Chapter 3: Hot Tub Sub*

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        I wake up in the morning, light peeking through the slivers between the curtains just a bit. Spencer's arms are wrapped around me tightly, but not so tightly that I can't breathe. I can barely see the alarm clock on the night stand from here but it says it's almost noon Santorini time. I gently caress his hand and arm that's resting on my stomach, waiting for him to wake up on his own. He's holding me a bit protectively, I think he really did have a traumatic memory of my abduction last night. I'm so lucky to have this man here with me who loves me and saved my life and has worked with me to get over all of this. He still married me and has been so careful and gentle with me this whole time. He was well worth the wait.
I feel Spencer move and he gently turns me to look at him. He still has a sleepy look on his face and a morning voice as he asks me "hey? Why are you crying? What's wrong?" I sniffle, wiping tears I hadn't even realized I had shed. I give him a half smile and tell him through a choked voice "I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have you." Spencer smiles and nods, gently rubbing a thumb on my cheek as he says "and I'm lucky to have you, too." I shake my head and tell him "no, Spencer, I probably wouldn't be alive if I didn't have you. If you hadn't found me when you did, there's no telling what Harrison would've done to me. All I've done for you is cause problems and stress."
        Spencer looks completely dumbfounded at my words and even just a little angry as well. He sits up a bit as he says "are you forgetting I met you when I was fighting for my life in a hospital bed? You nursed me back to health, more than once if you count my migraines and having flu and strep at the same time. You do not cause problems and stress, in fact it's just the opposite. You make life worth living. I love you so much and I hate that you think such unkind and untrue things about yourself." I sniffle again and say through sobs "I don't deserve you, Spencer, you're too good to me." I am ugly sobbing and Spencer is looking at me with wide eyes and a shocked expression, I don't think he knows what to say at this point.
        He asks me after a minute of dumbfounded silence "are..d-do you feel okay?" I nod "yeah...just sad." He nods, I can almost see the numbers flying around in his head. He tells me "I bet your hormones are imbalanced because of all the changes brought by your new birth control injection. If you don't like it you don't have to do it." I give him a sad smile and shake my head "I need to stick it out for a little bit longer. They said that it could cause side effects and hormonal fluctuations and it hasn't even been two months that I've been on the injection yet. I'm sorry it's just really sucky timing." Spencer laughs "Annie, I seriously don't care about side effects as long as you're okay. If you don't like this one and want to change methods that's fine. Like you said, we aren't totally against having kids right now."
        I look at him and say "Spencer, I don't want to get married and get pregnant immediately after. I want to have some time with just the two of us before we add a baby to the mix. Babies are a lot and I don't want to share you yet. I know it won't 'look bad' under these circumstances, I just don't think I'm ready to start trying yet." Spencer nods and smiles softly "and that's okay." I nod "if I do get pregnant for whatever reason, we will keep it, I'm just not begging you to impregnate me yet." Spencer chuckles "oh so you have a breeding kink you didn't tell me about?" I laugh awkwardly and respond "um I actually don't know. Maybe? Once we get to that point we can try it out if you want to." He laughs "deal."
He smiles and asks "you feeling better now?" I nod "yeah, I'm sorry I woke you up like that." He gives me a soft smile and shakes his head "I am always here to comfort you when you need it." I smile and nod, snuggling into his embrace. He groans and asks "what do you want to do today?" I hum and ask him "why don't we get dressed and find somewhere to eat and then walk around and maybe shop a bit if we see anything we like? Then after we get back we can test out the hot tub or the pool?" Spencer smiles and nods "sounds wonderful. When do you want to get ready for that?" I hum and say "not yet, I'm still just enjoying this moment with you, Spence."


Spencer and I are walking hand in hand down the cobblestone streets of Santorini, no plans in mind, just going where the wind takes us. Spencer keeps me close to him because he's protective of me, especially in foreign places. As we are walking, we find a small mom and pop bistro that looks adorable and smells wonderful. A woman walks up to us and, in perfect English, asks us what we want to eat and drink. Spencer orders for us like he usually does. At this point I don't know what I would order without his expertise of different cuisines and my palette.
We sit there quietly and overlook the rooftops of the rest of the city below. I ask Spencer "what did you order us?" He hums "souvlaki and tzatziki. You're going to love it." I smile and nod, believing him wholeheartedly as he hasn't been wrong in ordering for both of us once. I ask him "you've seemed a bit tense since last night. Are you okay?" He nods and sighs as he says "yeah, it just brought back some painful memories seeing you like that is all."
