Getting out

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Abigale was shocked. That was the smoothest escape from death she has ever seen since joining the angels of death. She watches as Ember points out the shield generator to their siblings and they start to turn the TnT cannon to it. She couldn't help but smile as Dream talked to Everyone else and started to lead them to the side where a small crowd had formed on the outside of the shield.
She understood the plan. Get rid of the shield and get their friends into the arms of the living that will help them. She saw emergency workers waiting with stretchers and SWAT teams waiting to get in there and start arresting the army that had started this attack.
She turned to her supervisors, her goddess and the angel of death.
"We need to help them." She says, getting their attention. "Us angels can do crowd control and help apprehend the soldiers."
Kristen nods slowly "Go."
Abigale nods and jumps into the air. In a wave of black the angels of death entered the crowd and pulled them back from the shield.

Puffy didn't know how to feel. She knew her kids were in the dome. She knew that they were endangered or even hurt. She could hear the screams from inside the dome and the explosions that had been happening.
She fought the angel that held her back and she saw Niki doing the same by her side, they needed to know that their kids were ok.
Foolish and Eret were somewhere in the crowd behind her and she could hear her son's yelling about how his brothers were in there, how they'd texted the family group chat saying that they were going to go to the school today.
There was a large explosion near the stands and the shield glitched and then disappeared.
Puffy tries to rush in but the angel held her back.
She saw a flash of Sapnaps face as the angels rush in and pull the kids out.
She screams for them.

Sapnap was in shock.
Dream's ghost was leading them to safety. Ember went over to Wilbur and Ranboo to help with the TnT cannon. They fell out of the sky and took the lead to make sure the rest of the group stayed alive.
George was following Dream in a haze, wanting to touch, hold, kiss his boyfriend.
Karl was curled up in Saps arms, tears streaming down his face as he watched his brother's spirit scare away any attacks.
As the generator went up in flames Sapnap realized that he couldn't hear. He saw the shield drop and watched the medics and angels rush in and pull the kids out of the battle field. Someone tried to pull Karl out of Sapnaps arms and he bit them, his heart speeding up at the thought of losing sight of his mate.
He felt the hands pull him down onto the stretcher, the crowd made it too hard to know where to look so he chose to look at Dream, who was glowing slightly.
An angel walked over and offered Dream a hand. Dream took a deep breath, looked around and took his hand. As the hands shook, Dream's spirit disappeared.
Sapnap felt Karl's scream and saw George burst out in tears.

Tommy hates hospitals. They're too clean and white and they smell weird. He just wanted to wake up at home and find out that all this was a nightmare. That Ember was still asleep in the room across from him. That Ranboo wasn't a missing prince. That Tubbo wasn't blind in an eye from an explosion that happened way too close.
He wanted his wings to be able to work instead of having taken too much damage to ever lift him again. He wanted Karl to figure out that he was pregnant in a different way. He didn't want George to find out that Dream wanted to propose through Niki. He didn't want to find out that the football and cheer coaches were generals in the army that had killed his sibling. He didn't want Sapnap to need hearing aids at such a young age.
He wanted to go back in time to stay at home and wait for Techno to come back with dinner and Wilbur to bring the ender kids back from practice.
The door to the room opened slowly and his mom walked in, eyes still red from crying. She tried to give Tommy a smile but they both knew that she carried too much guilt.

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