Little wings don't fly far

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Tubbo sits in the living room of the Minecraft house. He was trying so hard to not laugh. Ranboo stood in the center, in their brand new marching band uniform. Ember stood next to them in its cheer uniform, giggling. Techno made the final adjustments to Ranboos uniform and stood back. Tubbo giggles and nudges Tommy, who sits next him. Tommy grins and snickers. Ranboo flips the pair off and Wilbur chuckles before grabbing the car keys.
Ranboo and Ember grabbed their bags and Wilbur led the two to the car and drove off to take them to practice.
Tubbo grabs his bike, waving goodbye to Techno and Tommy before heading down to the car shop where he and his dad work. After locking his bike up in the back he clocked in and went into the main room, where his dad sat behind the desk. He ducked his head at the glare and headed to the car that needed to be finished today.
He hated this family.
He hated going to work and having to do everything while his dad sat around and acted like he was so good because his dad passed down the shop.
Tubbo hated going home to either his other dad yelling at him or to an empty house.
Tubbo hated the fact that his dad's couldn't be seen together without a fight starting, or without alcohol involved.
He'd often sneak over to Tommy's house and curl up next to one of the siblings for the night. None of them seemed to mind.
He slammed the car hood down and Schlatt glared at the young ram while Tubbo grabbed the keys to the car and went to the car, starting it up and smiling at it.
Sometimes he liked cars better than people. Cars couldn't drink and lie and beat you, people could. Sure cars broke and needed repairs but they told you what was wrong and he knew how to fix them. He didn't know how to fix people.
Wilbur had been acting off. He kept staring at all his siblings as if trying to remember something. It was like he'd seen something and then forgot it, something important. He was quieter, and more jumpy.

Wilbur sat in the car, staring out the windshield. His brain was hiding something from him. He needed to know what it was, and why it was being hidden. He slammed his hand onto the steering wheel and the horn went off, causing him to jump back. Some people turned to look at him and he shrunk in his seat.
Turning on the radio he looked at the clock, 2:00. One more hour until Ran and Em get out of practice. How the two could stand being outside and exercising was a mystery to Wil.
He grabbed his phone and saw a few messages from Techno asking him where he was. He was supposed to go home for the two and a half hours the two were at practice but Wilbur had just sat in the parking lot. He ignored them and just messed around on his phone until the doors to the car got yanked open.
Wilbur looked over to see a very pissed of Ranboo slide into the passenger seat and an equally mad Ember buckle up in the back.
"Is everything ok?" He asks
"No!" Ranboo huffs "The last game of the semester is expected to have rain, but we're not allowed to skip it! They claim that they'll have a new system in place so we're always covered but we're going to be in the middle of the field during halftime!"
Wilbur frowns and tightens his grip on the steering wheel "Maybe you two can skip halftime and just work the sidelines?"
Ember shakes their head "Asked. Apparently the system covers the whole field."
Wilbur went to make a remark but his phone dings and he looks at the text he got.

Piggy: I'm heading out to grab dinner and dessert from Niki's bakery. Tommy's staying home. I'll honk when I get home and I expect help getting the food in.

Wilbur rolled his eyes and pulled out of the parking lot and headed home. Ranboo filled him in on the rest of his first practice, they were apparently really good at marching band until they had to play parts from memory.
When the trio got home Wilbur went to Tommy's room to talk to him while the others went to change. Opening the bedroom door Wilbur was meet with no one, and he went to walk out until he spotted Tommy's phone on the nightstand. He grabbed it and ran out of the room, checking all bathrooms and yelling for the younger avion. The two ender kids ran to him instead.
"Why are you yelling?" Ember asked, "Hes probably just outside and his phone needed to charge." It explained when Wilbur filled the pair in.
So Wilbur slammed open the back door and stormed out just to stop in his tracks.
The bike shed was left wide open, the lock hanging from one door.
Ranboo ran forward and checked inside "Only Tommy's is gone." He reported.
Wilbur felt something deep in his gut that he hated as he dialed his twins number.
"Sup." Techno answered
"We have a problem!" Wilbur was close to yelling.
Techno sighed "Physical, emotional or legal?"
Wilbur paused "What? Nevermind that! Tommy's gone. He left his phone and took his bike. Drive around!"
Techno has never pulled out of a parking lot quicker.

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