Big kid talk

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Sapnap smiled at his friends. They'd come over to his place for a sleepover and now they were all huddled on his bed. Karl was snuggled to Sap's chest and no one was sure if he was awake or not anymore. Dream and George were cuddling on the other end of the bed. Tension was thick in the air with unspoken words. Ever since the emergency meeting, the coaches had been acting weird, more jumpy. Whenever anyone entered the office the coaches would shut down their conversation faster than ever before. And the kids from the other school had been visiting the football field more, something about theirs getting ruined and needing to practice. But the city had a field that they could use. The more he thought of it the more confused and frustrated Sapnap got. Dream looked like he wanted to say something but a gentle hit had Sapnap looking at the boy on his chest.

"Calm down Sap" Karl whispered "Your smoking"

Sapnap huffed. The bad part of being a blaze/demon hybrid is that when his emotions got out of control smoke would start to come off of him, and if it got too far he'd catch fire. Luckily his room and house were built to withstand the demon powers, as one of his adoptive dads was also a demon. But his blankets were only fire resistant and his friends and fiance had no protection from fire. Ok, that's not completely true. As soon as Sapnap marked Karl his flames no longer hurt the man, but that was only the flames coming off of Sap's body. The fire that's caused by anything else still hurts him.

As Sapnap took calming breaths George spoke up "Please tell me that I'm not the only one that has seen the weirdness going on with the coaches."

Karl shakes his head "No, I've seen it. So has Ember. They've started to put some soundproofing up in the office and stop talking when we get close to the door."

Dream frowns "Could they be worried about the other school using our field? Why not use the city field? Or their city's?"

"According to coach they want to use ours cause the city ones aren't kept up as much." Sapnap explained "And they moved some games that we're supposed to be at their school to our school cause of how destroyed their field is."

Karl sighs "Just how badly did they destroy that field? And how badly are they going to destroy ours?"
Sapnap chuckles "Apparently they let the elementary school use it for power learning."

Dream winces "That's a bad idea. A bunch of little kids running around with no idea how to control their powers? No wonder their field is unusable." The others giggle at the thought.


Tommy had no idea what he was doing. He was in line to go to the nether city. But he didn't have an adult with him, or a pass, or even one of his siblings that have a pass! All he knew is that the nether city was sending their football and cheer team to practice on their field and Tommy didn't like it one bit. The guards at the portal looked scary. He took a deep breath as the line moved forward.

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