Chapter 17: Simulation

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       Spencer and I made it home on Sunday morning after making sure JJ was safe. We were both exhausted and just fell into bed, sleeping in a tight embrace. Spencer ends up leaving Monday morning for a case and I also go to work, like normal. He had told me before he left to be extra careful and vigilant at all times until we figure out this stalker. I assured him I would be. He kissed me goodbye and then left.
I went about my life like normal, remaining hyper vigilant of my surroundings. I walk into work during the daylight hours and choose not to wait to walk in with anybody. I make it into work and get into my office, getting ready for the day. As I'm typing up notes, a woman comes and knocks on the open door frame. I look up and make eye contact with her. She has dark hair, brown eyes, and an olive skin complexion. She's tall and slender, she's honestly gorgeous. She gives me a nervous smile and asks "I'm sorry to bother you, but do you know how I can get to the OB department? My friend just had a baby." I check the time, realizing I have a good amount of time before my first patient, I stand and smile "Hey, sure - I'll walk you there." She says "oh no, you don't have to do that!"
I smile and shrug "it's not a big deal at all, it's this way." She smiles thankfully, but still looks a bit nervous. I reach out my hand and tell her "I'm Anneliese, but most people call me Annie." She shakes my hand and says "that's a pretty name, you don't hear it often. Why don't people call you by your real name?" I shrug and say "my husband started the nickname and it just stuck. Only strangers and my family back home call me Anneliese now." We make our way up to the viewing area of the babies and I see there are no babies there. I look at a nurse that's nearby and ask her "was there a baby born last night?" She shakes her head "no new babies here since yesterday morning."
My new friend says "what? That's odd." She looks at her phone and says "oh no, I think I'm at the wrong hospital. Is this George Washington University Hospital?" Before I can respond, the nurse responds "no this is MedStar." She looks a little embarrassed and heads for the elevator "I'm so sorry, thanks for your help!" I give her a small smile and wave goodbye as she heads down the hall toward the elevator. The nurse rolls her eyes at the woman as she walks away out of sight and tells me to have a good day.
I shrug and head back to my office. Stranger things have happened here for sure. I get back into my office and sit down to finish up the report I was writing. Killian walks in and says "hey, Aaron filled me in on the stuff that's been happening. You guys just never get a break, huh?" I laugh and nod "this is what it's like when you get involved with an FBI agent. It isn't for the weak." She nods and sighs, sitting down in front of my desk. I tell her "I'm about to start some serious training and doing simulations and stuff at Quantico. Do you want to join? It could be fun to do it together."
Killian furrows her brow and asks "why are you doing that?" I shrug "I want to know how to handle dangerous situations before I'm in them. Spencer, Morgan, and Hotch are going to help me in their down time. At least if you're there you get to spend time with your boyfriend." She nods "true." I tell her "it can't hurt." She nods "do you think I'll be targeted?" I shrug "I don't want that to happen, but it is definitely possible." She nods and I continue "with this stalker shit happening, I'm tired of being the victim." She nods "I think we are all tired of that for you, babes."


       Friday morning, Spencer comes home from the case and into the bedroom at like 4 am. Ryder gets excited and barks. It's not a lot of commotion, but it's enough that it wakes me up. Spencer is petting Ryder and gives me a sheepish and apologetic smile. He tells me "I'm sorry I woke you up. We just got back into town and finished everything up." I give him a sleepy smile and do grabby hands at him. I tell him "I'll forgive you if you come give me a kiss." He chuckles and nods, walking around the bed to fulfill my request.
        He tells me "I'm going to get ready for bed, go back to sleep." I hum and try to follow his directions. I quickly fall back asleep and wake up what feels like moments later when Spencer crawls into bed with me. He spoons me from behind and I hum in content at the feeling. I ask him "how was the case?" He hums and says "we caught them in the end, but there were still victims that didn't make it before that." I turn to face him and gently scratch my nails through his hair. He hums in content at the feeling as I tell him "I'm sorry that happened, bubs. I know you hate it when you guys lose people."
        He nods "it sucks, but it's part of the job." I hum but don't say anything else. I ask him "do you want to try to do a simulation after I get done with work tonight?" He nods and says "I'll ask everybody later this afternoon, but if it works for everybody, then yes." I smile and kiss his nose. He scrunches up his face and laughs. He tells me "okay, you need to get back to sleep because you have to be at work soon." I laugh lightly and nod "yes, sir." He plants a gentle kiss on my lips and says "good night, Annie." I smile "sweet dreams, Spencer."

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