Chapter 23: Everything at Once*

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      Spencer drives home quickly, for obvious reasons. I'm anxious, the good kind of anxious, but also excited but also scared. Pretty much all of the emotions that are in between fear and happiness. I know I can stop Spencer at any time and he will listen and not argue or pressure me, he will only try to help. I have no reason to think Spencer would ever disregard our safe words. The only thing that we've ever really fought about was when Emily "died" and he wanted to have sex and I wasn't emotionally ready and was projecting that on to him. That whole issue could've been avoided had we just communicated better.
         I'm excited because I know this is gonna be fun and exhilarating, but I also know I'm going to be absolutely spent after it's all said and done. I wasn't expecting him to pin me against the car and make me cum that fast. I barely had time to catch my breath. Sometimes my favorite Spencer to have sex with is angry Spencer because he turns into hard dom Spencer, to me anyway, and we push the limits a bit more. I also like soft Spencer who makes me feel loved and cherished. Usually he can accomplish both of those in one night whether it's during the scene or via aftercare.
         He asks me "what are you thinking about?" I tell him "oh um I guess I'm just nervous." He laughs and says "don't worry, you're going to have all the fun." I laugh and tell him "I want you to have fun, too." He hums "I will in a different way." I nod and tell him "I don't know how this is going to help your blue balls." He shrugs "I'm going to cum first tonight." I laugh "technically I already did cum first."
          He laughs and says "I guess that's true." I smile to myself, loving how my brattiness usually gets me more orgasms in the end. Not always, but usually. The only rule Spencer is a hard enforcer of is me touching myself without his permission. He really doesn't like it when I feel like I'd rather do it myself without him, but he will give me permission when he's on cases. Sometimes we even get to have phone sex now.
         We make it home and we run into the house, ensuring the doors are locked and the alarm is armed before we run back to our bedroom like teenagers whose parents are away for the weekend. I reach for the hem of my skirt and Spencer swats my hand away and tells me "I told you to leave that dress on." I had no idea he was that serious with the dress comment. I hold my hands up and sit down on the bed in surrender. I lean back on my hands and cross my legs and ask him "do you still want to cum first?" He leans down and traps me between his arms. He tells me softly but seriously "don't top me from the bottom, kitten. I'm in charge here."
I bite my lip and nod "yes, sir." He licks his lips and tells me "keep biting that lip and see what it makes me do in response." I brace my lips over my teeth making my mouth into a straight line. This garners a laugh from Spencer as he says "good girl." He reaches down and grabs me gently by the upper arms, pulling me up to stand before taking my spot I had previously occupied on the foot of the bed. He leans back and tells me "how well you do right here with me will determine how the rest of the night goes for you. You will be having orgasms tonight, but whether you end the night feeling good from them is up to your performance here and now."
         I gulp in response and nod "yes, sir. I understand." He gives me a sweet smile, his genuine Spencer smile that he can't hide from me if he tried. He leans back on his palms, everything still buttoned and zipped - he really wanted to make this hard for me. I ponder for a second before I look up to his eyes, a question on the tip of my lips, but afraid of speaking without permission. He gently runs his fingers through my hair and tells me "ask me your question." I blush just a bit and ask somewhat shyly "are...are there any rules? Like anything I can or can't use?" Spencer looks up at the ceiling, I suppose thinking, and back down and says "no penetrative sex." I nod and blush some more. He asks me "anything else?" I ask him "what about toys?" He laughs, I think intrigued, and nods "I think I'll allow it. You must use your mouth predominantly and keep your clothes on."
          I figured there would be a catch. He chuckles and leans back, enjoying the many emotions on my face. I ask him "so there aren't any rules against anything else?" He nods. I ask "so I may speak freely?" He nods "yes, you may, but I have to say I've enjoyed how timid you've been with your speech tonight." I feel my blush creep further down my neck. I reach forward and straddle Spencer first, grinding my barely clothed heat against his hardening cock. I thread my hands in his hair and kiss his lips hard. He returns the kiss and grabs my hips, I think he's straining to resist moving them against him harder.
