Chapter 1: Cold

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It was cold, the snow bit at your face and hands as the wind roared around you. You were now 20 years old and had recently gotten a letter from a seemingly complete stranger telling you that you needed to come to a village, The Village of Shadows. You only went for work the you desperately needed. At first you wanted to throw the letter away, but you recognized the name at the bottom, Ali, an old friend from college. Although it was odd, you didn't really question it, and now you're deeply regretting this decision. You soon made it to the cold village, it seemed like a baron wasteland, nothing stirred and it seemed like you were the only living thing there.

You looked at your hands, your normal brown skin was turning lighter by the second, you needed shelter and fast. You walked a bit more and soon came to a stop as you listened. There was a low growing sound coming from one of the houses, you looked in the direction the noise came from. You didn't see anything, but you still heard the growling. You picked up a nearby rock and tossed it towards the shattered window making a small bump noise. The noise stopped but then a pair of glowing eyes looked straight at you, suddenly something leaped at you with incredible speed, you quickly moved out of the way, avoiding the thing completely. The creature looked like some sort of wolf-man hybrid, it was absolutely atrocious to the eyes, but you didn't have time to think about that.

The thing slashed at you with its claws as you duck, it only got a bit of your black hair, and that was too close for comfort. You stood back up and ran, you didn't know what direction you were going, you just wanted to get away. You could hear the creature panting behind you, not just the one anymore. Many others raced after you as they gave chase. Like starving wolves after their pray. Many leaped out at you trying desperately to tackle you to the ground, but you dodged all their attacks. You didn't have time to think about how fast you where, or how you manage to avoid all their attacks. You just ran. You ran until you reach a castle gate, a stone carving of a woman fighting a demon carved into it. You quickly open the gate without a second though, but before you could close it, the creatures stopped. They whimpered and whined as you completely closed the gates and looked behind you.

There was a giant door to the castle which you quickly went up to. You looked at the door then at the creatures that were chasing you, some had already left, others still lingered, but not daring to enter. Whatever that was in this castle was far more dangerous than those things, you knew that, but seeing as you had no other choice you knocked on the giant doors. They slowly opened, seemingly like magic. You quickly walk in and the doors slam shut from behind you. You jump and let out a little scream, you hate loud noises, they always scare you, even if you knew they were coming. You walk up the stairs and the first thing that you see it a painting of three women.

'They're beautiful.' you say in your head.

You read the caption underneath, 'Three Daughters, Bela, Daniela, and Cassandra.' it read.

You looked at the painting and smiled, they really were beautiful. You suddenly hear a buzzing noise as a giant fly buzzes past you, your eyes follow as you start to see a swarm of them. The buzzing soon turned into a cackling laughter as the giant swarm turned into three girls. They all held deadly sickles as they surrounded you.

'There was no escaping now.' you thought as you frantically looked around for somewhere to run.

The buzzing grew louder as the girls flew around you grabbing your legs and dragging you away. Their laughter and the loud buzzing were the only things you could hear as you zoomed around the maze-like castle until you entered a room and were dropped to the ground. Before you could move one of the girls grabbed your hair and yanked it, forcing you to sit on your knees as you yelped in pain.

"Mother, we bring you fresh pray." the black haired one said

"You are so kind to me, daughters." You heard a woman say

You look to see the woman who had spoken, she was sitting in an armchair near the fireplace. You could see her set down a crimson colored wine glass before she stood up to her full height. Your eyes traveled upward as your jaw dropped to marvel at her height. She had to be at least 9 foot, and for your average height of 5'6, she was practically a giant. She faced you and you instinctively looked away, her gaze was powerful, it felt like you were getting squished as her golden eyes pierced your skull.

"Leave her to me." one of the girls suddenly spoke up, but you couldn't see which one.

"No, I want her!" another one screeched back

"I caught her, so I should get her!" the last one screamed

They started bickering but before things could get out of control their mother stopped them.

"Now, now girls, you brought her to me, so let me handle it." she purred

"Yes Mother." all three said at the same time.

They left, leaving you with their Mother. She walked up to you, her cream colored dress flowing slightly as she swayed her hips. She reached down to touch you, as soon as you felt her glove against her skin you jerked your face away. She quickly grabbed your chin and yanked your head up to her, making you look at her. Your emerald green eyes met her piercing yellow ones, her crimson lips curled into a smile and her teeth glistening in the light.

"Well dear, why have you come to my castle hmm?" she purred

You weren't gonna lie but the way she said that made you blush fiercely, even with your darker skin color, the deep redness in your cheeks was still visible. The woman noticed and smiled slyly.

"Umm, I was just looking for a job." you finally say, your voice a slight whisper

"Very well." she said after a moment, letting your chin go

You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, you quickly stood up as the woman turned around and started walking to her chair again.

"Now you will work as one of the maids, I will provide you with clothes, food, and a roof over your head. I also suggest you don't try to run away, it would be very... unfortunate." she smiled a menacing smile and you gulped

"Vallery, my head maid, will show you to your room and give you your uniform. From now on you will address me and my daughters as either Miss, Mistress or Lady Dimitrescu. " she then waved her hand dismissing you.

Before you left, you quickly spoke up,

"M-Mistress, if it doesn't bother you too much, may I have a suit instead of a dress."

She looked at you, her eyes dancing in amusement.

"I'll see what I can do." she said, and you bowed low then left the room

Walking out of the bedroom you breathe a sigh of relief before you feel a tap on your shoulder. You jump and let out a small squeak before you look down. Standing next to you was a shorter woman, she was only about 5 foot, she had a head full of gray hair and blue eyes with fair skin, she was wearing the basic maids outfit but with a star pin on her dress.

"Sorry for scaring you dear." she said "I'm Vallery, the head maid. If you would please follow me, I'll show you to your room." she turned and walked away, and followed closely behind.

Finally you arrive in your new room. Vallery informed you that the alarm nearby was set to 6am and to get dressed, ready and in the kitchen by 7am. You thanked her and she left the room, retiring for the night. You quickly went to the bathroom and found an oversized shirt and some very short shorts that you changed into for the night. You looked into the mirror and sighed at your strange look. You have caramel brown skin and your 3b hair was black with a white streak. Unfortunately the white streak was caused by Poliosis that was said to have run in your family. Your eyes shone an emerald green, a quite odd type of green for an eye color. Although you had black hair it technically wasn't meant to be. Black is not a natural hair color, normally it's just a really dark brown hair. Strangely enough though, even if you hold up your hair to a bright light, it still stays black, as if it absorbed the light instead of reflecting it. You sigh and walk out the bathroom before blowing out your light and laying down to sleep.

(Word Count: 1516)

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