Go out there

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George laid out on the field. Graduation was months ago. Dream was supposed to graduate with him. He let out a small breath and looked around at the small group. They had all changed since the event.
Karl and Sapnap sat together. Their baby girl, Opal, was in Karls lap and even the normally giggling girl was quiet as if she knew that something sad had happened here. The couple had graduated and started jobs, moved in together. Started a new life.
Ranboo sat near them, talking softly to Sapnap about Nether stuff. They no longer wore jeans or sweatpants, but was always in suits and fancy clothes. Their biological mom's had taken them home. Their crown sat on their head to show that they are royal blood.
Tubbo and Tommy lay together. No matter what anyone says the pair still blame themselves, saying that if they'd not gotten caught then no one would have been hurt.
Techno was reading a book. He had so many scars from going blood crazy and the soldiers desperately trying to stop him. He scared George a bit.
Wilbur was holding his son, a small fox hybrid, Fundy. Sally had been in a car accident a few weeks ago and didn't make it out alive but their son did. Part of George wondered if Ember was looking out for their nephew as he barely had a scratch on him and when the paramedics found him he had been giggling at something.
Hannah was asleep on the grass next to George. He had been talking to her but she had been staying up late these past few nights thanks to the new living arrangements at their house.
And then there's George. He moved into Dream's old room, started working at the bakery with his mom's. He wore the ring on a necklace and barely took it off. His old room had been given to his older brother after he got a divorce and his son, Tubbo, got adopted by the Minecraft family.
Small giggles made him look at the two babies, who had reached out towards each other and with the help of their parents are now holding hands. He lets himself smile as the two both try to put the others hand into their mouths just to get picked up by their parents.
After a while the group got up and headed to the parking lot. Ready to learn how to keep going with their heads held high.
Opal was looking over Karl's shoulder, back at the field, and she raised a hand to wave at it "Bye-Bye!"
Fundy looked over and giggled, joining in the waving.
When the others looked back at what the little girl saw they all swore it looked like foggy versions of Dream and Ember waved them good-bye before disappearing into the wind that blew everyone's hair everywhere.
George felt like crying but a smile came first. He finally got a good-bye.

I'm happy you guys enjoyed my book!
Remember that sometimes it's not about getting through the struggle but learning to live with it.
We are all strong in our own ways.
Now go off and have fun with your lives <3

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