Oh no

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Geroge was nervous and pissed. The football coach called an emergency meeting for any returning player, something about a threat. Geroge stopped up to the school, mushrooms sprouting in his steps. Hannah folwed him the most she could, as the cheer team was already going to have a meeting but like the football team it was now an emerancy-returning-people-meeting only. However the vines of flowers covering her slowed down her walking, and George was getting tired of freeing his sister from her vines.

The moment he opened the door to the school to head in he felt his feet leave the floor as someone picked him up. He panicked for half a second before he felt the feeling of code scanning him over while the person held him to their chest, and only one person would be in the school with code abilities. Dream. George wrapped his arms around Dream's neck and his legs around Dream's waist while the code demon scanned him over. He was used to Dream constantly scanning him, checking for any signs that he was hurt. He'd do it before, after, and even during their games. It was cute.

Hannah shuffled past them, but neither boy paid her any mind. In fact, they barely moved when Sapnap stormed in and down the hall.

Sapnap wanted to scream. He was supposed to be out with his dads but now the football and cheer teams might have a threat. He was pissed. Not even seeing his two best friends (holding each other like they never will again) could calm him down. He went down to the locker rooms, where the teams were meeting in front of, and saw the person he was hunting down. Karl had no real warning before Sapnap was holding him in a bone-crushing hug. Karl squeaked and turned, returning the hug. Sapnap nuzzled his face into the crook of Karl's neck, right over the matting mark that they'd been hiding from their friends and family.

As per nether tradition, Sapnap had marked Karl as his and that technically makes them engaged right now. They'd done it about three weeks ago, and considering Sapnap is still alive means that none of Karl's siblings have found out yet.

Karl reaches up to run his hands through Sap's hair, helping calm the blaze-ling down a tad. Karl knew better than to push Sapnap to talk about what was bothering him while he was still riled up, so they just stood in each other's embrace for a bit.


Ember was confused, to say the least. All the kids had arrived now, but the coaches hadn't stepped out of the little office thing yet. And something Tommy had said was bothering them. How'd the other school know what species the kids were? Sure some were clear, but no one ever posted what each kid's abilities were. And Ember, despite the huge urge, hasn't used their fire at school or school functions or just anywhere but home. And yet the other school knew that they had fire powers? To be fair it has a live flame in their hair, but still! And Ember's the only one with fire on the cheer team. Could someone be a spy?

It was so lost in their head that they barely noticed when Sapnap grabbed Karl, or when George and Dream walked to the group from where they were down the hall. And its head only snapped up when the office door slammed shut.


Too much. Everything was getting to be too much for Karl to take. Normally he can shake off the dreams, but the one from three weeks ago still clung to his mind. And now there might be a threat against his team? And his (technically) fiances team too. It can't be a coincidence. Even being in Sapnaps arms barely helped calm his heart down, and that's his safe place. It didn't help that Sapnap was obviously angry at the loss of father-son time, he'd been talking about this day for a week now. Karl felt bad that he had to give it up, but was glad that he was here.

When the coaches slammed the office door shut Karl jumped slightly and Sap's hold on him tightened with a small growl towards the coaches, but neither coach paid any mind to him.

"I know you all are wondering why we called everyone to this meeting today, and just the kids from past years." The cheer coach started, and Karl could see a look of confusion on Ember's face as their ears twitched.

"As it turns out, a student overheard some kids from the opposing school talk about our teams and how they can't wait to take us on!" The football coach started to smile "But we can assure you that they are no real threat, all of you are safe. However, we would like it if none of the new kids learned of this so we don't scare them off, understood?"

Everyone mumbled agreement and they were sent on their way. Karl grabbed Sap's hand and pulled him over to where Ember was walking off, mumbling.


Sapnap wanted to go home, but Karl had that look of determination on his face that convinced Sap to go with him. Ember was going slow, clearly lost in thought, so it was easy to catch up to them. Karl grabbed its hand and with a small yelp from Karl's teammate, the trio were off and down the hall. Karl didn't stop dragging them until they were on the bleachers outside, and only then did Sapnap learn of the people trailing behind them. Dream, George, Hannah, Punz, Jack, and Minx all sat down with Karl, Sapnap, and Ember.

Karl frowns, sitting on Sap's lap, "That can not be all that we were called out here for."

Dream nods "They're hiding something, did you see how they couldn't really look at us?"
"Their heartbeats were weird" Ember pipes up, "They were scared."
Minx looks over from where she was getting vines off of Hannah's fairy wings "What if it is a huge threat, and they just don't want us to panic?"
"Or what if they are a part of the threat?" Jack asked, getting everyone to pause.
Ember sighed "There's something else." Everyone looked at them, trying to not make eye contact but very interested. "Tommy heard the kids from the other school say 'Ender-man hybrid that has fire powers' but that's something that's in my file, not just given out freely. So how did they know?"

Silence overtook the group and Sapnap hated it so he spook up "I mean, it's a bit obvious but we still need to keep an eye out."
Dream nods "If they know what we are, they know our weak points."
"We could just be making out to be bigger than it is," Hannah says "They can just be scared that there was a possible threat against their teams."
Mumbles of agreement and nods meet her words and Hannah smiles.

"Whatever it is, we are a team. We help each other." Dream said, standing up. Everyone nods, smiling.

They all get up and head to their homes, at least most of them do. Sapnap can see Punz and Dream talking and Sapnap takes Karl out on an improvised date. And at the end of the day, he had five new Polaroid pictures of Karl and three new ones of both of them.

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