I nod "to be fair, the first time I bled all over the bed in our relationship you didn't care at all so I know it wasn't the blood, per se, it was the memory." Spencer smiles and nods "yeah, blood doesn't bother me much at this point, but I'd rather not see your blood spilled." I laugh "I'll try to keep that in mind once a month." Spencer chuckles "to be clear, I don't care at all about you having your period, I care about you getting hurt." I smile and nod "I know, Spence. That's one of the things that makes you so wonderful."
The food arrives and it is so good and so tasty, just an overall explosion of flavor. It's a bit messy to eat, but it is worth it. Once we finish, Spencer pays and tips, even though I'm not sure if tipping is customary in Greece. Once we leave and are walking hand in hand back towards the hotel, I ask him about it. He tells me "I wasn't sure either whether or not it's common to tip waitstaff in Greece, but I just wanted to err on the side of caution. They were so wonderful to us and I didn't want that to go unappreciated." I hum and lay my head on his shoulder as we walk.
I tell Spencer "why don't we just get in the hot tub in our room when we get back? I want all of your attention for a bit longer." Spencer throws his head back in laughter "for these two weeks, you have my undivided attention." I blush as I smile and continue walking back towards our hotel. We window shop a bit on our walk back, but nothing catches our eyes enough to stop and shop. I have everything I could ever want right now in this moment. We easily make it back to the hotel and walk in the lobby to take the elevator to our floor. Once on the elevator I ask Spencer "so, that's still a hard no on fucking in the elevator?" Spencer gives me the briefest of smiles before he says "correct."
        The elevator opens at our floor and we walk out slowly, hand in hand. I'm sure we look stupid in our love sick daze but I really don't care. We make it into the hotel room and each set our things down and go to get changed into our swim suits. I go to the bathroom and put on a white bikini - bought specifically for this honeymoon trip - it's white with a ring holding the top together between my breasts as well as a string around my neck and back and the bottoms have ties on each hip. I look at myself in the mirror and kind of deflate a bit at the reflection. With everything that happened leading up to the wedding, I didn't get to get the wedding body I always wanted.
I peel my eyes away from the reflection showing the less than toned body I wanted to have for this trip. I put my hair in a bun with a scrunchie so it won't get wet and walk out of the bathroom to find my cover up and sunglasses. I walk out, not paying attention to Spencer's gaze following my every move. He says to me "you're not planning to wear that to the pool at any point are you?" My face falls and my heart sinks at his words. I look down at my body and back at Spencer as I say "um...I was planning on it. If..if you don't like it I can change." My voice breaks at the end of that sentence and Spencer steps closer to me instantly.
He asks softly "hey what's wrong?" I shake my head and say quietly "I didn't get to do all the work on my toning up in the gym with Morgan that I wanted to do and I've gained some weight since the attack and I just feel super flabby and bloated and if you are ashamed and don't want to be seen with me in this then I understand." Spencer laughs softly "Annie, I don't want you to wear it to the pool because I don't want to share you with anyone, even visually. I mean, I can't control you and if you want to wear it to the pool then I can't stop you, but maybe I can make it worth your while to only wear these delicate pieces of fabric with me in private?"
I meet his gaze with a shocked expression and ask him "you like it?" He smiles and nods emphatically "yes I like it very much. I love it, in fact, the only thing I would rather you wear is nothing." I sniffle a laugh at his joke and he tells me "I'm just selfish and don't want to share my beautiful wife with anyone else. You're mine. It's official, we have a license for that and everything now." I laugh hard at that and he says "there's that smile I was missing. You're beautiful, Annie, you look amazing." I smile and thank him. I look at him in his deep purple swim trunks that I picked out for him. I step back and look him up and down. I tell him "you don't look too bad yourself, baby." He chuckles and rolls his eyes "you're just trying to get in my pants."
I wink at him and walk out towards the balcony where the hot tub is. I call out as I walk away "you're damn right I am." I hear him chuckling as he follows me outside. I place my towel and cover up down on a chaise lounge chair and move to climb inside of the hot tub. Spencer reaches up and offers me a hand to help stabilize me on the way down. I smile at him and find a comfortable spot to sink into the water while Spencer gets in after me. We sit next to each other in the hot tub, Spencer takes my hand in his and gently plays with my hand with his. We sit in silence for a little bit, just looking out at the view from the balcony and savoring this moment.
