Just a dream, right?

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Karl was running, flying. His whole body was shaking with fear and he wasn't even sure what he was scared of anymore. Everything was so loud. He could hear screaming, a faint ringing, and even some explosions. There was blood. All over him. He didn't know if it was his or someone else's. He didn't know what he wanted it to be. His wings hurt as he crashed to the ground. Something heavy was on him. That something was growling, snarling, and biting at him. But right as sharp teeth grazed his wings the weight got knocked off of him. More growling and the sounds of two creatures fighting above him. He rested his face against the cool grass, so tired. His name, someone was yelling his name. He rolled over.

He rolled off his bed, right onto the floor with a loud thud. He lay there for a bit, still trying to gather his surroundings. He was in his room, his legs half on the bed and the sheets both on and off with him, his wings were still hidden in his back. His alarm started to beep and he let out a small groan. Sitting up he pulled his legs off the bed. After turning off the alarm he threw his blankets back onto the bed, not bothering to make it. Then he grabbed his sweater, his binder, and some leggings and went to the bathroom to shower and change. The hot water reminded him of the heat that he felt in his dream, and he quickly turned it down a couple of notches. Once he was dressed for the day he brushed his hair and put on some rings, bracelets, and necklaces.

His adoptive mom was standing in the kitchen, cooking some egg, cheese, and ham burritos, when he walked in. She smiled at him.
"Looking good sweetie." She said, kissing his head as he gave her a hug.
"Thanks mama." He smiles, going to the fridge and getting out the milk. "Did Mom already head out to the bakery?"
Puffy nods "Yep, but she said she's gonna stay home tomorrow."
Karl lets out a small cheer and does a small dance before pouring out his milk and putting the carton back in the fridge, and grabbing the strawberry syrup. Puffy giggles as her son adds a bit too much syrup for her taste to his milk, but it makes him happy so she makes no commitment.
"Oh!" She turns to him, "Foolish said that he might stop by sometime this week!"
Karl gasps "Really!" He grins, excited to see his older brother.
"Yeah, him and Eret have settled in together and his work is finally getting caught up so he can finally start swinging by to spend time with his family." Puffy handed Karl a burrito.
Karl grins "About time! Thank you mama." He says before starting to eat.
Puffy nods, starting on another one for her other son. And think of the devil and he shall appear.
Dream half walked, half stumbled into the kitchen area, yawning. Both Puffy and Karl smile at him. He returned the smile, kissing Puffy's cheek and giving Karl a side hug before getting himself some apple juice.
The kitchen wasn't that big, but all three of them could fit without getting cramped too much. Karl sat on the counter, Dream leaning next to him and Puffy worked in front of the stove. It was almost the same picture every morning, and they wouldn't have it any other way.

Sure, they were happy when Niki could join them but they understood that the bakery was the main source of income for the house, so no one faulted her for going to work early in the morning. Besides, she was home before dinner most nights. And Puffy never got mad at the kids for wanting to be close to their moms whenever they could, they have been through hell and back together, so having them in the kitchen was nice.

Eventually, the food was eaten, Dream was dressed, shoes and jackets were put on, backpacks were thrown over the kid's shoulders, and Puffy hugged her kids goodbye as they parted ways outside the house. Puffy headed to work and the kids went to school. Well, first to the gas station to get snacks and then to school.
Dream tapped his foot impatiently as Karl stood in front of the Monster display case. They did this almost every day, Dream had a set soda, and both had a set snack, but Karl could never decide which Monster he wanted. Dream was about to snap when Karl spoke up.

"I had a nightmare last night." His voice shook, and his brother froze.

Karl never dreamed. His mind was always blank in sleep. Unless it was from a different time. His mind would be jerked into the past to live through part of someone's life. Or into the future to see his or someone else's life. So for him to have a nightmare meant that something went wrong. If it'd affect them or not is always a surprise.

Dream grabbed Karl two monsters, turning to him "Explain."

As the two checked out and headed to school Karl explained the pain and confusion of what seemed to be a battlefield for a war. Dream nodded along, trying to determine if any battle like that had happened in the past. Before they entered the school gate Dream pulled Karl into a tight hug to let him cry about it all.

"I was so scared." Karl whispers as he squeezes Dream tight. Dream rubs his back under his bag.

"It's ok. I got you. You're nowhere near a battlefield." Dream sways them as Karl takes deep breaths to calm down.

After about five minutes later the pair walked into school, Karl running over to his friends. Ember openedtheir arms for a hug, witch Karl eagerly jumped into. Ember lifted him up and spun him around until he was a laugh mess. Then he got passed into warm, strong arms. He knew who it was without opening his eyes and turned around to hug his boyfriend. Sapnap chuckles and covers Karl's face in little kisses. Karl grins, loving the affection. Sapnap finishes the attack of kisses with one on Karl's lips and Karl melts. He could hear his friends talking but his head filled with more and more static the longer they kissed.

Dream pulls their heads away from each other with a "Breath you two idiots" and laughter surrounds them but Karl just wiggles his eyebrows at Sapnap, who understands immediately. Sap's arms loosen enough for Karl to slip out, turn and bolt off towards the bleachers, or more pacifically, under the bleachers. Sapnap was hot on his heels. They could hear Dreams words of protest, everyone knows what couples do under the bleachers, but the pair never slowed.

Dream tried to squirm out of Georges hold, but his boyfriend had a tight grip on him. Punz was trying to shield Dream's sight of where his little brother and best friend ran off too. Hannah had her hands over his mouth to get him to stop yelling after the pair. The rest of the group stood around and laughed. Dream let out a puff of air, licking Hannah's hand to get it off and she was fast in the removal. He then turned and picked George up, earning a squeak out of the fae man. Next, he stomped up the school steps and too his first hour. George held on tight to Dreams neck, giggling at him.

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