Chapter 2: Consummation*

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I wake up and feel so much better than before. I look over at the alarm clock on the hotel nightstand and see that it's been about 5 hours since we fell asleep. I turn and look at Spencer who is asleep with his head on the mattress and his mouth is open as he breathes deeply in his sleep. If worse comes to worse, we can order room service instead of going out to a nice dinner. The wedding and just the last few months in general have been so draining for Spencer, too, not just for me. When we travel he tends to stay on guard and alert for our protection so I think he finally felt like he could relax when we got here. I bet he didn't want to have sex either based on how tired he appears to be.
I close my eyes and drift in and out of a half asleep state for a while because I didn't feel like trying to find my phone and risk waking Spencer up. We were both so tired we neglected to turn the tv on to sleep to as well. Spencer stirs not much later and smiles at me when he briefly opens his eyes and closes them again. He says in his gravelly morning voice "hey, how'd you sleep?" I smile and say "I slept like a log. You?" He hums "like a baby." I ask him "so how about we nix the nice dinner idea and just order room service and stay just like this?" Spencer chuckles "I knew I made the right choice in marrying you."
       I smile shyly and move over to him, kissing him on the nose while his eyes are still closed. His face scrunches up in delight at the action. He flutters his eyes open - those eyelashes are not fair, why are his prettier than mine? - and asks me "one more kiss?" He puckers his lips and I laugh quietly as I lean in and kiss his lips. He asks "what time is it?" I look over at the alarm clock and tell him "it's 7:30 pm Santorini time." Spencer hums and nods "definitely room service tonight. What are you in the mood for?" I shrug and tell him "anything sounds good." Spencer nods and sits up against the headboard, leaning over to pull up a menu for room service.
Spencer asks me "do you just want to stick to typical American food and start the Mediterranean exploration tomorrow?" I nod and tell him "yeah that sounds good." He nods and tells me "they have cheeseburgers, chicken tenders, club sandwiches, chef salads, and mac and cheese, any of those sound good?" I nod "I'll just stick with chicken tenders." Spencer nods "barbecue sauce and Diet Coke?" My mouth drops open just a bit and I chuckle awkwardly as I nod "yeah that's right." Spencer chuckles "eidetic memory, baby." I chuckle again as he reaches over to pick up the phone on the night stand and call in the room service order. He orders himself a hamburger and water as well as my order and hangs up the phone.
He turns to me and says "good news and bad news." I raise an eyebrow "oh?" He nods, looking solemn. He looks down as he says "bad news is they said our food will take 30 minutes to an hour to be brought to us." I nod, unsure of where he's going with this. He continues "good news is I can start with my appetizer right now, if you're up for it that is?" He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively and I chuckle, finally catching his drift. I smile a bit smugly and say "well that appetizer of yours sounds good to me, too, Dr. Reid." He chuckles and slowly moves to climb on top of me. Before he fully climbs on top of me, he pulls my shirt over my head, leaving me topless beneath him. He rests his lower body between my legs under the covers and kisses me gently, making me curl my fingers in his hair.
          He leaves gentle and soft lingering kisses on my lips and he tells me "I love you so much, Annie. I can't believe you married me." I smile and look in his eyes as I ruffle his unruly bed head curls. I tell him "you better believe it because I'm not going anywhere. I love you, too, Spence." He chuckles and peppers more kisses on my lips before moving down my body. He sighs as he reaches my collarbone and says "this was definitely worth the wait." I smile as I breathe in and out at a fast rate, excited to finally consummate our marriage. I say breathlessly "Spence, please," mindlessly begging and for what I don't know. Spencer chuckles as he says against my burning skin "patience, angel." The butterflies flutter in my stomach at the nickname.
He trails kisses down my sternum and his fingers play with my nipples, stirring the arousal already brewing within me. I can't control my erratic breathing at this point, especially after he gently sucks on each nipple, giving an equal amount of love and attention to each one. He takes his time until I'm practically bucking my hips into him because of how badly I want him to refocus his attention elsewhere. He chuckles darkly and says "now what did I say about patience, princess?" I groan and tell him through ragged breaths "I'm sorry, just want you." Spencer chuckles "I know, baby, I just want to savor this moment."
He leans back onto his knees and off of my body, I shiver at the loss of warmth, and he gently grabs the waistband of his boxers shorts that I'm currently wearing and tugs them down my legs. Spencer unashamedly licks his lips at the sight of me and I feel butterflies in my stomach yet again under his piercing gaze. He gently rubs his thumbs over my knees as he tells me "baby, I want you to tell me if you feel overwhelmed or need to stop or anything at any point. Just because we are married now doesn't mean consent goes out the window. If you need to stop at any point for any reason then we will stop." I smile and nod "thank you, Spence." He smiles back and asks "you ready to keep going?" I nod with an excited shiver.