        I lay my head on Spencer's shoulder and say "I'm so glad we did this." Spencer hums and says appreciatively "me, too." I tell Spencer "I feel like we should order drinks or something." I feel Spencer tense at my comment and I lean back to look up at him. I ask him "what was that?" He stiffens more and says "I didn't say anything." I move away to look at him better and tell him "you may be the profiler but I know you. What's wrong?" He sighs and says "Hotch told me not to tell you." I raise a brow and move even further away from him. I ask him "tell me what?" He tells me without looking up "I only found out last night, I just didn't know how to tell you this."
         I respond "tell me what, Spencer? You're scaring me." He tells me reluctantly "they found poison in the bottle of champagne that we left behind at the hotel in DC. A bellboy drank it after we left it behind and he was found dead from poisoning and the poison matched the champagne." My heart is beating out of my chest and I feel like my ears are ringing. I ask him "so if we had celebrated with the complimentary champagne that night we would be dead, too?" Spencer says "well Hotch said it was not an instantaneous poison, but the bellboy likely didn't know what to look for in terms of symptoms of poisoning. It wasn't a very advanced or fast acting poison."
        I say sarcastically "well that's good news." Spencer nods "it is! That means it's not a criminally sophisticated unsub and it could've just been we were victims of opportunity." I raise a brow "why wouldn't we be victims of opportunity? What else could it be?" Spencer holds a breath before he says "Annie, there are a lot of people that I've worked to put away that might want to hurt me. Friends or family of those that I or the team as a whole have killed might also have enough motive to hurt me, either directly or through you. We just have to be careful. I highly doubt this person was able to follow us to Greece. Still, to be safe, we probably shouldn't accept complimentary things on this trip." I nod "I think complimentary things are really common on honeymoon trips." Spencer nods "we just can't tell people we are on our honeymoon. I want you to be safe." I nod "and I want you to be safe, Spence."
         He smiles and gently pulls me back through the water towards him. He asks me "am I forgiven?" I sigh and nod after a few seconds. I tell him "I would've been more mad if you didn't tell me or waited longer to tell me. This is one of the few opportunities you've had to tell me where I haven't been an emotional wreck." Spencer chuckles "I really do think it's your new birth control you're on, baby. I'd rather wear condoms than see you on a constant emotional rollercoaster." I laugh and tell him "we haven't used condoms since the beginning of our relationship." Spencer nods "yeah and I don't care, especially if I need to to help you." I sigh and tell him "there's just a lot of room for error with condoms. Let me try to stick this injection out for a little bit and we can revisit this conversation later if the hormonal rollercoaster keeps running."
          Spencer nods "okay, if you change your mind let me know." I smile and nod "I will, baby." I lean up and kiss him. He quickly returns the kiss and begins to deepen it. I say between kisses "even if we aren't ready to make a baby, there's no harm in practicing." Spencer chuckles and asks "here? Now?" I hum an affirmative answer as I climb into his lap, straddling him in the hot tub. He tells me "we can't be too loud. This is private, but not sound proof." I chuckle "no promises." He shakes his head as I feel him loosen the strings on my back and around my neck. He throws my bikini top back towards the door to the room and kisses down my sternum, making me gasp in pleasure.
I say to myself "God I've missed this so much." Spencer chuckles, a bit evilly, and says "me, too, baby." He takes my right nipple into his mouth, playfully lapping and nipping at the sensitive bud. I'm grinding my hips against him and I can feel him getting hard beneath me. I'm trying to be quiet but I let out a "fuck," between my teeth. Spencer switches to my left nipple, still playing with the right one. My hips are still rocking against him, getting that glorious friction I was so desperately seeking. He's fully hard now and my grinding movements against him are hitting me just right. I gasp out for air as I realize my orgasm is approaching quickly. I try to tell Spencer "ah, Sp-fuck, baby, I-mmm...I'm gonna..." I didn't get the words out before I fell over the edge, wave after wave of intense pleasure hitting me with force and then washing over me.
I think Spencer was shocked, but he worked me through it all the same. I collapse against him and he draws wet shapes on my bare back as I recuperate from that intense orgasm. He starts chuckling and I ask him "what's funny, Spence?" He laughs as he says "I hardly touched you and now you're absolutely spent." I feel myself blush as I tell him "I think that's the first time I had an almost purely nipple stimulation orgasm." Spencer chuckles and says "we can try for that another time." I feel butterflies in my stomach. Something about him mentioning plans with me, especially sexual ones, just makes me feel so loved, so desired.
When I feel my energy start to come back, I lean back up and smile at him, probably a love drunk, or really a sex drunk, smile. He smiles at me and laughs slightly at my expression. He can't fool me, I can see the wheels turning behind his eyes. I ask him softly "what are you thinking about?" He hums and says after much deliberation "do you regret not waiting until our honeymoon?" I raise a brow as I respond "waiting to do what? Have sex?" He nods, almost with a sad expression now. I tilt my head a bit as I talk to him "no, I don't regret it at all." He looks a bit surprised at my answer and asks "why?"
