Chapter 31: Beau or Bow?

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It didn't take long for the rest of the team to figure out JJ is pregnant. Everybody was just as excited for JJ and Will as we were, we were all extremely excited that JJ and I were going to experience this together and have kids that grow up together. My morning sickness still comes and goes, but hasn't been anywhere near as bad as it was in the beginning of my pregnancy. Spencer has continued to be a doting husband and father to be. Derek has been finishing up the upstairs bedroom and bathroom as well as helping us with the nursery.
I'm 18 weeks now and you can definitely tell with my bump. I can hide it with oversized sweat shirts if I really want to, but honestly I can't get enough of it. I'm so excited to meet my baby. I also can't wait to find out if the baby will be a girl or boy. I have ideas for both genders, but I haven't really had a chance to run them by Spencer yet. We have ordered a white bedroom nursery suit that could go for either gender. We will decide on decor and walls and stuff when we know for sure what the gender is. As soon as I get excited hoping for one, I get sad we won't have the other. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to only have one, I just can't decide which gender I might want more. I'm just happy to be having this baby.
We decided on calling the gender reveal/one year anniversary party title "Beau or Bow?" as some of my family from the south will be here and they'll appreciate it. I plan to ask Spencer about my name ideas when he gets home tonight. He's on the way and Morgan will be shortly behind him within an hour or so to work on building the nursery furniture. I'm a bit nervous, but I don't really know why. I'm watching his location as I nervously clean and nest the kitchen and living room area. He's pulling in the driveway as Ryder stands by the door as he barks and wags his tail, happily awaiting the arrival of his dad.
Spencer walks in within a minute, looking a bit tired but still happy to see both of us. He smiles and his eyes brighten when he makes eye contact with me before looking at my ever growing bump. He says "wow, the baby grows more and more every time I leave." I chuckle and tell him "Spencer, you have only been gone two days, I hope I'm not that much bigger." He asks me "have you felt any kicks yet?" I shake my head "no, but it'll be soon, I'm sure of it." He smiles and continues to hold the bump over my sweater. After a few seconds he walks away and grabs his bag, going to unpack it and put the dirty laundry in the hamper.
I ask him "can I talk to you about something before Derek gets here?" His features change into one of concern as he nods and closes the distance between us, sitting next to me at the island. I tell him "it's not that serious, I mean it is, but it's not bad I promise." I watch some tension leave his shoulders as I tell him "I have some baby name ideas?" He smiles widely and nods "okay, let's hear them!" I tell him "for a boy, I was trying to think of some family names, so I have Theodore, but we would call him Teddy, or I also like Alexander, or Jackson. I also was thinking of names of the men close to you, like Jason, or David, or Derek, or Aaron. I was thinking of Theodore Jason Reid, but call him Teddy. What do you think?"
His features twist a few times before he says "honestly, I love Gideon, but I'd name a child after Rossi or Hotch first. I invited Gideon to our wedding and I never heard back. He never even wrote me. He left me hanging much like my father did." I nod and then ask "okay, I understand. What about Alexander David Reid? Call him Alex for short?" Spencer smiles and nods "I like that a lot." I smile and nod "me, too." He rubs his thumb over the back of my hand and asks "what about girl names?" I nod and tell him "on my family side, I was thinking of Madeline, Katherine, Victoria, and Molly. I kind of already have a favorite of those, but I wanted to hear your thoughts?"
He smiles and says "I love all of those names. I like Madeline and Katherine the best. They seem the most classic, timeless." I smile a lot and tell him "I think Katherine is my favorite, with a K, and I have a middle name picked out already." He smiles and angles his head curiously. I tell him "Katherine Diana Reid, we will call her Katie for short." I'm very intent on my children having easy nicknames because it made such a difference for my name and I enjoyed having nick names. Spencer smiles and his eyes get glassy for just a moment when he smiles and nods "I love that. That's my favorite one of all you've said. Thank you for including my loved ones, especially my mom, in the naming process." I smile and squeeze his hand "she created you, and for that I am forever grateful."
He closes the distance and kisses me. I ask him "how is her moving process going?" He sighs and says "it's going okay. Everything is worked out and ready for her to move here." Spencer is leaving tomorrow to get her packed up and moved from here to Vegas. I offered to go but he told me to stay and work and that I shouldn't fly because it could make my sickness worse. I know he's right, but I hate that he's doing this alone. We are going to let her get settled in at her new facility that's only 15 minutes from our house for a few days prior to the party. At times she's fighting this process, but I think knowing she has a grandchild on the way is really motivating her. It sure as hell motivated Spencer to get on the ball about moving her here.
He refuses to ask for any help from the guys on the team who I'm sure would try to help. I can't even sneakily ask or he would know. Spencer is fiercely independent to the point of breaking sometimes. What sucks is being on the receiving end of him refusing to ask for help when you know you can help. It's really just a waiting game for him to accept that he really does need help and can't do it alone. He's had to be so fiercely independent for so long he doesn't know how to give up control sometimes.