          I give it my all, grinding on his lap and kissing his face and neck - using my mouth - and he pulls away with a breathless laugh "I feel you pulsing against me. You need stop before you cum again and get punished for the rest of the night." I pout a bit and tell him "well you can't say I wasn't using my mouth." He chuckles and nods "you found a loophole." I lean back and climb off of him. I turn around and bend over to pick a fake speck off the carpet, purposefully showing Spencer the crotch of my underwear. I'm really glad I wore some hot underwear he bought me before because when I stood up and turned back around, I realized he had tented up a bit more in his pants. I smile and wink back at him as I walk over to the sex drawer.
He tells me "you haven't even taken my dick out of my pants yet and you're getting reinforcements?" I fake laugh/scoff in mock offense as I walk over to him again with a couple of toys I picked out from the drawer. I get on my knees in front of him and tell him "you're gonna love it I promise." He hums and looks at the things I've grabbed, a bunch of random things honestly. I grabbed one of my favorite vibrators, some flavored edible lube, and the vibrating cock ring I've used on him before. He picks up the cock ring and tells me "you know what the end goal is supposed to be, right?" I shrug and nod "doesn't mean you have to get overstimulated and cum super fast." He chuckles and runs his fingers through my hair "thank you."
          I smile and blush, feeling like a praised puppy. I gingerly reach for the button on his pants, unbuttoning them and pulling down the zipper. He makes small little moans as I pull his half hard dick out of his pants.  I get the lube from beside him on the bed and squirt some into my hands before gently rubbing it onto him. It doesn't take him long for him to stand at attention. After he is fully hard, I turn the cock ring on and slide it onto him. He lets out a gasping moan and I gently press against his chest and tell him "lie down, enjoy it." He hums and follows my instructions.
          I'm surprised I didn't get an angry reaction for telling him what to do, maybe I am doing a good job. I gently rub his cock up and down, ghosting my thumb over the tip with each pass of my hand. Spencer is trying to hold back his moans, his eyes are closed and he grabs fistfuls of the sheets. I smile to myself and continue working on the task at hand. Spencer has more self control than I do and doesn't really need the cock ring for the use of helping him last longer, but I think it does help the play last longer without him getting overstimulated.
            I continue my hand and take my mouth to his tip, licking his tip with kitten licks as I continually pump my hand on his cock, never losing the beat. I continue this for a minute or two and then gently put just the tip in my mouth, swirling my tongue around it. I can tell Spencer wants to move my head or hold it in place by the way he opens and closes his hands. I take more in my mouth, slowly moving my mouth up and down his shaft, reaching my limit about three quarters of the way down.
           Once I feel like I'm about to lock my jaw up, I pull back and grab the vibrator, ghosting it up and down his cock a few times before settling it on the underside of his tip, making him jolt in response. I smile to myself and pull it off for a second before placing it back, trying not to overstimulate him too much. An idea hits me and I turn off the vibrator, placing it back down. I take the cock ring off of Spencer, still gently caressing him up and down after I do that. I take the cock ring and place it on my tongue, vibrator side down under my tongue to avoid accidentally swallowing it.
           I surprise Spencer by taking his cock back into my mouth, stimulating him with the vibrations in my mouth. I take him in my mouth as far as I can handle about four times, making eye contact with him when he looks up at me, and then I grab the vibrator and turn it on quickly before pressing it against his perineum. He groans loudly and thrusts his hips up a couple of times before losing the battle and cumming down my throat. He pulls my face off of him once he starts to get overstimulated and holds his hand out in front of my mouth. I spit out the cock ring into his hand.
           He has an odd look on his face, a proud look, maybe? He definitely looks surprised. He tells me "while that was amazing, I don't want you putting anything with batteries in your mouth. If you had swallowed that it could've killed you or choked you." I nod and look down ashamed "yes, sir." He gently lifts my chin and tells me "however, that felt fucking amazing and I'm glad I got to experience it once." I smile and blush, looking away again. He lifts my chin and says "lay on the bed, it's your turn."
         I get excited and stand up. I go to get on the bed and ask Spencer "permission to speak?" He nods and I ask him "May I please take the dress off now? I don't want to um...damage it...possibly." Spencer chuckles and nods "yes you make take it off, but next time you wear that out somewhere, I'm going to fuck you over a bathroom sink wherever we end up." I blush and think to myself that he shouldn't tempt me with a good time. I turn around for him and ask him "Will you unzip me please?" He pushes my hair to one side and unzips my dress. I put the dress in the dirty clothes hamper along with the rest of the clothes from the night.