         I shrug and tell him "I didn't need God's permission to have sex with you, that isn't why I waited as long as I did. I had, and still have, a lot of insecurities about my body and just about some emotional things. Sex was never going to be something that was going to be easy or fast for me, at least not in the beginning. I've always felt safe with you, even when exploring out of my comfort zone. I trust you to never do anything to hurt me. You've respected my boundaries many times, you've proven that you love and care for me in your words and actions. Marriage is a social construct for the most part, what I believed in was waiting until I found someone I loved and trusted. I did that 100%."
         He smiles softly and leans up, gently connecting our lips. He pulls back and says "I'm so glad that that's how you feel." I smile and nod "I've never had regrets about choosing you, Spencer. Sure I've been mad at you sometimes but never to the point of regretting any of this." He chuckles "well, I'm glad for that. I am also glad you feel comfortable with me and that I respect your boundaries." I respond "I'm willing to push them a bit more. I can always tell you 'yellow' and we can change what we are doing or take a break. You're really good at reading me and my body language." He chuckles deeply "good to know I'm good at my actual job."
      I laugh "so are we ready to get back into what we were just doing or do you want to get blue balls?" Spencer chuckles "I've never been worried about that. I've been edged before for much longer than I've ever edged you and that never happened." I move further back and raise a brow "I always forget you had a mainly submissive role before I came along." Spencer chuckles "I'm not against letting you take control again, you did a good job when we tried it in New York." I blush and say "thank you, that makes me feel a bit better. I'm always afraid to hurt you or upset you." Spencer chuckles "I think I've just made you into a pillow princess."
        I scoff "no, no. I ride you quite often, I do believe." Spencer chuckles "prove to me right now that you aren't a pillow princess." I scoff "I think I will." Spencer immediately goes limp. I laugh and say "I'm not a pillow princess and I'm also not a necrophiliac so please find the bones in your body because lord knows your dick is alive and well." Spencer chuckles and returns back to his sitting position that he was in previously. I stand up and help him remove his swim trunks because I don't want to hurt him or myself in the process of trying to pull him out of them with me still in his lap.
          I sit back down on his lap and he makes a tsk sound before gently untying my bikini bottoms on both hips. He also throws those towards the room and says "now, we are both on the same playing field." I laugh and tell him "I didn't think you'd be into having sex in a hot tub, really." Spencer shrugs "there's enough chemicals in a hot tub to kill all the harmful bacteria. I'm already in it, might as well go big or go home." I laugh and look down at his length "well we most definitely aren't going home." He chuckles and I start to move into position.
        Spencer tells me "be careful, sometimes water can have the opposite effect of lubrication. If this hurts or anything you can still prove to me that you aren't a pillow princess in bed." I chuckle "always so thoughtful, Spence." He smiles proudly at the praise as I sink down on his length. It is a bit drier than I'm used to, ironically, but not too bad. I slowly move up and down on him, controlling my breathing and trying not to be too loud. I find my rhythm and pick up the speed. I kiss Spencer's neck and nibble on his ear, making him moan a bit louder than I expected. I think I really like submissive Spencer.
         The good thing with men is that it really doesn't take long. I decide to speed things up by whispering dirty things to him. I ask him "do you like it when I bounce on your cock, baby? Do I feel so good wrapped around you?" He nods and says between breaths "yes, fuck, yes you do." He's leaned back and his neck is protruded out to me. I barely place my hand on his neck, no pressure applied at all. He looks up at me and nods "please." I tell him "three taps?" He nods "three taps." I continue riding him and slowly apply pressure to his neck. I grip onto the side of the hot tub to steady myself as I continue my movements. I ask him "who do you belong to?" He says through a strained voice "you, baby, just you." I hum and nod "you're damn right you're mine."
          I feel him twitching inside of me and I ask him "oh, baby, you gonna cum for me?" He nods and I squeeze his neck just a bit harder and stop my movements on his cock. He whimpers in disappointment and makes pitiful eye contact with me. I ask him "why should I let you cum?" He groans and says "because you love me and I've taken such good care of you and I already made you cum once." I slowly start to move on him again, moaning as I say "keep talking." He groans and says "be-because I surprised you with this trip and I am giving you my undivided attention for 2 weeks." I hum and slow just slightly as I ask "can I get the California king bed I want for our bedroom?" His eyes widen just a bit as I slow my hips down again. He groans and says "if you let me cum we can get the ridiculously giant bed for our room. Please, just make me cum, baby."