I order in some Chinese to be delivered for Spencer and Morgan and myself because Morgan is coming over tonight to help build the crib. The only thing we have in there is a neutral glider I picked out that will go with either of my nursery themes I have picked out for a boy or girl. Pink and blue are already my favorite colors so I'm so excited for this decorating process. Morgan walks in right after I've ordered the food and he greets us both happily even though they both just left a case and saw each other within the last few hours. I hug him and thank him for coming to the house to help after they've worked a case. He smiles and tells me "there's no better way for me to unwind from a case than for me to build or make something. How are you doing, Annie? And how is my little niece or nephew doing in there?"
I smile and tell him "I haven't felt a kick yet, it's making me nervous." Spencer tells me "in the first pregnancy it's normal to not feel the baby kick until you're over 20 weeks pregnant. Your last ultrasound was perfectly normal." We already had our anatomy scan before Spencer left on the last case and it went well. My doctor told me everything looked great. She asked if we wanted to know the gender and we worked out for somebody to call JJ with the gender so she could make the right arrangements for the gender reveal.
We were both just so relieved to have a good report of a happy and healthy baby. There have been no warnings or diseases or anything genetic or chromosomal or anything that have come up. I'm just counting my blessings and keeping everything I have crossed that I can. In the past year or so, I've prayed to God more than ever. Morgan, Spencer, and I are in the nursery while they start building the crib and I'm sitting in the neutral glider, pinning nursery ideas to my Pinterest board on my iPad. Neither of them have let me lift a finger since they found out. Spencer is learning a lot from Morgan and they're getting along great in a normally stressful process. I listen to Morgan tell stories on Spencer and I love watching Spencer laugh and blush at some of them. None of them surprise me.
When Morgan tells me the story of when he tackled Spencer and the unsub after Spencer saved them by quoting Nietzsche to the unsub. I start cackling whenever Spencer says "I didn't sleep right for a week after he tackled us both to the ground on some rocky forest floor." I laugh until I feel what feels like movement in my stomach. I gasp heavily and say "whoa, what's happening?" I reach my hand out for Spencer who grabs my hand as he kneels next to me and asks me "what's wrong?" I put my hand to my stomach and feel movement. Spencer puts his hand on my belly too and says "our baby is kicking." We look at each other and my eyes flood with tears. Spencer's eyes become glassy, too, as we both keep laughing happily in surprise.
I look up at Morgan and tell him "come feel?" Derek moves closer and tentatively places a hand on my stomach and feels the baby kick. He says "whoa, that's insane! It's like an alien!" I laugh some more which makes the baby kick even more. Spencer laughs himself and says "the baby likes it when you laugh I think." I smile and giggle as I say "me, too." I look at Derek and tell him "I'm glad you were, here, too. You're family to us." Derek smiles and tells me "you're my family, too, Annie Bananie." As far as I know, Spencer doesn't know that Derek carried my frozen body out of that abandoned building and never left my side the whole time I was getting brought back to life. I'll have to tell him that eventually. I know they're like brothers.
The doorbell rings and I stand to go get the door. Spencer stands and I tell him "I can handle getting the door and bringing in some Chinese food bags, Spencer. I'm not that pregnant yet." Spencer gives me a sad smile and nods, helping Morgan get his stuff cleaned up so they can eat. They got the crib assembled within an hour, I'm impressed, and I didn't even have to lift a finger. We spread the food out family style and eat, Spencer's germaphobia has gotten a lot better over time, especially since being abducted and being in rehab. We enjoy this meal together until I tell Spencer "hey you need to get some sleep, you've got a long day tomorrow." Morgan asks "what's going on?"
My eyes go wide and Spencer looks at me with mild frustration. Spencer says "I'm going to Vegas and moving my mom back here over the next couple of days. I'm packing her up and then I'm going to stay the night at a hotel and then I'm going to spend the next day moving her back here. Morgan asks me "are you going, too?" I tell him "Spencer was afraid my sickness would get a lot worse with the driving and flying, so I'm staying home." Morgan tells him "Hotch gave us the rest of the week and weekend off for your gender reveal and anniversary party. I can go with you." Spencer tells him "no, it's fine, I can handle it." Morgan nods "I know you can handle it. We don't offer to help because we don't think you can handle it. We offer to help because you shouldn't have to do everything by yourself, kid. We all love you and want to help and be there for you in any way we can."
Spencer looks down and then looks up "if you want to come I don't think I can stop you." Morgan nods "you're right, I can stalk you to Vegas or I can come with you to Vegas. Your choice." Spencer chuckles and nods "okay, okay." I smile and nod "okay, you two boys are tired and it looks like you've got a flight to book and catch tomorrow, Derek. Go get some sleep, boys." Derek gives me a big but gentle hug and also hugs Spencer before leaving to head back to his house. I think the last few months have made him realize how we are not promised the next day in life even more so than before. He hasn't been clingy, but he just seems more appreciative than anything of our presence in his life.
        Spencer and I easily wind down and get ready for bed together, too tired to do anything more. We lay down to go to sleep and Spencer holds me until I'm too hot and force him to not touch me because the baby has been making me feel like a furnace at night. Poor Spencer is freezing with the air set on 65 and I'm finally feeling cool with barely any clothes on and no blanket. Spencer takes it in stride and doesn't complain or act upset. We just say our I love yous and good nights.

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