Ground Level

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Karl was running, flying. His whole body was shaking with fear and he wasn't even sure what he was scared of anymore. Everything was so loud. He could hear screaming, a faint ringing, and even some explosions. There was blood. All over him. He didn't know if it was his or someone else's. He didn't know what he wanted it to be. His wings hurt as he crashed to the ground. Something heavy was on him. That something was growling, snarling, and biting at him. But right as sharp teeth grazed his wings the weight got knocked off of him. More growling and the sounds of two creatures fighting above him. He rested his face against the cool grass, so tired. His name, someone was yelling his name. He rolled over. A face. He knew this face. But his vision was too clouded with tears. When did he start crying? They reached down and warm hands gently picked Karl up. They smelt nice, safe. He tries to blink away the tears but they stay in his eyes and on his face. He tries to wipe them away but he can't move his arms. Are his arms still attached? A loud banging comes from above and his eyes drift off the face and to the weird shapes up in the sky. There was a barrier and the shapes wanted in. Why did they want in? He used to know why, but he'd been thrown around too much. His name was being called. The warm hands and the face were calling to him. Trying to make sure he was ok. Was he ok? Everything was going numb and fuzzy. Another explosion went off too close and he got sent flying, the warm hands left and he felt sad about that until he hit the ground and closed his eyes.


Karl jerked awake, breathing hard. It felt like there was still smoke in his lungs. His phone was ringing and someone was pounding on his door but he couldn't breathe! This was the first time a dream had ever repeated. Dream burst through the door right as his phone stopped.
"Karl, we have to go! Embers calling us in to help look for it's brother!" Dream stops and looks at his brother "You ok?"
Karl turns to look at Dream, feeling the air rush back to him "It repeated."
"What? What repeated?" Dream sat down on the edge of Karl's bed.
"My dream. The last one happened again, but went on longer. I-" He pauses and picks at his blanket "You said Ember needs help? We need to do that."
Dream raises an eyebrow "Is your dream telling you that? Cause if not your staying home to rest."
Karl nods, something in him knew that Ember needed their help. But with more than they think.

George picks at his nails. They were an odd group. Him, Ember, Karl, Sapnap, Dream, Hannah, Techno, Wilbur, and Ranboo stood outside the school. Going off of everything that'd happened lately and Ranboos gut feeling, the two younger teens would be in this building.
Oh, and the car that hit theirs was in the parking lot.
So the group was walking around the school, trying to find an open door or window before resorting to breaking it. As they got closer to the football field George's gut twisted up more. As soon as he looked on the field he saw why.
Tommy and Tubbo were tied up to chairs out in center field. George squeaked in shock. And years later that'd be one thing he'd wish he could go back and undo: alerting the others that he saw something.

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