People. Tommy burst out laughing as the cheer team's eyes widened for a second before they started to jam out to the song. The staff was all rushing to try and shut it off but it was too late. The whole student body was jumping around and singing along. A few seniors even broke out onto the field to dance, and that was the break in the dam. All the students surged for the gym floor, laughing as they jumped around. By now the song was turned off, but no one could tell as all the kids belted it out. At some point Wilbur and Tubbo had re-joined the group, sneaking in with the surge so they wouldn't get caught.
Ember picks Tommy up, putting him on their shoulders to avoid a trample of the small bridling. Tommy looked out at the sea of students. It was a mess of laughter and singing. The staff was trying in vain to get it under control. The mic had been stolen from the podium, and the principal was trying to find it in the crowd. It was the best way to end the school day. No one knew what they were singing anymore, but they kept the beat up. Tommy saw a flash of Techno's pink hair and pointed it out to Ember, who started in that direction. Turns out that the Blade had gathered the rest of their siblings and was keeping them close to the doors to leave. Wilbur was a laughing mess, bent at the waist and holding his stomach as he tries to get his breath back only for it to leave with another laugh.

Tubbo was trying to defend their actions to Techno and Ranboo, neither seemed too mad though. And before Tommy could hear the explanation Tubbo was trying to sell a bell pierced the air. The school day was over. Techno flung the door open and they all ran for it, leading the crowd out of the gym and into the rest of the school. Lucky for everyone, they all had their backpacks. The teams that were on the field had grabbed theirs from the floor when the students started to surge onto the floor. Tommy bounced on Ember's shoulders, laughing as they exited the building. Thank god the school had doors to accommodate half-giants, or Tommy would have been knocked right off. No one stopped running till they were a few blocks from the school.

Ember set Tommy on his feet while everyone caught their breath.
"Holy hell! That was amazing!" Tommy cheered, earning a giggle from everyone.

"Wilbur Soot Minecraft" Ember says, glaring at their older brother "Warn me next time."

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