Tommy hates being a freshman

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It was a big day in the house. All of the kids were finally in high school. Tommy was starting freshman year, Ranboo was starting sophomore, Ember was Junior, and Wilbur and Techno were seniors. But, no matter how big the day was, the household had its own routine. Philza and Mumza were in the kitchen, making breakfast and lunches for six kids. Tommy was running up the street, his best friend Tubbo in tow. Techno was pulling Wilbur out of bed, quite literally. Ember and Ranboo were trying desperately to pretend that the beeping of their alarms wasn’t happening but got up when Techno start yelling that Wilbur grabbing the bedpost was cheating.

Mumza chuckles, closing the lid on Tubbo’s lunch right as the two teens burst through the back door. Tubbo was laughing while Tommy was yelling about something or another, but Philza was quick to shush the two. Tubbo gave Philza and Mumza a hug before running upstairs to help wake everyone. Tommy was stuck setting the table.

Mumza hands over plates, cups, and forks “What’s wrong Toms?”
Tommy looked up from where he was straightening the forks “It's nothing! I just want to see Tech’s face when he realizes that I got Tubbo ready before he got Willby ready.”

Philza laughs “Yeah? It’d be a first for sure. Tubbs must be excited to see you go to high school with him finally.”
Tommy huffs, hatting any reference to the fact that he was the youngest and the only freshman. But before any retort could be made the twins walked in. Well, Techno walked in. Wilbur was thrown over the piglins shoulder and was dragging his blanket behind him. Techno showed no mercy as he dropped his brother onto his seat. Wilbur let out a grunt at the impact and then rested his head on the table to go back to sleep.
Techno turns to Tommy “Thank you for sending Tubbo up to help.”
Tommy nods, a hand clamped over his mouth to cover his snickers. Techno nods, turning to get his food from his stone-faced parents before sitting down and starting to eat. Tommy sat down, still trying to cover his giggling as Wilbur glares at him. Tubbo walked in, guiding Ranboo who was still rubbing the sleep out of their eyes. Everyone started to take their seats around the table as Philza ran up and got Ember to come downstairs to eat.
Breakfast was always a loud but quiet event. Everyone was starting to wake up and get energized. But everyone was careful of Ranboo, Ember, and Techno’s heightened hearing. Then it was a line up at the door to get bookbags on, lunches, and hugs before starting the walk to the high school.

Tommy didn’t know why but he was nervous. He’d been in and out of the building for four years now. Whether for parent-teacher conferences, Ranboo’s volleyball games, Embers track or cheer, Wilbur’s plays, or just to drag Techno out of the library, he’d been all over the school before ever attending. But now it wasn’t just his siblings' school. It was his school too now.
Tubbo and Ranboo walked a bit in front of him, talking. But soon they turned and he was looking at a huge building. Ok, it wasn’t huge. But it was a large school. And the front doors seemed to read ‘point-of-no-return’.

He didn’t notice when Ember ran off to their friends, or when Techno went to the library. He was frozen at the gates. Wilbur, Tubbo, and Ranboo surrounded him.
“It's ok big man,” Tubbo says, hugging him.
Tommy lets out an embarrassing loud squawk, his wings puffing out in surprise. No one turned though, and Tubbo laughed. Wilbur grabbed Tommy’s hand and started to drag him to the school, ignoring all protests. They’d already gone through the meet the teacher's night, so Wilbur knew that Tommy’s first hour was on the second floor and three doors left of the stairs. Tommy watched in awe as the crowds cleared a path for his brother, and slowly stopped fighting Wilbur’s hold and walked with him.
“It's not me they're scared of,” Wilbur whispers, gesturing over his shoulder.
Tommy looked back and smiled. Ranboo was walking at his full height of 7’8”, glowing eyes glaring at the people blocking their way. Tubbo was walking next to Ranboo. He was shorter than the enderman-hyrbrid by a lot, 5’5” but where Ranboo was lanky Tubbo was built. His dad owned a repair shop that Tubbo worked at over the summers and weekends, and he had the muscles to prove that he worked hard. The ram horns on his head seemed to become sharper with the glare he was giving anyone that got too close to Tommy.
It was rare to see Tubbo and Ranboo glare, and Tommy was incredibly happy that it wasn’t at him. Just one of them was scary, the pair together? He’d rather curl up and die than try to fight them. How they got the rest of the school to understand that in one school year was a mystery to Tommy, but Wilbur was giving everyone a sly, knowing smile. No one gave them any trouble as they got to Tommy’s class.

