Chapter 13: Interrogations*

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        The team arrests Elizabeth and Dr. Sumner is rushed into his own ER for IV nutrients and to assess the damage on his hands. I'm afraid Elizabeth may have succeeded in preventing him from being able to practice medicine again. The doctor assigned to me wanted to test my blood levels and urine because we didn't know what she used to drug me. It turned out to be ketamine and my body was metabolizing it like it was supposed to be. The nurse tended to the minor rope burns on my wrists and ankles and now I'm just waiting to be discharged.
        Spencer is sitting with me and appears to be a nervous wreck. I tell him "you couldn't have known it was her at the time. None of us did. She was nice and I took the bait." Spencer sighs and says "maybe if we hadn't gone with Hotch's plan to pretend we didn't know each other, then this wouldn't have happened." I nod "maybe, but if we had done things differently, then maybe Dr. Sumner would be dead and not alive." Spencer nods "selfishly, I just never want to feel that feeling again. The one where I realized you were gone." I nod "I understand. I would feel the same way if I had been in your shoes. Every time you go on a case I dread getting a phone call that you've been injured or that you've been taken hostage. I just have to distract myself until you inevitably come home again."
        Spencer nods "maybe I should quit." I turn to look at him "absolutely not. People need you and you love your job. We can make it work. I have always known that you and your job are a packaged deal, Spencer. Maybe one day when we have kids we will have to work out a different arrangement, but for now I want you to continue doing what you love." Spencer nods "I can always work more remotely with Garcia and stay in the DC area." I nod "that's something we can discuss when it's time to cross that bridge. I'm happy with how this case went. I'm fine and I feel like people finally don't look at me like some weak damsel in distress. I need to thank Morgan for his training we've done together because that helped me a lot."
         Spencer smiles and squeezes my hand "good, I'm glad." Hotch is now walking towards us, still in tactical gear. He gives me a half smile and asks "how are you holding up?" I shrug "better than she is." Hotch chuckles and nods "we couldn't have solved this case this fast without you. I know it probably didn't go how you intended, but I'm very thankful that you were here." I nod "I'm happy I could help." Hotch asks me "I don't think we would ever need a full time speech pathologist at the FBI, but, should the circumstances arise, would you ever come back on another case?" I nod "yes, but I would want to have something to protect myself. Like a gun." Hotch nods "well we can do training and get you clearance for having a firearm for your own protection, but you won't do any cases or training simulating a take down. It will purely be for situations like what happened today."
        I nod "I understand, believe me I don't want to be at any take downs." He nods "I'll work with Strauss and make sure she knows how valuable you were to this case. She may send your name through the bureau in case they need more expertise." Spencer speaks up "she's not going on any FBI cases without me. I'm putting my foot down there." I nod and squeeze his hand "I don't want to go on any without you either, bubs." He sighs in relief. I turn to Hotch "can we have our wedding rings back, please?" Hotch nods, reaching in his pocket and handing them to us. We both immediately put them on and I feel ten times better.
        Hotch starts to walk away and I call out to him "hey, Hotch?" He nods and turns to me. I tell him "he's sleeping in my room with me when we get back to the hotel." Hotch nods "that's perfectly fine. It's late, we will have to stay tomorrow and wrap things up. We need to interrogate Elizabeth and figure out her motives and if there's anything important we missed or any body we missed. We won't be going home until the morning after next." I nod "okay, sounds like a plan." Hotch nods and continues walking.
        While I've been here, everybody on the team has stopped by to check on me at least once and I think they've almost got everything to a point where they can leave for the night. It's 2 am and I'm ready to go to sleep. Spencer tells me "as soon as you get discharged, we are going back to the hotel." I nod and scoot over patting the empty space in the triage bed next to me. He gives me a small smile and curls up with me, wrapping an arm around me. He's playing with my hair and I'm trying to think back to make sure I didn't miss anything important about the case. As we are both sitting in a content silence, we hear the commotion of a high pitched woman screaming.
The mystery is solved when Lila Archer comes into view. We see her but she doesn't see us and she's screaming "my boyfriend is an FBI agent, he's supposed to be here." I cringe internally at that. She tells one of the nurses Spencer's name and that's when she turns to see us. She smiles when she sees Spencer but knits her eyes in confusion when she sees his arm around me. She tries to brush off her expression with a laugh "what's this, honeybun?" Spencer sets his jaw "don't call me that." Lila then looks at me and asks "did you forget about what I said last night?" I shook my head "no, I didn't forget. I just didn't care."
Lila scoffs and narrows her eyes "Spencer, why are you even dating this whore?" Spencer stands swiftly and stalks towards her "she's not a whore. She's my wife. Walk away, Lila. You've already embarrassed yourself enough." Lila doubles down and stands her ground "your wife? Since when?" I shrug and speak up "about a month or so ago." Lila looks at Spencer and says "I know we had our ups and downs but I always thought you were the one for me, honeybun." Spencer narrows his eyes and says "you had a funny way of showing it. Leave before I call security. I don't want to see you ever again. The next time I see you, I'm getting a restraining order." Lila pouts and says "sure you are."
Morgan stalks up and says "he said leave. Get lost before we have to arrest you for harassing a federal agent." Lila waves her hands in mock surrender "okay, okay, boys. Just know, you made the wrong choice." Spencer scoffs "next time you look in the mirror, look deeper than just your makeup. You're the problem and you always have been." She opens her mouth to retort, she looks stunned by Spencer's words and I can tell the light in her eyes dimmed at what he said. She hesitates just long enough that Morgan grabs her by the arm and personally escorts her out of the emergency room.
Spencer angrily paces in front of the triage bed and I tell him "hey, it's okay. She's gone. You don't have to worry about her anymore." Spencer rubs his eyes harshly and I stand to hold his hands and keep him from hurting himself. He lets out a shaky breath and nods. He tells me "this has been one of the most stressful cases ever." I nod "I can see why. Let's just sit down and chill out until we can leave. Then we can go to bed and forget most of this ever happened. Every body is okay." He nods and sits down with me, holding my hand and caressing it with his thumb. He tells me "I should've defended you more than I attacked her." I scrunch up my face in confusion "Spencer, you did defend me. I think you handled the situation well. You stood your ground."
He huffs quietly and I tell him "it was kinda hot actually. I love it when you are all confident and ballsy." He blushes and says "don't get any ideas. It's straight to bed for you when we get to the hotel my little agent." I blush and nod "I'm far too tired to do anything tonight, but just know the memories of Spencer putting his foot down are going to get filed for future use." Spencer chuckles and says "only with my permission." I turn pink and laugh as he kisses me on the forehead. We continue the waiting game, God does it take a while to do anything in a hospital.

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