He lays down on his chest between my legs, gently stroking his finger up and down my folds, exploring slowly. I'm struggling to not move and keep my legs open, causing Spencer to chuckle from deep in his chest. He says softly "so eager for me, so wet." I moan and nod "please, Spencer." Spencer chuckles again as he begins to thrust one finger in and out of my core. He moves his finger tip against my g spot with every thrust, making my legs shake to the point he has to hold one leg still so they won't close all together. He adds another finger and continues his motions, making me curse at the added stimulation. He then moves to wrap his mouth around my clit and adds a third finger at the same time.
Moans are escaping me without my control and I ask him "Spencer, please can I come?" Spencer says quickly "you don't have to ask tonight, baby, be a good girl and come for me." With his permission, I don't hesitate to give in to my orgasm. I cry out in pleasure as I thread my hands into his hair, feeling every wave of pleasure crash into me. Spencer doesn't stop, continuing at the same pace with both his fingers and his mouth. It takes no time at all before another orgasm washes over me with added force from before. My hips are bucking in his direction without any control, and he finally takes mercy on me, removing both his hand and his mouth from me.
        He places his fingers in his mouth and sucks them clean while I catch my breath. He climbs back up my body and kisses a trail up my sternum and neck to my lips. He kisses my lips gently, I can taste myself on his lips and it's an overwhelming feeling. He pulls back slowly and asks me "want to keep going?" I nod and say "fuck yes, please, Spence." He chuckles deeply and nods. He asks me "condom?" I shake my head "absolutely not. If you get me pregnant now, nobody is going to care." He laughs at my words and says "people will care, it just won't be frowned upon by the majority of your family." I nod "but, to be fair, my gay brother ripped off the majority of that metaphorical bandaid." Spencer chuckles "that may be true, but I'm sure you're happy to have one less thing to worry about at family gatherings."
        I chuckle and tell him "just shut up and fuck me, Dr. Reid." Spencer chuckles "with pleasure, Mrs. Reid." I bite my lip out of shyness and smile as I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his lower torso. He slowly pushes into me, both of us moaning in pleasure at the purely intimate sensation. He keeps a slow rhythm, gently pulling out and pushing into me in a delicious pattern. Once I feel warmed up to his size, I tell him "faster, baby." He grunts and nods as he picks up the pace, driving into me with growing speed. I'm scratching down his back because of the euphoric feelings he's giving me.
       I start to pulse around him and I think he can feel it when he asks me "you gonna come again for me, baby?" I nod and moan in pleasure and he responds "come for me, baby, come all over my cock." He adjusts his thrusts so his pubic bone rubs against my clit and I moan loudly into his mouth as he kisses me while I come undone around him. He keeps up the pace, keeping the same pattern of movements. He tells me "one more baby, give me one more." I groan out of disorientation and shake my head. Spencer chuckles and says "maybe this will help?" He readjusts again, still continuing the same tempo of thrusts and takes his right hand down to rub my clit. I cry out and fall over the edge once again without warning, meeting my fourth orgasm of the night.
         Spencer groans and I feel him twitch inside of me before I feel him fill me up. He groans and lays down, resting his lower body between my legs and his head between my breasts. We both catch our breath and I play with his hair. He hums in content at the feeling of my fingers in his hair and I ask him "you feel good, bubs?" He chuckles "we just consummated our marriage, Annie, I'm fucking euphoric." I laugh at his words, savoring this moment with my husband. He asks me "you feeling okay?" I chuckle and nod "I feel great, baby." He hums and nods, nuzzling into me some more. Spencer loves to be held and loved, probably just like any man does, and I love that he feels safe enough with me to be vulnerable like this.
          We sit in a comfortable silence for a while, eventually Spencer moves to get up and he slowly starts to pull out of me. Once I'm completely bereft of his length, he stills and I look up at him. He looks up to me and back down a few times before asking me "baby, are you sure you're okay?" I nod, confused, and say "yeah, I'm sure, why?" He clears his throat before he says " just bled...more than you have in a while." I sit up and look at what he's talking about. By no means is it like how I was after Harrison removed my IUD, but it is a bit more than the time I started my period in bed with Spencer. I tell him "I've just been spotting and having breakthrough bleeding since I started the birth control shot, Spence."
        He looks at it and then looks at me and asks "are you sure? This is kind of a lot." I nod "Spence, look at me." He finally looks into my eyes for longer than two seconds with a guilty expression. I tell him "you did not hurt me and that felt amazing. It's just been a minute since we went that hard and this shot has me all kinds of fucked up right now. I am okay." He nods and sighs a sigh of relief. I chuckle and ask him "how are we going to explain this to housekeeping?" He shrugs and says "I'll call for the maid now and you can go get in the shower." I raise an eyebrow "you're going to call now?" Spencer shrugs "the best chance at getting blood stains out is working on them immediately. I've thrown away a lot of clothes because I didn't move fast enough to remove the blood from different cases." I nod, of course he has experience with blood in hotels.
