He sees but can't tell

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Wilbur was dreaming. He didn't want to be dreaming. Not this. It wasn't truly a dream even. But he was seeing how each of his family members would die. He hated it. Hated how soon some of them were.

Techno lives a long life, but has too many scars for it to be a peaceful one. Then he simply doesn't wake up one morning, joining the rest of the family that was already dead.

Ember goes up in an explosion. They had been saving someone or something, Wilbur couldn't see much, but he couldn't shake a bad feeling that Ember's life was wasted on whatever it was.

Ranboo was going to walk off a too high ledge when their asleep, but they were at least an adult (He thinks tall people problems). That scares Wilbur. The fact Ranboos body just decided to exit this life line one night and no one stops it.

Tubbo was in a fire. Trapped in a building and screaming for help. He seems to be early thirties, one horn snapped off but the other fully grown.

Tommy. Tommy made Wilbur freeze. Tommy was wide awake and seemed to be looking Wilbur right in the eyes as he steps. His wings try to catch him, but he holds them closed and doesn't scream.

Sally dies in a car accident, a small fox boy in a car seat somehow surviving.

The fox boy dies in the cold in front of Sally and Wilbur's graves, too cold and alone to make it through the night.

Wilbur watches this all again and again and again, screaming at everyone to live. He didn't want them to get hurt. After what seems to be forever he sees something different. He sees himself.

He stands in front of Philza. His father's eyes are dark, Dadza nowhere to be found in the angel Wilbur was looking at. They were fighting. The Wilbur that was watching the whole thing could see the small fox boy, now a teen, hidden in the hallway, listening in. Philza raises his hand to his son and when the body falls it doesn't get back up on its own ever again.


Wilbur gasps and screams, jerking to a sitting position in the weird bed he was in. Someone was touching him, trying to get him to lay back down. Turning his head, Wilbur vomited onto the person and they left, a door opened and yelling could be heard. Wilbur half wonders why he can't understand what words are being yelled but he is way more concerned about what he just saw. And where the hell is he?

After a look over his body he sees a tube running out of his arm and too a bag of liquid on a pole. He's in a weird dress and from the lack of nail care it's been a few weeks.

People run in with scrubs on. Doctors and nurses. He's in the hospital. Oh shit. He tries to listen to them, their talking to him, but it's all white noise. At one point a couple leave, and he was thankful and wished that they all would. But the ones that left returned, Technoblade right behind them.

Techno knew his brother. He could see the panic in the man. So the first thing Techno does is kick most of the people out of the room. Hell, he kicked out all but one nurse and she barely got to stay. But he needed answers, so he turned on her and asked his questions, as nicely as he could.

"Please explain why my brother's room was full of staff. It says on his documents that he has anxiety and he just woke up in a strange room."

The nurse was shaking a bit, taller than the piglin but that didn't change the fact that Techno was as cold as the arctic.

"I'm sorry sir. But your brother was vomiting and screaming and well, we all just came running in to try and help. We didn't really look at who it was or his papers before coming into the room to deal with it."

"Well. I suppose that makes sense. But next time, if the patient starts getting worse the more people get in here, get people out." Techno huffed and the nurse nodded.


Home was weird. Wilbur couldn't look at his siblings without a ghost of a memory floating up. He couldn't fully remember what he saw in the few months he was out, but he knew it wasn't good. And he flinched when Dadza called him. Everyone saw it. Everyone questioned it, even Wilbur did, but he couldn't explain why he was now scared of his dad.

And as if Life was laughing at him, he still had school. Most of his teachers didn't make him play catch up too bad, but his history and english teachers did. Thank the gods his twin is a nerd and helped him.

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