Fuck Being a Goddess, I'm a Mom!

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When Wilbur saw Sally getting pinned to the lockers by a dude he had to step in. She was saying no and was pushing him away. So Wilbur grabbed the jerk's shoulder and pulled him off of her. He didn't expect him to turn and punch his nose, or for the fuckers friends to start gathering around him to fight. Luckily for Wilbur, his siblings hadn't spilt off yet. So it was ten assholes v.s. six chaotic siblings.

Wilbur punched the guy who'd hit him, right in the gut, and when he doubled over Wilbur grabbed his hair and made his face meet Wilbur's knee. The guy's friends pounced. Punches and kicks and some blood was going everywhere. There were screams of a kid biting, but Wilbur didn't know if it was Tommy or Ember doing the biting. At some point he stopped feeling the pain, adrenaline kicking in as he punched a guy's throat.

Kids stood on the sidelines, watching, cheering, screaming at them to stop, commenting, and stopping staff.

Techno was a war machine. As soon as one of the guys grabbed a hold of Tommy's wings to try and hurt the small avin Techno's fist hit him in the head hard enough that he went flying off of Tommy. Techno then turned and body-slammed two people into the lockers hard enough to dent the lockers.

Tommy was biting. He'd fly up, land on one of the guy's backs, and bite his shoulders while Tubbo punches him in the gut. Two-timing every enemy they came across.

Ranboo's tactic was simple. He was fighting someone who could spilt themselves, a slime-hybrid. So he'd pick up the small versions of the person and throw them at the wall until the slime had to go back to the original person, making that person bruised, bleeding, and tired. Ranboo was having fun with it at least.

Ember was one v three. It wasn't fair for the three. It was using its fire and biting anything that got close to its mouth, which was a lot since they'd pounce on their enemies like a cat.

However, more and more friends seemed to be joining the jerk's side. And Wilbur was running out of patience. He thought it was going great until it happened. Ranboo screamed out in pain as water got dumped on him. Wilbur saw black and let out a scream of death.


Kristen stood in the principal's office. She was supposed to be over sea's but some idiot put two of her kids in the hospital and now they wanted to charge Wilbur for nearly killing Ranboo's attacker. Philza stood at her side, fuming. Neither one was happy to be here. And with the way the situation was being handled was not helping matters.

"So you mean to tell me that a student used water, a known weakness against enderman, against my enderman-hybrid child." Mumza hissed "And you want to punish Wilbur for using an ability no one knew he had to defend Ranboo?"

The principal shifts in her chair, uncomfortable under the stare of the Death Goddess "Well yes. He almost killed the kid"
"RANBOO COULD HAVE DIED!" Philza yelled. "If they were any later to the hospital they would have been killed in this school because your staff failed to stop a fight!"
"Well, yes. But we handled it as soon as we got to the fight." The principal tried to defend.
Mumza slammed her fist onto the desk "My child almost dies on your grounds and you want to punish their sibling for defending them?"
"Well. I, um"
"Who even started the fight? Oh right, the other group of kids! And where are their parents?" Dadza asks.
A knock on the door stops the yelling and Tommy pokes his head in "Hey, um. Ranboo called. They say that they want to come home."

Mumza gives him a small smile "Have they been discharged yet or do they just not like it?"

"They say they just need a guardian there to sign off on the discharge papers." Tommy smiles "Fast healing and shit."
Dadza lets out a tired laugh "I'll go sign those. Do you want to finish up here love?" He turns to his wife who nods and turns back to the principal.
Phil walks out, taking Tommy with him and leaving the two women alone together.

"See, everything is fine."

"No its not." Mumza says "I had to leave a war zone because my child had to learn how to death scream just to save another kid. As it stands they did not start the fight, and one of my kids could have died in it. You need to punish those kids that did start the fight and knowingly almost killed a student." She then turns and storms out yelling over your shoulder "You handle this or we will!"


Ranboo was in pain. Not as bad as when the water was first dumped on him, but it still hurt. Ember and Techno haven't left his side since. Wilbur was on the other bed in the room with him and Techno would check up on his twin but that was as far as they'd go. No one wanted to admit it, but they were scared for Wilbur. Ranboo didn't remember much of it besides the pain of water all over their back but Techno told them what had happened.

Ranboo had screamed in pain. Wilbur had let out a death scream, something only the senior Death angels could do. And then both of them passed out. Luckily it was a weak Death scream so it didn't kill anyone but it put Ranboo's attacker on life support.

And now they were just waiting on Dadza to come to sign the discharge forms for Ranboo. But Wilbur was still unconscious. Mumza was handling a situation at school according to Tubbo who had hung out as long as he could before his shift at work. Honestly, that felt like a threat to the school. As Ranboo waited they watched Wilbur, and if it wasn't for the heart monitor they'd think the avion was dead with how little he was breathing.

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