Alternative ending

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Sapnap was tired, but that's what he got for being a young dad. Karl sat beside him and Opral was in Karls lap. The small family was waiting for the others to arrive on the field but Sap was thinking about taking a nap out on the warm grass more than he was thinking about how long it was taking his friends to show up. His daughters giggles were like a little song, loud enough for him to hear but soft enough to fit in with the chirping birds and the blowing of the wind.

The peace was ruined as George sat down with the basket of food and a frown. Sapnap knew that frown all too well, it was the im-thinking-about-Dream-and-blaming-myself frown. Sapnap hated that George, Karl and even himself had one of those frowns. It's been years of therapy and yet none of them could stop blaming themselves for anything that happened.

Tommy and Tubbo still thought that it was their fault for getting kidnapped. Or for not being stronger or faster. Tommy also thought that he should have told people what he knew sooner. Wilbur was a mess because apparently he saw Embers death while he was in his coma-thing but then forgot it once he woke up.

George hated that he was the one that alerted the others that they needed to go out onto the field that day. Karl blamed himself for getting shot down and needing the two to try and come save him.

Sapnap just felt weak. Him and Technoblade blamed themselves for being too weak to save their family. They felt like they should have been the ones to run out and get blown up.

Saps spiraling thoughts got interrupted by Opal climbing over Karl and into his chest and then to his face. The small girl loved to look her parents in the eyes and neither one could say no to her. So Sapnap laid on his back with Opal sitting on his neck as she stared at his eyes.

Her own eyes sparkled as she grinned, they were a dark grey, a nice mix of Karl's and Saps eyes. And as she smiled he could see her baby teeth, so few yet so sharp like his own. He couldn't help but reach out and start to pet her soft hair. She giggles and belly flops onto his face. He smiles at her and at the sound of George and Karl laughing.

A few seconds later George was picking up the little girl and spinning her around as she squeals, then bringing her in for a hug and a kiss on the forehead and Sapnap's heart clenched. Dream had always talked about being the favorite uncle to whatever kids Sap eventually had.

Karl was the one to save him this time, laying down on top of him and smiling as Saps arms wrapped automatically around him. The pair had had a fight that morning, over what outfit to put Opal in, and it was nice to know that Karl was still willing to be with him even though he wasn't the happiest.

Next to arrive were Tommy, Tubbo and Wilbur. All in the same car and none too happy. Wilbur's son, Fundy, seemed to be the only one that could smile out of the group as they walked over. Wilbur looked as though he hadn't slept in days and Sap pitted the dude, he was a single father to a son he never thought about having and he was still trying.

Opal and Fundy were allowed to play on a soft blanket that Karl sat out and the adults all sat around and started to eat the food George had brought. No one knew what to say. Hannah couldn't make it to this reunion as she was out of state, but Ranboo and Techno would be there soon.

George sat up and raised his glass of wine "It's been five years. Five years since we had to fight for our lives and five years since we lost two important people."

Sapnap and Wilbur also raised their wine. Karl, Tubbo, and Tommy raised their sparkling juice. Even Opal and Fundy raised their sippy cups of juice. And together they all chugged.

"What cult did we walk into?" A voice asked and Sapnap looked over, smiling at Techno and Ranboo.

The pair joined the group. Slowly they started talking. It wasn't exactly sad, but they were all missing something. As they shared their memories of the two that passed tears started to fall and eventually the only two that weren't sobbing were the sleeping 5-year-olds.

It was so hard to miss his friend as he talked about all the funny moments he shared with Dream. He even shared some embarrassing memories and no one judged him. He also got to learn more about Ember as their siblings shared memories of them. The more he drank the more he cried and shared.

As night fell they packed up, buckled Opal into her car seat and Karl helped him into the passenger seat. On the drive home he rested his head on the window and watched the world fly by. He felt more than saw Dream as he got home. He felt his best friend stabilize him as he walked inside and fell onto the couch. He knew better than to think that this was over.

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