          After Spencer places a towel on the bed, he gives me a soft smile and tells me "get on the bed, princess." I nod and say "yes sir," following directions. He asks me "are cuffs tonight okay?" I smile and nod "yes, sir." He chuckles and says "I don't even have to ask." He takes off his clothes and puts his clothes in the hamper as well. He grabs his cuffs from the dresser and walks over to me, cuffing my hands together after putting the chain around a rung of the headboard. He asks me "what's your color?" I smile at him "green." He tells me "this isn't a punishment, quite the opposite. I want to see how fast I can make you cum where you can't stop it or control it. This is going to be overstimulating and you can stop me at any time. If you think I take too long now, then you're going to wish I took longer later."
         He can tell I want to say something and asks me "yes?" I gulp "I just meant you take your time with me. The amount of time is good, not too long. We just didn't have time for a quickie in the car before Rossi's." Spencer smiles and says "I know that's what you meant, I'm not mad. It just gave me an idea. If this were a punishment then I would only be stopping for safe words and not taking any input from you." I nod and tell him "I didn't want to hurt your feelings. If anything I meant it as a compliment because most guys don't take long at all."
         He nods and smiles "I know, I've worked on my self control for a while. It's difficult in the beginning." I nod, knowing he means he worked on it with other women. He climbs onto the bed and grabs the lube I pulled out and puts some on his right hand. He tells me "I don't care if you fight your orgasm or chase it this time, I'm going to do my best to make it where you can't control it." I gulp, knowing he can do it. He asks me "color?" I nod "green." He gingerly places his right hand at my entrance, that's the last thing he does slowly. He quickly thrusts his fingers inside of me against that delicious bundle of nerves. I couldn't fight it if I tried. I cum hard and fast on his fingers, hoping most of the wetness is the lube, but knowing it probably isn't.
         I catch my breath and Spencer chuckles "10 seconds that time." I tell him "I saw black for a second." Spencer laughs "good." I've always known he could make me cum like this where I couldn't stop it if he really wanted to, he could force me to cum where I would have to face every punishment for cumming without permission, but he makes it where I can actually win, he makes it fair. He gingerly touches me again before pushing his fingers into my heat, again thrusting his fingers and moving his hands against my g spot with such precision and I lose it again when his other hand rubs my clit in hard fast circles.
           I cum just as quick that time if not faster, almost feeling pain with how intense the last one was. Spencer senses this I think and sits still, not even touching me I think for fear of overstimulating me even more. He asks me "color?" I shake my head "yellow, it's too much too fast." Spencer nods and takes a step away from me off the bed. He gently comes back and begins cleaning me up softly. He tells me "I think we are going to stop here. You okay with that?" I nod "yeah, that was a lot." He nods "I'm sorry I hurt you." I tell him "I mean let's stop with the fast and furious game and can we just be together?" He smiles in relief, he says "yes, we can do that."
He still is cleaning me up and taking the toys into the bathroom to wash later when I ask him "can you unlock me now, please?" He nods "yes, I can." He unlocks the cuffs and removes them from my hands. He gingerly climbs on top of me and asks me "are you ready?" I nod. He smiles and gingerly pushes into me, finding no resistance. I moan and link my arms around his neck to hold on to him. He smiles, picking up the pace in response. He's hitting all the right spots, making me shiver with every thrust. It doesn't take long for me to get close to the edge. I tell him "I'm gonna cum." He shifts his weight just a bit so he can lean on his left arm and he gingerly uses his right hand to rub my clit in circles. He tells me "cum for me, angel."
I don't waste any time and hold on tight to him as I go over the edge. He continues his thrusts, but begins to stagger them towards the end of my orgasm. He follows me over the edge, thrusting a few more times, before pulling out of me and laying down next to me. I cuddle up to him and lay my head on his chest. He wraps an arm around me and kisses the top of my head "I love you, Annie." I smile and tell him "I love you, Spencer."

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