Chapter 36: Hello Misty Gale

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Ethan's POV

We arrived back at the picnic area with the black rabbit in hand, the other two girls had been fairly decent and weren't as bad as you thought. Even Daniela was niceish to you, even if you tried to kill her. When you make it back you see slightly confused Mia with a slightly fussy Rose, a panicked Heisenberg, and a very fidgety Donna. The other two sensed something was wrong upon not seeing their mother, something was wrong, really wrong. You walk up to Mia and wrap your arms around your disoriented wife, she looks up at you with a confused, but worried look.

"What happened?" you questioned no one in particular

"Alci and Bela went to look for Y/N." Mia whispered, "She found someone named Misty."

You nodded, you had no idea who this Misty was, but you could tell it was causing a lot of tension and panic. The other two daughters were buzzing anxiously talking with Heisenberg. You look at Donna, she was holding a silent Angie tightly, she seemed to be chewing her nail under her veil, but you couldn't tell. You sigh and hug Mia and Rose closer, hoping that Y/N was alright.


You walk into the cave opening, the lycans you had sent out had finally found where Misty was buried, but unfortunately, you couldn't know for sure. The lycans couldn't go into the cave, and with the strong magical energy coming from the inside, you couldn't blame them. Misty was no help, she couldn't remember where she had died, to be fair, she has been dead for 50 years. You walked into the cave, the silence was killing you, and you were quite curious about Misty, and you felt a sense of...guilt on your shoulders.



"What will you do when you come back? I mean you've been dead for so long so what will you do?"

She gave a small laugh, she seemed sad.

"That I don't know...I would assume that I'd help you with your future. Along with Donna and Heisenberg of course."

"What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Your happiness is important too."

"I'm afraid it might be too late for that darling..."

"It's never too late to find love Misty."

She gave a small sad chuckle.

"Y/N I-"

"I'm sorry Misty" you cut her off

"I'm sorry for killing the one you love."

She placed a hand on your shoulder, it was cold, her ghostly form made you shiver slightly.

"It's alright Y/N, I'm a future seer, I knew it was going to happen eventually."

"I'll make you happy Misty, I promise." you say

She gives a sad chuckle before removing her ghostly hand. You eventually make it to Misty's body, she looked like she was sleeping, it was hard to believe she had been dead for 50 years. Her pale skin illuminated from the small amount of sunlight that came through, her white hair looked like powdered snow on a cold winter day. She was wearing a beautiful green dress that sprawled out, making her look so beautiful. You look at the ghostly figure then back at her body.

"You're beautiful Misty." was all you could say

She looked at you, surprise dancing in her purple eyes, it must have been a shock hearing those words. You quickly pick Misty's lifeless body up and make your way back out of the cave. Her body was cold against your warm body and it made you shiver a bit. You walk to a small clearing, a pentagram was already drawn on the ground, placing Misty's body in the center. You open your satchel and take out the spell book, making sure you follow all the instructions.

Place 5 rune stones on star points


Place flower petals(s), animal spirit item, favorite item, and subject's body/body part in center

You place a rose petal, a white owl feather, and a small silver necklace with a green pendant with Misty's body.

Repeat these words, word for word

You read the words out loud, making sure not to stumble and mess up. You knew that if you mispronounced one word, then this whole thing could turn to shit real quick.

"Reduces me ad vitam."

You started the chant as Misty sat next to her body.

"Mors non est nobis pars"

The rune stones glowed red, soon illuminating the pentagon.

"Redi a morte"

Misty glowed slightly, the white light slightly blinding you.

"Et ad vitam"

You felt like your body was being set on fire as the red pentagon soon turned white.

"Non recedat anima tua a nobis"

The burning pain surged through your body, but you kept going, your head pounding, the wolf in you screaming in pain and agony.

"Sit anima tua ad vitam reditus!"

You scream the last part and fall to your knees, shielding your eyes from the bright light. After the light faded you looked up to see someone stirring, they slowly sat up, a hand pressed against their forehead, they looked at you. They're deep purple eyes met your emerald green ones, they looked at their hands, seemingly in deep thought before returning their eyes to you. You spoke, surprisingly your voice sounded so calm compared to your agonizing pain.

"Welcome Back, Misty Gale."

(Word Count: 842)

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