Take a look at what you did!!!

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TW: Blood shed

Philza could remember so much of his kid's life. From Wilbur's first breath to now is burnt into Dadzas brain. And he has always thought that it was a blessing, that whenever he got overwhelmed with the deaths of others he could think back and remember the little pitter patter of his kid's feet or the tuds as they took turns sliding down the stairs.
Now it was a curse as reality sat in. He had outlived one of them and thanks to his DNA he would outlive the rest too. It all hit him as Ember's spirit cheered on Tommy, who'd punched a guy in the nuts.
He felt his whole world tilt and wobble. His morals and rules seemed so silly. Why should he be the one to live so long? Why can't his kids live with him? He just wanted them to be safe and happy and he failed them at that. He failed!
He felt more than saw the other gods arriving.
He heard Drista scream as she saw her brother's spirit and then his body down below.
He wasn't there anymore. His body was present, yes. But he was gone, drifting away in his failure and grief. Head filled with fog.
Something moved him, trying to get his attention but he was too far under.
They were trying to break the barrier and the kids needed help.
Another kid was hurt. Was it one of his? Why couldn't he focus?!? He needs to focus!

Karl was in so much pain. The arrow in his leg was throbbing and then he'd fallen into the enemy's group and Sap and George had to go in and get him out. He was supposed to be resting but he couldn't. He couldn't stop the heat that would curl up in him and lash out anytime an enemy soldier got too close and so he kept fighting. He was protecting something, what it was he didn't know, but he knew he had something bigger than himself to live for.

George felt like the world had opened up and sucked him dry, leaving nothing but a shell of who he used to be. His and Dreams three year anniversary of dating was in a week and now they couldn't go out to their favorite restaurant like they'd been planning.
He wasn't sure if he was controlling the plants or if the plants were controlling him but the moment Karl was shot out of the sky he felt pure rage pour out of every inch of skin on his bones. He was not about to lose his best friend in this mess too!
The vines were covered in so much blood by the time Karl was safe, and they carried too much knowledge. Knowledge that George didn't want to know with Karl in the state he was in. Knowledge he wasn't sure Karl himself carried. George could tell the moment that the vines shared the knowledge to Hannah, he watches her face fall and he watched her stand guard over the angel. The sibling shared a look of pure fear, loss, and understanding.

Technoblade knew the voices. They had always been there, a soft hum in his head and sometimes a good guide. But now they raged up and boiled over into the rest of his body. They cried and screamed for the battle field to be painted red with blood. For the blood of the ones he lost to be washed away with the blood of the ones that took them away from him.
He was smart enough to aim for the TnT cannons, running to one after another and break something in it so that they were in use able and covering them in the blood of those who opposed him.
He didn't know where the axe came from, but the voices knew how to use it and it fit just right in his hands, the many carvings in the handle and blade glowed with each swing and he felt the power it carried. It was made to kill many people and have the owner live to tell the tale. But he didn't care about it. He cared about making sure that the glow was covered in red.

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