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Philza never expected to get with the goddess of Death. He never imagined that they'd marry and have a son. Or that said son would find them another son. Or that his wife would then bare another son. And then having two ender-kids drop out of the sky while on a family outing? Completely out of the left field. But Philza has always been good at going with the flow. And so, he and his wife raised their five children and learned something new about them every day. The fact that all their adopted kids were immune to fire and lava, but the ender-kids can't touch water. Or the fact that little Tommy hated being the youngest but loved having all his siblings as his guard dogs. Or how each kid showed their love. Wilbur was easily the hardest kid to parent at times. He seemed stuck in the 'I-don't-need-help' part of his life. And sometimes Philza would wonder how any of the other kids had a good relationship with Wilbur, but then he'd watch Ember hit their head on a low door frame and Will would catch them or Ranboo would start sleepwalking and Will would gently lead them back to bed and he'd be reminded at no matter how hard life got, his kids we're always there for each other. Even Techno, never one for emotions, easily had a soft spot for his younger siblings.

Philza often sits down in the living room and just watches as the kids' lives fly by him. Sure they fight, all siblings do, but from Tommy's kindergarten fights to the person sabotaging Wilbur's audition his kids bounded together to deal with their problems (and if he had to step in to keep it legal he was ok with that.)

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