The teacher looked up from her desk, and Tommy could swear that she looked scared for a second before she cleared her throat. She walked up and offered her hand to him to shake, which he did.

“Hello, Tommy!” She says, “Welcome to homeroom. I’ll be the first teacher you see every day. My name is Mrs. Black.”
Tommy smiles at her “Thank you, Mrs. Black. Where do I put my stuff?”
“Wherever you want. There won’t be a seating chart unless your class gets too out of hand.” Mrs. Black gestures to the room.
Wilbur snorts “Tommy will get a seating chart in place really quick”
Tommy elbows his brother before walking over and putting his bag onto a desk near a window. He pulled out his phone as he sat down and started to play a few games on it. Out of the corner of his eye, he can see Wilbur flip him off before grabbing Ranboo and Tubbo and leaving.

Tommy hates high school. It's crowded and loud and the teachers seem to keep a close eye on him. Oh, and he’s 90% sure that he pissed off the football team and their gonna try to kill him before the end of the year, just because he sat at the one table that can support them all and refused to give up his seat until the captain oh so nicely showed Tommy that he’s a code-demon hybrid. The fairy man next to the caption is the only reason that Tommy was able to walk away. And Tommy made a mental note to not go anywhere near the caption without fairy-dude nearby.

The walk home seemed longer than the walk to school. Tommy was hot, tired, and ready to quit. He had one class with a sibling. And Ember wasn’t truly in the class, just a teacher's aide! So all it did was sit there on its phone.
“Soo, how was it?” Philza asks as the kids all throw their bags into their rooms (Tubbo put his in Tommy’s) and then flop onto the couch.
“If I go through one more teacher intro, I will explode,” Wilbur complains, and everyone nods.

“Am I allowed to burn down the building yet?” Ember asks, laying across the back of the couch.
Philza shakes his head “Nope.”
Tommy whines “Why not? It wouldn’t hurt anyone!”
“It would hurt all the people who would lose their jobs, all of the student's education. And the community as a whole.” Dadza counters

“Worth it.” Was the mumbled reply from all six kids, and Philza sighs before going to start dinner.
Tubbo stretches out on the floor, pulling out his phone “Minecraft or among us?”
“Among us.” Tommy, Ember, and Wilbur vote

Techno and Ranboo vote for Minecraft.

Everyone pulled out their phones, opening among us and Wilbur hosts a room for them all. One imposter.

It started off pretty calm until a meeting was called. Both Ranboo and Techno were already dead.

“How the fuck!!” Tommy yells, Wilbur staring in shock.

Tubbo starts to fake cry “My husband! Who dares!”
Wilbur sighs “You guys get married in one play. One! And suddenly you're married everywhere else?” Ranboo and Tubbo nod.
Ember giggles “Let them be happy Wil.”
Wilbur turns to look at Ember “And you have my vote.”
Ember lets out an offended gasp “Its Will!”
Tommy and Tubbo look at each other, not convinced either way, and skip.

Not even a minute after Wilbur lets out a half scream gasp “It was you!” He yells as the defeated screen shows, Ember had been the imposter.
Ember almost falls off the back of the couch as they laugh, high-fiving Ranboo and using that connection to stay up.

Tubbo looks at them, “You killed my husband! You bitch!” He tries to stay dramatic, but he ends up laughing in the end. Wilbur however, was dramatic as he grabbed a throw pillow and started to hit Ember with it.

All in all, the day ended ok. They had no home work and Dadza made a pretty good dinner.

Pronouns and heights:
Tommy-He/him 5'7"
Tubbo-He/they 5'5"
Ranbbo-They/them 7'8"
Ember-They/it 7'6"
Wilbur-He/him 5'9"
Techno-He/it 6'5"
Philza-He/him 5'7"

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