        I tell him "but are you going to answer the door with a still bloody dick or will you shower with me really fast?" Spencer chuckles and nods "good point, let's shower fast and then we can get decent and call the maid to come replace the sheets." I ask him "will you get me something to clean up? Like a paper towel? Real towels stain badly with blood and I don't want to pay for one from here." Spencer nods, leaving the room and rummaging around the bathroom before returning with a damp warm wash cloth. I begin to ask him a question and he says first "I'm not cleaning you up with a paper towel when a real towel is available. I'll pay to replace it if I have to, I really don't care."
         I blush a bit at his words and he cleans me up gently, like always. I tell him "Spencer, thank you for always taking care of me." He smiles "1. I love to take care of you in all aspects and 2. It's my job as your husband to take care of you." I don't argue with him at that and move to stand with him after he places the wash cloth down. He tells me "go pee and get in the shower." I chuckle and nod "yes sir." He slaps my ass as I walk past him and I squeal in shock as I continue on to the bathroom. I follow his instructions, doing my best to prevent a UTI and turn on the water, letting it warm before hopping in the shower.
        We literally just got out of the shower a few hours ago but we have to clean the blood off of us. I'm under the stream of water, enjoying the heat, for a few minutes before Spencer finally joins me. He walks in and wraps his arms around me and I ask him "what took you so long, bubs?" He hums and says "I gathered up the sheets and stuff and put them by the door. The good news is there's a mattress cover on the mattress so the blood didn't damage the mattress. I called the front desk and informed them of the situation. I had to tell them you started your period so they could come with the necessary equipment in order to clean up blood. I also grabbed a box of your normal tampons and a box of your normal pads in case you need them tonight."
       I turn and blink at him and ask "I didn't see those in my bag?" Spencer shakes his head "no, I packed them just in case. Your cycle has been a bit unpredictable ever since...and...well Emily told me it would be a good idea to bring ones you're comfortable with in case we couldn't find the same ones here." I lean up and kiss him deeply. He chuckles and asks "what was that for?" I shrug and tell him "I just love how you always think of me and the things I might need. You really do take such good care of me, Spence." He smiles and says "again I love taking care of you and it is also now officially my job."
        I smile and nod "let's just clean up and get decent before the maid gets here." He laughs and we both quickly clean up, he keeps his hair out from under the shower stream given that he just washed it a few hours ago and it has finally dried. We get out and clean up, he leaves the room to get dressed and brings me back some clothes to wear. He grabs me some pajama pants  and a shirt of his as well as some underwear and brings it to me in the bathroom. He tells me "take your time getting dressed, baby, I'll be right out here."
        I nod and begin to get dressed and ready for bed. I decide to go ahead and use a pad just so we won't have a repeat of the same problem later tonight. Once I'm dressed and I have my hair brushed out I walk out to see Spencer talking with the maid. She looks at me with a smile and a bit of pity. She tells me "your husband tells me you have your time of the month now, yes?" I blush a bit and nod "yes, I'm sorry." She laughs and walks over to me "no, child. No sorries." She wraps me in a hug and honestly it's a nice hug and I didn't know I needed it. She pulls back and tells me "my name is Eleni, you can call me El, I take care of you two while you stay here, okay?" Spencer and I smile and thank her. She tells us "go into other room and I will get this all sorted out for you two, okay?"
         We follow her instructions and thank her again right away. We sit on the couch in the living area and chat absentmindedly when we hear another knock at the door. Spencer and I exchange confused looks. He goes to the room and checks the peephole before opening the door. A man smiles at him and says "room service." Spencer and I look at each other, reminded of the dinner order we had placed earlier. The man wheels the cart in to us and sets it by the table before wishing us a good night. Spencer quickly tips him and the man thanks him and leaves the room. We sit and eat in near silence, both of us having forgotten how hungry we were before the events of the last hour took place.
        When we are about half way done eating our dinner, Eleni walks out and bids us goodnight, telling us the bedding should be good as new. Spencer thanks her and stands to walk her to the door, tipping her nicely as well I'm sure. Once we are left alone again, I ask Spencer "so are you not going to fuck me anymore if I keep bleeding like that?" Spencer's eyes grow wide at the question before he shakes his head and laughs a bit awkwardly. He says "I mean I'll buy all the towels at the nearest store that carries them if I have to." I ask him "no shower sex?" He chuckles and shakes his head "maybe once or twice, but shower sex is wildly dangerous and I don't want to go to the ER here in Greece if I can help it." I laugh and nod "as long as we get to have a semi normal honeymoon, then I don't care." Spencer chuckles and nods "I'll do my best, baby."

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