I chuckle a bit evilly as I pick up the pace as fast as I can and I kiss his lips while I squeeze a bit harder around his neck, not enough to bruise. I tell him "cum for me, baby." He groans and nods, taking no time to follow my orders as I feel him twitch and release inside of me. I slow my movements and come to a stop on top of him. Spencer slowly catches his breath as I continue to kiss on his neck. He's still half hard inside of me when he says "wait a minute, you didn't cum?" I hum and nod "yes I did. Before this, remember?" He shakes his head and says "no, stand up." I do as he says and he places his hands on my hips to turn me around. He lightly pulls me back down to his lap and has me place my feet on the seat, both his legs in between mine beneath me.
He pulls my arm to wrap around his neck behind me and he lines up at my entrance, slowly entering me again. I cry out just a bit and he slowly increases the pace of his thrusts inside of me. After he's found a stable rhythm, he moves his right hand to rub my clit in circular motions, making my vision go white for just a second. My orgasm is building fast and he knows this. Without missing a beat he just says "cum for me when you're ready, baby." He kisses my shoulder as I feel the orgasm brew within me. It takes me no time at all to let go for the second time and fall over the edge. He quickly reaches his end for a second time, filling me up again.
We stay in this position with me still slumped against him for a while. I chuckle and say "maybe I am a pillow princess because that was amazing." Spencer chuckles and kisses my temple. He tells me "that just means I'm good at what I do, baby, and, to be fair, your head was definitely not on a pillow for that one." I hum and nod, readjusting to pull him out of me. He groans in pleasure or disappointment, I'm not sure which, as I move to lean against him again in the hot tub. I ask him "should we get out? And clean up?" Spencer chuckles "if you want to, but sitting in a body of water just a bit longer isn't going to cause any problems. Let's just sit here for a bit." I hum in agreement and get comfortable against him with the jets of the hot tub swirling around the bubbles in the water and I watch the steam rising out of the water as we sit in a comfortable, happy silence.


We stayed in the hot tub for probably a little under an hour after our explicit activities. We took a shower together after and I think he probably could've gone for another round or two if I hadn't stopped him. Ironically, the hot tub made me more sore than usual, I think the water caused an increase in friction and not in a good way. He didn't fight me on my wishes at all, he even seemed to be apologetic for making me as sore as I was. When we got out of the shower he told me "after you dry off, go lay down on the bed face down, don't get dressed." I look at him with confusion and raise a brow as I say "Spencer, I told you I don't feel up for anything more." He gives me a soft smile and nods "I know, that's why I'm doing this, just trust me." I nod, I trust him so I follow what he says.
I try to brush my hair out beforehand and he shakes his head "nope, go lay down on the bed," as he takes the brush from me. What the hell? He doesn't seem mad or anything so I follow his wishes. I'm just utterly confused. I hear him rummaging through the bathroom and through bags. He comes out fully dressed and is holding a few things, including a bottle of oil. I don't think my eyebrow can go any higher without pulling a muscle. He laughs at my facial expression and says "I just want you to relax and I'm going to try to make you feel better, okay?" I nod and adjust to a comfortable position while laying on my stomach.
He climbs onto the bed and essentially straddles me. He pours oil on my back and starts giving me the best massage I've had in my entire life. He's using his thumbs in just the right places and he turns his hands to use his knuckles in even more right places. He gives the perfect amount of pressure that doesn't hurt too much. I'm moaning and Spencer chuckles "you sound happier now than you did in the hot tub." I moan again and say "Spencer, your hands are magic in more ways than one. Why have you never done this for me before?" Spencer hums "well I had to save something for the honeymoon didn't I?" I giggle and nod.
He gives me a full body massage and I'm feeling the best I have in months. After a while he has me turn over onto my back and he readjusts me so my head is in his lap. He does some light massage work on my face and he gives my scalp some love and appreciation as well. When he's done massaging my scalp, he sprays some detangler in my hair before also grabbing my brush from the night stand and brushing my hair out. He has me sit up so he can thoroughly brush it out and even him tackling the rat's nest that is my hair is gentle, painless, and all around soothing. I'm on cloud nine and he tucks me back into bed because he can tell I'm getting sleepy. He kisses my forehead and says "okay, baby, get some sleep. I'm going to work on some stuff for the team while you get some rest. I love you." I try to tell him I love him, too, but I'm passed out before I can finish the whole phrase.

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