A heart beats...for now

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The start of what happened was easy to explain: the group of teens rushed out onto the field, wanting to reach the younger two. Then the brand new shielding system activated around the shield, keeping everything out but trapping everyone in too. Sapnap and Karl turned around to try and get out of the shield while the others slowly kept heading to the two that were tied up. None of them ever reached their destination.
"Welcome" A voice booms "To my show!"
They pause and look around for the source of the voice. Ember pulls Ranboo close and growls at nothing in general. Sapnap pulls Karl close to his side. Dream covers George with his body, expecting an attack. Wilbur and Techno go back to back.
"You guys put us way ahead of schedule, but we still have an amazing show to put on for the audience!" The voice continues.
Tommy yells into his gag, trying to get his family to run.
"Now we wait for the guests to show up. So save your energy!" A gas started to filter into the shield, putting the group to sleep

Karl groans as he wakes up. The sun was right in his eyes and he was on something hard and uncomfortable. He tries to open his eyes but the sun was too bright so he covered them and rolled over, into something warm, squishy and breathing.
He jerks up, taking a moment to recognize Sapnap next to him. And a quick look around confirms that their still on the track around the football field and the others are still asleep out on the field. But there where more people now.
People in head to toe red walked around setting things up that Karl hoped he didn't know what they were. The things looked too similar to TnT cannons but those were banned a long time ago in all realms.
Karl turned back to Sapnap and covered the demons mouth before shaking him. He needed to make sure none of the red people knew that they were awake. After a couple of minutes Sapnap jerks awake and Karl has to use both hands to keep him from screaming.
"We're not safe. Be quiet." Karl whispers into his ear, looking around at the nearest red person to make sure that he wasn't heard.
Sapnap follows his gaze and does a double take before looking around then back at Karl and nodding. Karl points towards the rest of their group, even if they didn't escape their chances of survival increases with more people.
Sapnap nodded his understanding and together the two slowly army crawled to their friends. In any other situation they'd laugh and tease each other and race and have others join in. But they could feel the unspoken words that hung in the air, they were in a life or death matter and their enemy has the upper hand.
Karl reaches Wilbur's legs and uses it to pull the avion to his chest. He covers the man's mouth and shakes him, Sapnap copying the actions with George. And just like with Sapnap, when Wilbur woke up Karl moved his second hand to help muffle him as he tells him that their not safe and to look around. Karl wishes he didn't have to tell anyone that their not safe but slowly the group woke everyone up until they were all looking up at the two still in chairs.
Getting up to wake them would alert their enemy that their awake. However, their enemy did it for them.
The speakers crackled as the voice returned "Hello again!"
Tommy and Tubbo jerk awake and tip their chairs over. Ranboo grabs a leg of Tubbos chair and puts it back on the ground before the ram hit his head. Tommy was not so lucky and his chairs back broke when it hit the ground and the young avions eyes wide as he gasps loudly. Wilbur was next to him in less than a blink of an eye, getting him out of the chair and address his head.
"Good to see that you all woke up just in time! Go on, stand up. It's almost show time and we can't have the main act laying on the ground." The voice laughs.
Karl's gut plummets as they all slowly stand. Techno frees Tubbo and holds the small boy to his side.

Philza didn't like the glint in Life's eyes. The God had called Kristen, him, Ender, Nether, XD, HD, Opal, and Inorny to come see a project that he'd been working on. And to make it worse he recognizes his kids school. They stand on a weird shield over the football field and track. Apparently the surprise was under it and that's why they couldn't see through it.
Dadza wanted to go see his kids after this, Philza knew better than to drop by and then leave again.
Life giggles at the other gods "Ok. So I know that I was really weird when I sent out that message. But I decided to make a show! But unfortunately it destroyed my schools field. And then the couchs of this school allowed me to use their field and it works so much better!" He claps. "But I have a question for you, Death." He smiles at the Goddess "Which child do you care about most?"
The shield cleared. And Dadza wished that he had never wished to see his kids. Because they were all down on the field, surrounded by TnT cannons and an army in red armor and netherright weapons.

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