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Why did Techno ever give Wilbur the go-ahead to that party? Honestly, it was a bad idea and a half. And now Wilbur was learning of the consequences. Tommy has been acting up for the past three weeks, and right when Wilbur was ready to pull Tommy to the side and force the reason out of him, one of the cheerleaders, Sally, grabbed Wilbur. She'd been at the party, and all Wilbur remembered about her from it is that she'd been pretty and nice and he'd liked her. Both of them had been drunk so he never really found out how exactly their night ended. But she grabbed his arm and pulled him into an empty classroom.
"Listen to me." She started, taking deep breaths.
Wilbur was fast in trying to keep her from crying, "Woah, what's wrong?"

"We have a problem." She said, still trying to keep her breath even, "How much do you remember from the party?"

"Not a lot, why?" He asked

"Well, we slept together." She informed Wilbur could feel his mouth drop but she kept going, "And I'm pregnant."

Wilbur's brain short-circuited. It was barely the start of the school year, and he'd already fucked up big time. Sally stood there, fidgeting with her fingers and he processed everything.

"And it's mine?" He whispered and she nodded "What can I do to help?" He landed on his next question and Sally visibly relaxes.
"We need to keep this on the down low. A secret. I only told you cause you are the dad. I don't know how much you want to be in this child's life, but if you want to be in it you and I have to get along, ok?" She asked and Wilbur nodded so she kept going "It's going to be a lot of work on both of our parts, but I think we can do it. Just don't tell anyone!"

Wilbur nodded again, offering a hug. She stepped into it and he buried his head in her red hair. This was gonna be a hard secret to keep. He was gonna be a dad. HOLY SHIT! Everything hit him suddenly. He's going to be a father.

Techno stared at both Wilbur and Tommy. They were acting weird. Keeping secrets. Wilbur seemed to be floating and crashing with his, and Tommy seemed like he knew something terrible. When Techno had found Tommy at the library he'd been going over school blueprints, and when Techno questioned it Tommy told him to buzz off and to mind his own business.

When Techno confronted Wilbur the avion had squawked and flew into the air, and then right into the window. All questioning stopped as Techno laughed at his brother and then helped him back into bed. Luckily he didn't get a concussion from that. But when the rest of the siblings poked their heads in to check on the sound they all laughed at Wilbur, so his ego was defiantly bruised.

So for a month the pair would walk around and act weird before Techno called a family meeting. Both Tommy and Wilbur looked awkward as everyone stared at them.

"What are you keeping from us?" Tubbo asked, glaring. And the family sat there in silence for five minutes as the two felt the pressure build.

Tommy broke first. "I think someone wants to hurt the cheer team!" He blurts out, earning Ember's protective growl.
"Explain." Techno cut in.
Tommy explained what he had heard and saw at the library, no one liked the news. Ember stood up and marched off to call the cheer coach with the information. Tubbo hugged Tommy tight.
Techno turned to his twin, "Now you."
Wilbur stood, dragging him to the hall, "This stays between us, ok?"
Techno nodded, "I promise."
Wilbur sighed "I got a girl pregnant."
"WHAT!?" Techno yelled.

Wilbur slapped a hand over Techno's mouth "Shhhhh!"
Techno sighs "I'm so sorry for that girl."

Wilbur let out an offended gasp

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